3 research outputs found

    An XCAST Multicast Implementation for the OverSim Simulator

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    The development of hybrid multicast simulation models is required for analyzing proposed hybrid multicast architectures such as those from the IRTF Scalable Adaptive Multicastw Research Group. However most network layer simulators don't scale to the number of nodes needed for analyzing large overlays, and most overlay simulators don't have multicast routing models needed for analyzing hybrid approaches. In this work we have extended the OverSim simulator and INET framework which run on OMNET++ to include a multi-destination multicast routing protocol (XCAST). This paper describes our implementation experience

    Exploiting Parallelism in the Design of Peer-to-Peer Overlays

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    Many peer-to-peer overlay operations are inherently parallel and this parallelism can be exploited by using multi-destination multicast routing, resulting in significant message reduction in the underlying network. We propose criteria for assessing when multicast routing can effectively be used, and compare multi-destination multicast and host group multicast using these criteria. We show that the assumptions underlying the Chuang-Sirbu multicast scaling law are valid in large-scale peer-to-peer overlays, and thus Chuang-Sirbu is suitable for estimating the message reduction when replacing unicast overlay messages with multicast messages. Using simulation, we evaluate message savings in two overlay algorithms when multi-destination multicast routing is used in place of unicast messages. We further describe parallelism in a range of overlay algorithms including multi-hop, variable-hop, load-balancing, random walk, and measurement overlay

    Efficient service discovery in wide area networks

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    Living in an increasingly networked world, with an abundant number of services available to consumers, the consumer electronics market is enjoying a boom. The average consumer in the developed world may own several networked devices such as games consoles, mobile phones, PDAs, laptops and desktops, wireless picture frames and printers to name but a few. With this growing number of networked devices comes a growing demand for services, defined here as functions requested by a client and provided by a networked node. For example, a client may wish to download and share music or pictures, find and use printer services, or lookup information (e.g. train times, cinema bookings). It is notable that a significant proportion of networked devices are now mobile. Mobile devices introduce a new dynamic to the service discovery problem, such as lower battery and processing power and more expensive bandwidth. Device owners expect to access services not only in their immediate proximity, but further afield (e.g. in their homes and offices). Solving these problems is the focus of this research. This Thesis offers two alternative approaches to service discovery in Wide Area Networks (WANs). Firstly, a unique combination of the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and the OSGi middleware technology is presented to provide both mobility and service discovery capability in WANs. Through experimentation, this technique is shown to be successful where the number of operating domains is small, but it does not scale well. To address the issue of scalability, this Thesis proposes the use of Peer-to-Peer (P2P) service overlays as a medium for service discovery in WANs. To confirm that P2P overlays can in fact support service discovery, a technique to utilise the Distributed Hash Table (DHT) functionality of distributed systems is used to store and retrieve service advertisements. Through simulation, this is shown to be both a scalable and a flexible service discovery technique. However, the problems associated with P2P networks with respect to efficiency are well documented. In a novel approach to reduce messaging costs in P2P networks, multi-destination multicast is used. Two well known P2P overlays are extended using the Explicit Multi-Unicast (XCAST) protocol. The resulting analysis of this extension provides a strong argument for multiple P2P maintenance algorithms co-existing in a single P2P overlay to provide adaptable performance. A novel multi-tier P2P overlay system is presented, which is tailored for service rich mobile devices and which provides an efficient platform for service discovery