27,482 research outputs found

    Generalized List Decoding

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    This paper concerns itself with the question of list decoding for general adversarial channels, e.g., bit-flip (XOR\textsf{XOR}) channels, erasure channels, AND\textsf{AND} (ZZ-) channels, OR\textsf{OR} channels, real adder channels, noisy typewriter channels, etc. We precisely characterize when exponential-sized (or positive rate) (L−1)(L-1)-list decodable codes (where the list size LL is a universal constant) exist for such channels. Our criterion asserts that: "For any given general adversarial channel, it is possible to construct positive rate (L−1)(L-1)-list decodable codes if and only if the set of completely positive tensors of order-LL with admissible marginals is not entirely contained in the order-LL confusability set associated to the channel." The sufficiency is shown via random code construction (combined with expurgation or time-sharing). The necessity is shown by 1. extracting equicoupled subcodes (generalization of equidistant code) from any large code sequence using hypergraph Ramsey's theorem, and 2. significantly extending the classic Plotkin bound in coding theory to list decoding for general channels using duality between the completely positive tensor cone and the copositive tensor cone. In the proof, we also obtain a new fact regarding asymmetry of joint distributions, which be may of independent interest. Other results include 1. List decoding capacity with asymptotically large LL for general adversarial channels; 2. A tight list size bound for most constant composition codes (generalization of constant weight codes); 3. Rederivation and demystification of Blinovsky's [Bli86] characterization of the list decoding Plotkin points (threshold at which large codes are impossible); 4. Evaluation of general bounds ([WBBJ]) for unique decoding in the error correction code setting

    Performance of polar codes for quantum and private classical communication

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    We analyze the practical performance of quantum polar codes, by computing rigorous bounds on block error probability and by numerically simulating them. We evaluate our bounds for quantum erasure channels with coding block lengths between 2^10 and 2^20, and we report the results of simulations for quantum erasure channels, quantum depolarizing channels, and "BB84" channels with coding block lengths up to N = 1024. For quantum erasure channels, we observe that high quantum data rates can be achieved for block error rates less than 10^(-4) and that somewhat lower quantum data rates can be achieved for quantum depolarizing and BB84 channels. Our results here also serve as bounds for and simulations of private classical data transmission over these channels, essentially due to Renes' duality bounds for privacy amplification and classical data transmission of complementary observables. Future work might be able to improve upon our numerical results for quantum depolarizing and BB84 channels by employing a polar coding rule other than the heuristic used here.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, submission to the 50th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing 201

    On privacy amplification, lossy compression, and their duality to channel coding

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    We examine the task of privacy amplification from information-theoretic and coding-theoretic points of view. In the former, we give a one-shot characterization of the optimal rate of privacy amplification against classical adversaries in terms of the optimal type-II error in asymmetric hypothesis testing. This formulation can be easily computed to give finite-blocklength bounds and turns out to be equivalent to smooth min-entropy bounds by Renner and Wolf [Asiacrypt 2005] and Watanabe and Hayashi [ISIT 2013], as well as a bound in terms of the EγE_\gamma divergence by Yang, Schaefer, and Poor [arXiv:1706.03866 [cs.IT]]. In the latter, we show that protocols for privacy amplification based on linear codes can be easily repurposed for channel simulation. Combined with known relations between channel simulation and lossy source coding, this implies that privacy amplification can be understood as a basic primitive for both channel simulation and lossy compression. Applied to symmetric channels or lossy compression settings, our construction leads to proto- cols of optimal rate in the asymptotic i.i.d. limit. Finally, appealing to the notion of channel duality recently detailed by us in [IEEE Trans. Info. Theory 64, 577 (2018)], we show that linear error-correcting codes for symmetric channels with quantum output can be transformed into linear lossy source coding schemes for classical variables arising from the dual channel. This explains a "curious duality" in these problems for the (self-dual) erasure channel observed by Martinian and Yedidia [Allerton 2003; arXiv:cs/0408008] and partly anticipates recent results on optimal lossy compression by polar and low-density generator matrix codes.Comment: v3: updated to include equivalence of the converse bound with smooth entropy formulations. v2: updated to include comparison with the one-shot bounds of arXiv:1706.03866. v1: 11 pages, 4 figure

    A Minimax Converse for Quantum Channel Coding

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    We prove a one-shot "minimax" converse bound for quantum channel coding assisted by positive partial transpose channels between sender and receiver. The bound is similar in spirit to the converse by Polyanskiy, Poor, and Verdu [IEEE Trans. Info. Theory 56, 2307-2359 (2010)] for classical channel coding, and also enjoys the saddle point property enabling the order of optimizations to be interchanged. Equivalently, the bound can be formulated as a semidefinite program satisfying strong duality. The convex nature of the bound implies channel symmetries can substantially simplify the optimization, enabling us to explicitly compute the finite blocklength behavior for several simple qubit channels. In particular, we find that finite blocklength converse statements for the classical erasure channel apply to the assisted quantum erasure channel, while bounds for the classical binary symmetric channel apply to both the assisted dephasing and depolarizing channels. This implies that these qubit channels inherit statements regarding the asymptotic limit of large blocklength, such as the strong converse or second-order converse rates, from their classical counterparts. Moreover, for the dephasing channel, the finite blocklength bounds are as tight as those for the classical binary symmetric channel, since coding for classical phase errors yields equivalently-performing unassisted quantum codes.Comment: merged with arXiv:1504.04617 version 1 ; see version
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