121 research outputs found

    Compressive Sensing-Based Grant-Free Massive Access for 6G Massive Communication

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    The advent of the sixth-generation (6G) of wireless communications has given rise to the necessity to connect vast quantities of heterogeneous wireless devices, which requires advanced system capabilities far beyond existing network architectures. In particular, such massive communication has been recognized as a prime driver that can empower the 6G vision of future ubiquitous connectivity, supporting Internet of Human-Machine-Things for which massive access is critical. This paper surveys the most recent advances toward massive access in both academic and industry communities, focusing primarily on the promising compressive sensing-based grant-free massive access paradigm. We first specify the limitations of existing random access schemes and reveal that the practical implementation of massive communication relies on a dramatically different random access paradigm from the current ones mainly designed for human-centric communications. Then, a compressive sensing-based grant-free massive access roadmap is presented, where the evolutions from single-antenna to large-scale antenna array-based base stations, from single-station to cooperative massive multiple-input multiple-output systems, and from unsourced to sourced random access scenarios are detailed. Finally, we discuss the key challenges and open issues to shed light on the potential future research directions of grant-free massive access.Comment: Accepted by IEEE IoT Journa

    Infinite Factorial Finite State Machine for Blind Multiuser Channel Estimation

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    New communication standards need to deal with machine-to-machine communications, in which users may start or stop transmitting at any time in an asynchronous manner. Thus, the number of users is an unknown and time-varying parameter that needs to be accurately estimated in order to properly recover the symbols transmitted by all users in the system. In this paper, we address the problem of joint channel parameter and data estimation in a multiuser communication channel in which the number of transmitters is not known. For that purpose, we develop the infinite factorial finite state machine model, a Bayesian nonparametric model based on the Markov Indian buffet that allows for an unbounded number of transmitters with arbitrary channel length. We propose an inference algorithm that makes use of slice sampling and particle Gibbs with ancestor sampling. Our approach is fully blind as it does not require a prior channel estimation step, prior knowledge of the number of transmitters, or any signaling information. Our experimental results, loosely based on the LTE random access channel, show that the proposed approach can effectively recover the data-generating process for a wide range of scenarios, with varying number of transmitters, number of receivers, constellation order, channel length, and signal-to-noise ratio.Comment: 15 pages, 15 figure

    Nonorthogonal Multiple Access for 5G and Beyond

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    This work was supported in part by the U.K. Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) under Grant EP/N029720/1 and Grant EP/N029720/2. The work of L. Hanzo was supported by the ERC Advanced Fellow Grant Beam-me-up

    The Road to Next-Generation Multiple Access: A 50-Year Tutorial Review

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    The evolution of wireless communications has been significantly influenced by remarkable advancements in multiple access (MA) technologies over the past five decades, shaping the landscape of modern connectivity. Within this context, a comprehensive tutorial review is presented, focusing on representative MA techniques developed over the past 50 years. The following areas are explored: i) The foundational principles and information-theoretic capacity limits of power-domain non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) are characterized, along with its extension to multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO)-NOMA. ii) Several MA transmission schemes exploiting the spatial domain are investigated, encompassing both conventional space-division multiple access (SDMA)/MIMO-NOMA systems and near-field MA systems utilizing spherical-wave propagation models. iii) The application of NOMA to integrated sensing and communications (ISAC) systems is studied. This includes an introduction to typical NOMA-based downlink/uplink ISAC frameworks, followed by an evaluation of their performance limits using a mutual information (MI)-based analytical framework. iv) Major issues and research opportunities associated with the integration of MA with other emerging technologies are identified to facilitate MA in next-generation networks, i.e., next-generation multiple access (NGMA). Throughout the paper, promising directions are highlighted to inspire future research endeavors in the realm of MA and NGMA.Comment: 43 pages, 38 figures; Submitted to Proceedings of the IEE

