771 research outputs found

    Duality for convex monoids

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    Every C*-algebra gives rise to an effect module and a convex space of states, which are connected via Kadison duality. We explore this duality in several examples, where the C*-algebra is equipped with the structure of a finite-dimensional Hopf algebra. When the Hopf algebra is the function algebra or group algebra of a finite group, the resulting state spaces form convex monoids. We will prove that both these convex monoids can be obtained from the other one by taking a coproduct of density matrices on the irreducible representations. We will also show that the same holds for a tensor product of a group and a function algebra.Comment: 13 page

    Relating Operator Spaces via Adjunctions

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    This chapter uses categorical techniques to describe relations between various sets of operators on a Hilbert space, such as self-adjoint, positive, density, effect and projection operators. These relations, including various Hilbert-Schmidt isomorphisms of the form tr(A-), are expressed in terms of dual adjunctions, and maps between them. Of particular interest is the connection with quantum structures, via a dual adjunction between convex sets and effect modules. The approach systematically uses categories of modules, via their description as Eilenberg-Moore algebras of a monad

    Toroidal crossings and logarithmic structures

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    We generalize Friedman's notion of d-semistability, which is a necessary condition for spaces with normal crossings to admit smoothings with regular total space. Our generalization deals with spaces that locally look like the boundary divisor in Gorenstein toroidal embeddings. In this situation, we replace d-semistability by the existence of global log structures for a given gerbe of local log structures. This leads to cohomological descriptions for the obstructions, existence, and automorphisms of log structures. We also apply toroidal crossings to mirror symmetry, by giving a duality construction involving toroidal crossing varieties whose irreducible components are toric varieties. This duality reproduces a version of Batyrev's construction of mirror pairs for hypersurfaces in toric varieties, but it applies to a larger class, including degenerate abelian varieties.Comment: 34 pages, 1 figure, notational changes, to appear in Adv. Mat

    The Strominger-Yau-Zaslow conjecture: From torus fibrations to degenerations

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    This survey article begins with a discussion of the original form of the Strominger-Yau-Zaslow conjecture, surveys the state of knowledge concering this conjecture, and explains how thinking about this conjecture naturally leads to the program initiated by the author and Bernd Siebert to study mirror symmetry via degenerations of Calabi-Yau manifolds and log structures.Comment: 44 pages, to appear in the Proceedings of the 2005 AMS Symposium on Algebraic Geometry, Seattl

    On seminormal monoid rings

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    Given a seminormal affine monoid M we consider several monoid properties of M and their connections to ring properties of the associated affine monoid ring K[M] over a field K. We characterize when K[M] satisfies Serre's condition (S_2) and analyze the local cohomology of K[M]. As an application we present criteria which imply that K[M] is Cohen--Macaulay and we give lower bounds for the depth of K[M]. Finally, the seminormality of an arbitrary affine monoid M is studied with characteristic p methods.Comment: 23 page

    A note on Herglotz's theorem for time series on function spaces

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    In this article, we prove Herglotz's theorem for Hilbert-valued time series. This requires the notion of an operator-valued measure, which we shall make precise for our setting. Herglotz's theorem for functional time series allows to generalize existing results that are central to frequency domain analysis on the function space. In particular, we use this result to prove the existence of a functional Cram{\'e}r representation of a large class of processes, including those with jumps in the spectral distribution and long-memory processes. We furthermore obtain an optimal finite dimensional reduction of the time series under weaker assumptions than available in the literature. The results of this paper therefore enable Fourier analysis for processes of which the spectral density operator does not necessarily exist
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