1,027 research outputs found

    Achieving Obfuscation Through Self-Modifying Code: A Theoretical Model

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    With the extreme amount of data and software available on networks, the protection of online information is one of the most important tasks of this technological age. There is no such thing as safe computing, and it is inevitable that security breaches will occur. Thus, security professionals and practices focus on two areas: security, preventing a breach from occurring, and resiliency, minimizing the damages once a breach has occurred. One of the most important practices for adding resiliency to source code is through obfuscation, a method of re-writing the code to a form that is virtually unreadable. This makes the code incredibly hard to decipher by attackers, protecting intellectual property and reducing the amount of information gained by the malicious actor. Achieving obfuscation through the use of self-modifying code, code that mutates during runtime, is a complicated but impressive undertaking that creates an incredibly robust obfuscating system. While there is a great amount of research that is still ongoing, the preliminary results of this subject suggest that the application of self-modifying code to obfuscation may yield self-maintaining software capable of healing itself following an attack

    Cross-Layer Design of Highly Scalable and Energy-Efficient AI Accelerator Systems Using Photonic Integrated Circuits

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    Artificial Intelligence (AI) has experienced remarkable success in recent years, solving complex computational problems across various domains, including computer vision, natural language processing, and pattern recognition. Much of this success can be attributed to the advancements in deep learning algorithms and models, particularly Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs). In recent times, deep ANNs have achieved unprecedented levels of accuracy, surpassing human capabilities in some cases. However, these deep ANN models come at a significant computational cost, with billions to trillions of parameters. Recent trends indicate that the number of parameters per ANN model will continue to grow exponentially in the foreseeable future. To meet the escalating computational demands of ANN models, the hardware accelerators used for processing ANNs must offer lower latency and higher energy efficiency. Unfortunately, traditional electronic implementations of ANN hardware accelerators, including CPUs, Graphics Processing Units (GPUs), Application-Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs), and Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), have fallen short of meeting the latency and energy efficiency requirements for processing deep ANN models. Furthermore, the interconnection network subsystems in these electronic accelerator systems, designed to facilitate large-scale data transfers between processing cores and memory/control units within the accelerator systems, have become bottlenecks that hinder the throughput, latency, and energy efficiency of deep ANN model processing. Fortunately, Photonic Integrated Circuits (PICs)-based accelerator systems, featuring photonic network subsystems are promising alternatives to conventional electronic accelerators. PIC-based accelerator systems operate in the optical domain, delivering processing at the speed of light with ultra-low latency, minimal dynamic energy consumption, and high throughput. These advantages stem from the wavelength division multiplexing capabilities and the absence of distance-dependent impedance in PICs. Furthermore, these characteristics enable the implementation of high-performance photonic network subsystems within PIC-based accelerator systems. Additionally, PIC-based accelerator systems offer inherent optical nonlinearities. Despite these numerous advantages over electronic accelerators, PIC-based systems still encounter several challenges due to limited optical power budget, susceptibility to crosstalk and other sources of noise caused by the analog operation, high area consumption, and restricted functional flexibility of PICs. These challenges manifest in various ways. (i) The existence of a significant trade-off between the achievable processing core size and the supported bit precision that impedes the scalability of processing cores. (ii) The limited reconfigurability, in terms of supported computing size and precision, makes them less adaptable to modern ANN models with diverse computational and precision demands. (iii) The reliance on electronic adder networks for accumulation diminishes the latency and energy consumption benefits of PIC-based accelerator systems due to frequent analog-to-digital conversions and memory accesses involved in accumulations. My research has contributed several solutions that overcome a multitude of these challenges and improve the throughput, energy efficiency, and flexibility of PIC-based AI accelerator systems. I identified and analyzed factors that affect the scalability and reconfigurability of PIC-based AI accelerator systems. I proposed several novel PIC-based accelerator architectures with enhancements at the circuit level, architecture level, and system level to improve scalability, reconfigurability, and functional flexibility. At the circuit level, these enhancements serve to decrease optical signal losses, reduce control complexity, enable adaptability for various ANN processing tasks, and lower power and area consumption. The architecture-level improvements mitigate crosstalk noise, facilitate functional reconfigurability, enable in-situ and flexible spatio-temporal accumulation, and provide flexible support for different dataflows. The system-level enhancements involve the integration of stochastic computing with PIC-based accelerators to break the inherent trade-off between scalability and supported bit precision. Additionally, applying stochastic computing enhances the flexibility of PIC-based accelerators, allowing them to support mixed-precision ANN models. These cross-layer enhancements collectively contribute to the design of PIC-based AI accelerator systems, resulting in improved throughput, energy efficiency, scalability, and reconfigurability