    Multiple Access for Massive Machine Type Communications

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    The internet we have known thus far has been an internet of people, as it has connected people with one another. However, these connections are forecasted to occupy only a minuscule of future communications. The internet of tomorrow is indeed: the internet of things. The Internet of Things (IoT) promises to improve all aspects of life by connecting everything to everything. An enormous amount of effort is being exerted to turn these visions into a reality. Sensors and actuators will communicate and operate in an automated fashion with no or minimal human intervention. In the current literature, these sensors and actuators are referred to as machines, and the communication amongst these machines is referred to as Machine to Machine (M2M) communication or Machine-Type Communication (MTC). As IoT requires a seamless mode of communication that is available anywhere and anytime, wireless communications will be one of the key enabling technologies for IoT. In existing wireless cellular networks, users with data to transmit first need to request channel access. All access requests are processed by a central unit that in return either grants or denies the access request. Once granted access, users' data transmissions are non-overlapping and interference free. However, as the number of IoT devices is forecasted to be in the order of hundreds of millions, if not billions, in the near future, the access channels of existing cellular networks are predicted to suffer from severe congestion and, thus, incur unpredictable latencies in the system. On the other hand, in random access, users with data to transmit will access the channel in an uncoordinated and probabilistic fashion, thus, requiring little or no signalling overhead. However, this reduction in overhead is at the expense of reliability and efficiency due to the interference caused by contending users. In most existing random access schemes, packets are lost when they experience interference from other packets transmitted over the same resources. Moreover, most existing random access schemes are best-effort schemes with almost no Quality of Service (QoS) guarantees. In this thesis, we investigate the performance of different random access schemes in different settings to resolve the problem of the massive access of IoT devices with diverse QoS guarantees. First, we take a step towards re-designing existing random access protocols such that they are more practical and more efficient. For many years, researchers have adopted the collision channel model in random access schemes: a collision is the event of two or more users transmitting over the same time-frequency resources. In the event of a collision, all the involved data is lost, and users need to retransmit their information. However, in practice, data can be recovered even in the presence of interference provided that the power of the signal is sufficiently larger than the power of the noise and the power of the interference. Based on this, we re-define the event of collision as the event of the interference power exceeding a pre-determined threshold. We propose a new analytical framework to compute the probability of packet recovery failure inspired by error control codes on graph. We optimize the random access parameters based on evolution strategies. Our results show a significant improvement in performance in terms of reliability and efficiency. Next, we focus on supporting the heterogeneous IoT applications and accommodating their diverse latency and reliability requirements in a unified access scheme. We propose a multi-stage approach where each group of applications transmits in different stages with different probabilities. We propose a new analytical framework to compute the probability of packet recovery failure for each group in each stage. We also optimize the random access parameters using evolution strategies. Our results show that our proposed scheme can outperform coordinated access schemes of existing cellular networks when the number of users is very large. Finally, we investigate random non-orthogonal multiple access schemes that are known to achieve a higher spectrum efficiency and are known to support higher loads. In our proposed scheme, user detection and channel estimation are carried out via pilot sequences that are transmitted simultaneously with the user's data. Here, a collision event is defined as the event of two or more users selecting the same pilot sequence. All collisions are regarded as interference to the remaining users. We first study the distribution of the interference power and derive its expression. Then, we use this expression to derive simple yet accurate analytical bounds on the throughput and outage probability of the proposed scheme. We consider both joint decoding as well as successive interference cancellation. We show that the proposed scheme is especially useful in the case of short packet transmission

    Study of Robust Adaptive Beamforming Algorithms Based on Power Method Processing and Spatial Spectrum Matching

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    Robust adaptive beamforming (RAB) based on interference-plus-noise covariance (INC) matrix reconstruction can experience performance degradation when model mismatch errors exist, particularly when the input signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is large. In this work, we devise an efficient RAB technique for dealing with covariance matrix reconstruction issues. The proposed method involves INC matrix reconstruction using an idea in which the power and the steering vector of the interferences are estimated based on the power method. Furthermore, spatial match processing is computed to reconstruct the desired signal-plus-noise covariance matrix. Then, the noise components are excluded to retain the desired signal (DS) covariance matrix. A key feature of the proposed technique is to avoid eigenvalue decomposition of the INC matrix to obtain the dominant power of the interference-plus-noise region. Moreover, the INC reconstruction is carried out according to the definition of the theoretical INC matrix. Simulation results are shown and discussed to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method against existing approaches.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure
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