1,177 research outputs found

    Cyber-Physical Systems for Smart Water Networks: A Review

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    There is a growing demand to equip Smart Water Networks (SWN) with advanced sensing and computation capabilities in order to detect anomalies and apply autonomous event-triggered control. Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) have emerged as an important research area capable of intelligently sensing the state of SWN and reacting autonomously in scenarios of unexpected crisis development. Through computational algorithms, CPSs can integrate physical components of SWN, such as sensors and actuators, and provide technological frameworks for data analytics, pertinent decision making, and control. The development of CPSs in SWN requires the collaboration of diverse scientific disciplines such as civil, hydraulics, electronics, environment, computer science, optimization, communication, and control theory. For efficient and successful deployment of CPS in SWN, there is a need for a common methodology in terms of design approaches that can involve various scientific disciplines. This paper reviews the state of the art, challenges, and opportunities for CPSs, that could be explored to design the intelligent sensing, communication, and control capabilities of CPS for SWN. In addition, we look at the challenges and solutions in developing a computational framework from the perspectives of machine learning, optimization, and control theory for SWN.acceptedVersio

    Predictive Demand Modeling for New Services in Hyperconnected Urban Parcel Logistics

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    Proceeding of IPIC 2021, 8th International Physical Internet Conference, June 2021.The rapid growth of demand and fierce competition are encouraging logistics service providers towards expanding their competency in terms of offering novel and faster services and reinventing their logistics system so as to profitably and sustainably gain market shares. However, analyzing customer behavior and the underlying causes of demand variability for new services are complex tasks. This paper is dealing with customer behavior modeling for a service provider who wants to extend its offering system to much faster delivery service than ever done before. To adjust its logistic capacities with future demand, it needs to estimate the volume and geographical distribution of demand for new offered services. By capturing customers’ sensitivities to the delivery-time observed in historical sales data and geo-categorization of orders in different time factors, a scenario-based demand generation methodology and tool are introduced for generating a wide range of demand scenarios with probabilistic patterns for customer behavior over all service offers with dynamic pricing. These are used to feed a simulator which models large-scale urban logistics networks service and offerings. In an application, it enables testing service capability improvements achievable by leveraging Physical Internet aligned transformation in a Chinese megacity

    Smart Sustainable Mobility: Analytics and Algorithms for Next-Generation Mobility Systems

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    To this date, mobility ecosystems around the world operate on an uncoordinated, inefficient and unsustainable basis. Yet, many technology-enabled solutions that have the potential to remedy these societal negatives are already at our disposal or just around the corner. Innovations in vehicle technology, IoT devices, mobile connectivity and AI-powered information systems are expected to bring about a mobility system that is connected, autonomous, shared and electric (CASE). In order to fully leverage the sustainability opportunities afforded by CASE, system-level coordination and management approaches are needed. This Thesis sets out an agenda for Information Systems research to shape the future of CASE mobility through data, analytics and algorithms (Chapter 1). Drawing on causal inference, (spatial) machine learning, mathematical programming and reinforcement learning, three concrete contributions toward this agenda are developed. Chapter 2 demonstrates the potential of pervasive and inexpensive sensor technology for policy analysis. Connected sensing devices have significantly reduced the cost and complexity of acquiring high-resolution, high-frequency data in the physical world. This affords researchers the opportunity to track temporal and spatial patterns of offline phenomena. Drawing on a case from the bikesharing sector, we demonstrate how geo-tagged IoT data streams can be used for tracing out highly localized causal effects of large-scale mobility policy interventions while offering actionable insights for policy makers and practitioners. Chapter 3 sets out a solution approach to a novel decision problem faced by operators of shared mobility fleets: allocating vehicle inventory optimally across a network when competition is present. The proposed three-stage model combines real-time data analytics, machine learning and mixed integer non-linear programming into an integrated framework. It provides operational decision support for fleet managers in contested shared mobility markets by generating optimal vehicle re-positioning schedules in real time. Chapter 4 proposes a method for leveraging data-driven digital twin (DT) frameworks for large multi-stage stochastic design problems. Such problem classes are notoriously difficult to solve with traditional stochastic optimization. Drawing on the case of Electric Vehicle Charging Hubs (EVCHs), we show how high-fidelity, data-driven DT simulation environments fused with reinforcement learning (DT-RL) can achieve (close-to) arbitrary scalability and high modeling flexibility. In benchmark experiments we demonstrate that DT-RL-derived designs result in superior cost and service-level performance under real-world operating conditions