    Algorithms and architectures for the multirate additive synthesis of musical tones

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    In classical Additive Synthesis (AS), the output signal is the sum of a large number of independently controllable sinusoidal partials. The advantages of AS for music synthesis are well known as is the high computational cost. This thesis is concerned with the computational optimisation of AS by multirate DSP techniques. In note-based music synthesis, the expected bounds of the frequency trajectory of each partial in a finite lifecycle tone determine critical time-invariant partial-specific sample rates which are lower than the conventional rate (in excess of 40kHz) resulting in computational savings. Scheduling and interpolation (to suppress quantisation noise) for many sample rates is required, leading to the concept of Multirate Additive Synthesis (MAS) where these overheads are minimised by synthesis filterbanks which quantise the set of available sample rates. Alternative AS optimisations are also appraised. It is shown that a hierarchical interpretation of the QMF filterbank preserves AS generality and permits efficient context-specific adaptation of computation to required note dynamics. Practical QMF implementation and the modifications necessary for MAS are discussed. QMF transition widths can be logically excluded from the MAS paradigm, at a cost. Therefore a novel filterbank is evaluated where transition widths are physically excluded. Benchmarking of a hypothetical orchestral synthesis application provides a tentative quantitative analysis of the performance improvement of MAS over AS. The mapping of MAS into VLSI is opened by a review of sine computation techniques. Then the functional specification and high-level design of a conceptual MAS Coprocessor (MASC) is developed which functions with high autonomy in a loosely-coupled master- slave configuration with a Host CPU which executes filterbanks in software. Standard hardware optimisation techniques are used, such as pipelining, based upon the principle of an application-specific memory hierarchy which maximises MASC throughput

    SCONNA: A Stochastic Computing Based Optical Accelerator for Ultra-Fast, Energy-Efficient Inference of Integer-Quantized CNNs

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    The acceleration of a CNN inference task uses convolution operations that are typically transformed into vector-dot-product (VDP) operations. Several photonic microring resonators (MRRs) based hardware architectures have been proposed to accelerate integer-quantized CNNs with remarkably higher throughput and energy efficiency compared to their electronic counterparts. However, the existing photonic MRR-based analog accelerators exhibit a very strong trade-off between the achievable input/weight precision and VDP operation size, which severely restricts their achievable VDP operation size for the quantized input/weight precision of 4 bits and higher. The restricted VDP operation size ultimately suppresses computing throughput to severely diminish the achievable performance benefits. To address this shortcoming, we for the first time present a merger of stochastic computing and MRR-based CNN accelerators. To leverage the innate precision flexibility of stochastic computing, we invent an MRR-based optical stochastic multiplier (OSM). We employ multiple OSMs in a cascaded manner using dense wavelength division multiplexing, to forge a novel Stochastic Computing based Optical Neural Network Accelerator (SCONNA). SCONNA achieves significantly high throughput and energy efficiency for accelerating inferences of high-precision quantized CNNs. Our evaluation for the inference of four modern CNNs at 8-bit input/weight precision indicates that SCONNA provides improvements of up to 66.5x, 90x, and 91x in frames-per-second (FPS), FPS/W and FPS/W/mm2, respectively, on average over two photonic MRR-based analog CNN accelerators from prior work, with Top-1 accuracy drop of only up to 0.4% for large CNNs and up to 1.5% for small CNNs. We developed a transaction-level, event-driven python-based simulator for the evaluation of SCONNA and other accelerators (https://github.com/uky-UCAT/SC_ONN_SIM.git).Comment: To Appear at IPDPS 202

