919 research outputs found

    Duality and convergence for binomial markets with friction

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    We prove limit theorems for the super-replication cost of European options in a binomial model with friction. Examples covered are markets with proportional transaction costs and illiquid markets. A dual representation for the super-replication cost in these models is obtained and used to prove the limit theorems. In particular, the existence of a liquidity premium for the continuous-time limit of the model proposed in Çetin etal. (Finance Stoch. 8:311-341, 2004) is proved. Hence, this paper extends the previous convergence result of Gökay and Soner (Math Finance 22:250-276, 2012) to the general non-Markovian case. Moreover, the special case of small transaction costs yields, in the continuous limit, the G-expectation of Peng as earlier proved by Kusuoka (Ann. Appl. Probab. 5:198-221, 1995

    Super-replication with nonlinear transaction costs and volatility uncertainty

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    We study super-replication of contingent claims in an illiquid market with model uncertainty. Illiquidity is captured by nonlinear transaction costs in discrete time and model uncertainty arises as our only assumption on stock price returns is that they are in a range specified by fixed volatility bounds. We provide a dual characterization of super-replication prices as a supremum of penalized expectations for the contingent claim's payoff. We also describe the scaling limit of this dual representation when the number of trading periods increases to infinity. Hence, this paper complements the results in [11] and [19] for the case of model uncertainty

    Robust Hedging with Proportional Transaction Costs

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    Duality for robust hedging with proportional transaction costs of path dependent European options is obtained in a discrete time financial market with one risky asset. Investor's portfolio consists of a dynamically traded stock and a static position in vanilla options which can be exercised at maturity. Both the stock and the option trading is subject to proportional transaction costs. The main theorem is duality between hedging and a Monge-Kantorovich type optimization problem. In this dual transport problem the optimization is over all the probability measures which satisfy an approximate martingale condition related to consistent price systems in addition to the usual marginal constraints

    Hedging, arbitrage and optimality with superlinear frictions

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    In a continuous-time model with multiple assets described by c\`{a}dl\`{a}g processes, this paper characterizes superhedging prices, absence of arbitrage, and utility maximizing strategies, under general frictions that make execution prices arbitrarily unfavorable for high trading intensity. Such frictions induce a duality between feasible trading strategies and shadow execution prices with a martingale measure. Utility maximizing strategies exist even if arbitrage is present, because it is not scalable at will.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/14-AAP1043 in the Annals of Applied Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aap/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org