    Towards spatiotemporal integration of bus transit with data-driven approaches

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    This study aims to propose an approach for spatiotemporal integration of bus transit, which enables users to change bus lines by paying a single fare. This could increase bus transit efficiency and, consequently, help to make this mode of transportation more attractive. Usually, this strategy is allowed for a few hours in a non-restricted area; thus, certain walking distance areas behave like "virtual terminals." For that, two data-driven algorithms are proposed in this work. First, a new algorithm for detecting itineraries based on bus GPS data and the bus stop location. The proposed algorithm's results show that 90% of the database detected valid itineraries by excluding invalid markings and adding times at missing bus stops through temporal interpolation. Second, this study proposes a bus stop clustering algorithm to define suitable areas for these virtual terminals where it would be possible to make bus transfers outside the physical terminals. Using real-world origin-destination trips, the bus network, including clusters, can reduce traveled distances by up to 50%, making twice as many connections on average.Comment: 20 pages, 16 FIGURE

    From Network to Web dimension in supply chain management

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    Cette thèse soutient que la dimension réseau, étant actuellement la portée du domaine de la gestion de chaîne logistique, contraint l’avancement de ce domaine et restreint des innovations conceptuelles et fondamentales capables d’adresser les grands défis économiques, environnementaux et sociaux. Les concepts de chaîne et de réseau ne reflètent pas la complexité des flux physiques, informationnels et financiers générés par les interactions qui ont lieu dans des réseaux interconnectés. Ces concepts n’offrent pas les fondations théoriques pour supporter des interventions allant au-delà d’un seul réseau et laissent échapper des opportunités nécessitant une vision multi-réseau. Ainsi, la dimension “web”, celle des réseaux de réseaux, est proposée comme une extension de la dimension réseau. Cette extension peut être vue comme l’étape naturelle suivante dans la progression qui a commencé par le niveau de gestion des opérations internes, est passée au niveau de la chaîne logistique et se trouve actuellement au niveau du réseau logistique. Après l’investigation théorique des raisons et de la façon d’intégrer la dimension web dans le domaine de la gestion de la chaîne logistique, la thèse étudie des implications importantes de cette intégration sur la collaboration inter-organisationnelle et le processus de prise de décision dans des environnements de webs logistiques. Elle démontre, en exploitant l’exemple des réseaux interconnectés ouverts, des potentialités inimaginables sans une vision web. Une méthodologie de conception d’un modèle de simulation permettant l’évaluation et la comparaison des webs ouverts par rapport aux webs existants est proposée. Puisque l’aide à la décision est une composante importante de la gestion de la chaîne logistique, la thèse contribue à déterminer les besoins des gestionnaires et à identifier les lignes directrices de la conception des outils d’aide à la décision offrant le support adéquat pour faire face aux défis et à la complexité des webs logistiques. Ces lignes directrices ont été compilées dans un cadre de conception des logiciels d’aide à la décision supportant la dimension web. Ce cadre est exploité pour développer quatre applications logicielles offrant aux praticiens et aux chercheurs des outils nécessaires pour étudier, analyser et démêler la complexité des webs logistiques.This thesis argues that the network dimension as the current scope of supply chain management is confining the evolution of this field and restricting the conceptual and fundamental innovations required for addressing the major challenges imposed by the evolution of markets and the increased intricacies of business relationships. The concepts of chain and network are limitative when attempting to represent the complexity of physical, informational and financial flows resulting from the interactions occurring in overlapping networks. They lack the theoretical foundations necessary to explain and encompass initiatives that go beyond a single chain or network. They also lead to overlook substantial opportunities that require beyond a network vision. Therefore, the “web” dimension, as networks of networks, is proposed as an extension to the network dimension in supply chain management. This new scope is the natural next step in the progression from the internal operations management level to the supply chain level and then to the supply network level. After a theoretical investigation of why and how the web dimension should be integrated into the supply chain management field, the thesis studies and discusses important implications of this integration on inter-organisational collaboration and of the decision-making processes in the logistic web environments. It demonstrates through the example of open interconnected logistic webs some of the potentials that cannot be imagined without a web vision. A methodology for designing a simulation model to assess the impact of such open webs versus existing webs is proposed. Since decision support is a key element in supply chain management, the thesis contributes to determine the needs of supply chain managers and identify the important axes for designing decision support systems that provide adequate assistance in dealing with the challenges and complexity presented by logistic web environments. The identified elements result in the establishment of a foundation for designing software solutions required to handle the challenges revealed by the web dimension. This conceptual framework is applied to the prototyping of four applications that have the potential of providing practitioners and researchers with the appropriate understanding and necessary tools to deal with the complexity of logistics webs

    Data Driven Mobility

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    Dynamics in Logistics

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    This open access book highlights the interdisciplinary aspects of logistics research. Featuring empirical, methodological, and practice-oriented articles, it addresses the modelling, planning, optimization and control of processes. Chiefly focusing on supply chains, logistics networks, production systems, and systems and facilities for material flows, the respective contributions combine research on classical supply chain management, digitalized business processes, production engineering, electrical engineering, computer science and mathematical optimization. To celebrate 25 years of interdisciplinary and collaborative research conducted at the Bremen Research Cluster for Dynamics in Logistics (LogDynamics), in this book hand-picked experts currently or formerly affiliated with the Cluster provide retrospectives, present cutting-edge research, and outline future research directions
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