    A Study on Efficient Designs of Approximate Arithmetic Circuits

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    Approximate computing is a popular field where accuracy is traded with energy. It can benefit applications such as multimedia, mobile computing and machine learning which are inherently error resilient. Error introduced in these applications to a certain degree is beyond human perception. This flexibility can be exploited to design area, delay and power efficient architectures. However, care must be taken on how approximation compromises the correctness of results. This research work aims to provide approximate hardware architectures with error metrics and design metrics analyzed and their effects in image processing applications. Firstly, we study and propose unsigned array multipliers based on probability statistics and with approximate 4-2 compressors, full adders and half adders. This work deals with a new design approach for approximation of multipliers. The partial products of the multiplier are altered to introduce varying probability terms. Logic complexity of approximation is varied for the accumulation of altered partial products based on their probability. The proposed approximation is utilized in two variants of 16-bit multipliers. Synthesis results reveal that two proposed multipliers achieve power savings of 72% and 38% respectively compared to an exact multiplier. They have better precision when compared to existing approximate multipliers. Mean relative error distance (MRED) figures are as low as 7.6% and 0.02% for the proposed approximate multipliers, which are better than the previous state-of-the-art works. Performance of the proposed multipliers is evaluated with geometric mean filtering application, where one of the proposed models achieves the highest peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR). Second, approximation is proposed for signed Booth multiplication. Approximation is introduced in partial product generation and partial product accumulation circuits. In this work, three multipliers (ABM-M1, ABM-M2, and ABM-M3) are proposed in which the modified Booth algorithm is approximated. In all three designs, approximate Booth partial product generators are designed with different variations of approximation. The approximations are performed by reducing the logic complexity of the Booth partial product generator, and the accumulation of partial products is slightly modified to improve circuit performance. Compared to the exact Booth multiplier, ABM-M1 achieves up to 15% reduction in power consumption with an MRED value of 7.9 × 10-4. ABM-M2 has power savings of up to 60% with an MRED of 1.1 × 10-1. ABM-M3 has power savings of up to 50% with an MRED of 3.4 × 10-3. Compared to existing approximate Booth multipliers, the proposed multipliers ABM-M1 and ABM-M3 achieve up to a 41% reduction in power consumption while exhibiting very similar error metrics. Image multiplication and matrix multiplication are used as case studies to illustrate the high performance of the proposed approximate multipliers. Third, distributed arithmetic based sum of products units approximation is analyzed. Sum of products units are key elements in many digital signal processing applications. Three approximate sum of products models which are based on distributed arithmetic are proposed. They are designed for different levels of accuracy. First model of approximate sum of products achieves an improvement up to 64% on area and 70% on power, when compared to conventional unit. Other two models provide an improvement of 32% and 48% on area and 54% and 58% on power, respectively, with a reduced error rate compared to the first model. Third model achieves MRED and normalized mean error distance (NMED) as low as 0.05% and 0.009%. Performance of approximate units is evaluated with a noisy image smoothing application, where the proposed models are capable of achieving higher PSNR than existing state of the art techniques. Fourth, approximation is applied in division architecture. Two approximation models are proposed for restoring divider. In the first design, approximation is performed at circuit level, where approximate divider cells are utilized in place of exact ones by simplifying the logic equations. In the second model, restoring divider is analyzed strategically and number of restoring divider cells are reduced by finding the portions of divisor and dividend with significant information. An approximation factor pp is used in both designs. In model 1, the design with p=8 has a 58% reduction in both area and power consumption compared to exact design, with a Q-MRED of 1.909 × 10-2 and Q-NMED of 0.449 × 10-2. The second model with an approximation factor p=4 has 54% area savings and 62% power savings compared to exact design. The proposed models are found to have better error metrics compared to existing designs, with better performance at similar error values. A change detection image processing application is used for real time assessment of proposed and existing approximate dividers and one of the models achieves a PSNR of 54.27 dB

    A Monitoring Language for Run Time and Post-Mortem Behavior Analysis and Visualization

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    UFO is a new implementation of FORMAN, a declarative monitoring language, in which rules are compiled into execution monitors that run on a virtual machine supported by the Alamo monitor architecture.Comment: In M. Ronsse, K. De Bosschere (eds), proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Automated Debugging (AADEBUG 2003), September 2003, Ghent. cs.SE/030902

    Adaptive Lock-Free Data Structures in Haskell: A General Method for Concurrent Implementation Swapping

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    A key part of implementing high-level languages is providing built-in and default data structures. Yet selecting good defaults is hard. A mutable data structure's workload is not known in advance, and it may shift over its lifetime - e.g., between read-heavy and write-heavy, or from heavy contention by multiple threads to single-threaded or low-frequency use. One idea is to switch implementations adaptively, but it is nontrivial to switch the implementation of a concurrent data structure at runtime. Performing the transition requires a concurrent snapshot of data structure contents, which normally demands special engineering in the data structure's design. However, in this paper we identify and formalize an relevant property of lock-free algorithms. Namely, lock-freedom is sufficient to guarantee that freezing memory locations in an arbitrary order will result in a valid snapshot. Several functional languages have data structures that freeze and thaw, transitioning between mutable and immutable, such as Haskell vectors and Clojure transients, but these enable only single-threaded writers. We generalize this approach to augment an arbitrary lock-free data structure with the ability to gradually freeze and optionally transition to a new representation. This augmentation doesn't require changing the algorithm or code for the data structure, only replacing its datatype for mutable references with a freezable variant. In this paper, we present an algorithm for lifting plain to adaptive data and prove that the resulting hybrid data structure is itself lock-free, linearizable, and simulates the original. We also perform an empirical case study in the context of heating up and cooling down concurrent maps.Comment: To be published in ACM SIGPLAN Haskell Symposium 201
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