49,456 research outputs found

    3D particle tracking velocimetry using dynamic discrete tomography

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    Particle tracking velocimetry in 3D is becoming an increasingly important imaging tool in the study of fluid dynamics, combustion as well as plasmas. We introduce a dynamic discrete tomography algorithm for reconstructing particle trajectories from projections. The algorithm is efficient for data from two projection directions and exact in the sense that it finds a solution consistent with the experimental data. Non-uniqueness of solutions can be detected and solutions can be tracked individually

    Dynamic discrete tomography

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    We consider the problem of reconstructing the paths of a set of points over time, where, at each of a finite set of moments in time the current positions of points in space are only accessible through some small number of their X-rays. This particular particle tracking problem, with applications, e.g., in plasma physics, is the basic problem in dynamic discrete tomography. We introduce and analyze various different algorithmic models. In particular, we determine the computational complexity of the problem (and various of its relatives) and derive algorithms that can be used in practice. As a byproduct we provide new results on constrained variants of min-cost flow and matching problems.Comment: In Pres

    Multiple Projection Optical Diffusion Tomography with Plane Wave Illumination

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    We describe a new data collection scheme for optical diffusion tomography in which plane wave illumination is combined with multiple projections in the slab imaging geometry. Multiple projection measurements are performed by rotating the slab around the sample. The advantage of the proposed method is that the measured data can be much more easily fitted into the dynamic range of most commonly used detectors. At the same time, multiple projections improve image quality by mutually interchanging the depth and transverse directions, and the scanned (detection) and integrated (illumination) surfaces. Inversion methods are derived for image reconstructions with extremely large data sets. Numerical simulations are performed for fixed and rotated slabs

    Accelerated High-Resolution Photoacoustic Tomography via Compressed Sensing

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    Current 3D photoacoustic tomography (PAT) systems offer either high image quality or high frame rates but are not able to deliver high spatial and temporal resolution simultaneously, which limits their ability to image dynamic processes in living tissue. A particular example is the planar Fabry-Perot (FP) scanner, which yields high-resolution images but takes several minutes to sequentially map the photoacoustic field on the sensor plane, point-by-point. However, as the spatio-temporal complexity of many absorbing tissue structures is rather low, the data recorded in such a conventional, regularly sampled fashion is often highly redundant. We demonstrate that combining variational image reconstruction methods using spatial sparsity constraints with the development of novel PAT acquisition systems capable of sub-sampling the acoustic wave field can dramatically increase the acquisition speed while maintaining a good spatial resolution: First, we describe and model two general spatial sub-sampling schemes. Then, we discuss how to implement them using the FP scanner and demonstrate the potential of these novel compressed sensing PAT devices through simulated data from a realistic numerical phantom and through measured data from a dynamic experimental phantom as well as from in-vivo experiments. Our results show that images with good spatial resolution and contrast can be obtained from highly sub-sampled PAT data if variational image reconstruction methods that describe the tissues structures with suitable sparsity-constraints are used. In particular, we examine the use of total variation regularization enhanced by Bregman iterations. These novel reconstruction strategies offer new opportunities to dramatically increase the acquisition speed of PAT scanners that employ point-by-point sequential scanning as well as reducing the channel count of parallelized schemes that use detector arrays.Comment: submitted to "Physics in Medicine and Biology

    A Novel Convex Relaxation for Non-Binary Discrete Tomography

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    We present a novel convex relaxation and a corresponding inference algorithm for the non-binary discrete tomography problem, that is, reconstructing discrete-valued images from few linear measurements. In contrast to state of the art approaches that split the problem into a continuous reconstruction problem for the linear measurement constraints and a discrete labeling problem to enforce discrete-valued reconstructions, we propose a joint formulation that addresses both problems simultaneously, resulting in a tighter convex relaxation. For this purpose a constrained graphical model is set up and evaluated using a novel relaxation optimized by dual decomposition. We evaluate our approach experimentally and show superior solutions both mathematically (tighter relaxation) and experimentally in comparison to previously proposed relaxations
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