4 research outputs found

    LinSets.zip: Compressing Linear Set Diagrams

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    Linear diagrams are used to visualize set systems by depicting set memberships as horizontal line segments in a matrix, where each set is represented as a row and each element as a column. Each such line segment of a set is shown in a contiguous horizontal range of cells of the matrix indicating that the corresponding elements in the columns belong to the set. As each set occupies its own row in the matrix, the total height of the resulting visualization is as large as the number of sets in the instance. Such a linear diagram can be visually sparse and intersecting sets containing the same element might be represented by distant rows. To alleviate such undesirable effects, we present LinSets.zip, a new approach that achieves a more space-efficient representation of linear diagrams. First, we minimize the total number of gaps in the horizontal segments by reordering columns, a criterion that has been shown to increase readability in linear diagrams. The main difference of LinSets.zip to linear diagrams is that multiple non-intersecting sets can be positioned in the same row of the matrix. Furthermore, we present several different rendering variations for a matrix-based representation that utilize the proposed row compression. We implemented the different steps of our approach in a visualization pipeline using integer-linear programming, and suitable heuristics aiming at sufficiently fast computations in practice. We conducted both a quantitative evaluation and a small-scale user experiment to compare the effects of compressing linear diagrams.Comment: To be presented at PacificVis 202

    Dual Radial Set: Interactive Visual Analysis of Complex Set Data

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    Podaci se u današnje vrijeme sve češće svrstavaju u skupove. Ti skupovi postaju složeni jer sadrže sve više podataka. Vizualna analiza podataka služi lakšem razumijevanju složenih skupovnih podataka. Sustav višestrukih koordiniranih prikaza omogućuje vizualnu analizu korištenjem različitih prikaza podataka. U ovom radu opisan je prikaz Dual Radial Set kao unaprjeđenje prikaza Radial Set. Prikaz Dual Radial Set omogućuje istovremeni prikaz dva skupovna atributa. Takav prikaz dodatno poboljšava analizu podataka jer se na taj način može bolje uočiti povezanost atributa koji pripadaju različitim skupovima te ih tako i lakše analizirati.Lately, data is often stored in forms of sets. These sets are becoming complex because they contain much data. Visual analysis improves understanding complex datasets. Coordinated multiple views system enables visual analysis by using many different views. In this work, Dual Radial Set view is described as an extension of the Radial Set view. Dual Radial Set view supports analysis of two set-type dimensions simultaneously. It improves data analysis by making it easier to find correlations between sets of different set types

    Dual Radial Set: Interactive Visual Analysis of Complex Set Data

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    Podaci se u današnje vrijeme sve češće svrstavaju u skupove. Ti skupovi postaju složeni jer sadrže sve više podataka. Vizualna analiza podataka služi lakšem razumijevanju složenih skupovnih podataka. Sustav višestrukih koordiniranih prikaza omogućuje vizualnu analizu korištenjem različitih prikaza podataka. U ovom radu opisan je prikaz Dual Radial Set kao unaprjeđenje prikaza Radial Set. Prikaz Dual Radial Set omogućuje istovremeni prikaz dva skupovna atributa. Takav prikaz dodatno poboljšava analizu podataka jer se na taj način može bolje uočiti povezanost atributa koji pripadaju različitim skupovima te ih tako i lakše analizirati.Lately, data is often stored in forms of sets. These sets are becoming complex because they contain much data. Visual analysis improves understanding complex datasets. Coordinated multiple views system enables visual analysis by using many different views. In this work, Dual Radial Set view is described as an extension of the Radial Set view. Dual Radial Set view supports analysis of two set-type dimensions simultaneously. It improves data analysis by making it easier to find correlations between sets of different set types

    Dual Radial Set: Interactive Visual Analysis of Complex Set Data

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    Podaci se u današnje vrijeme sve češće svrstavaju u skupove. Ti skupovi postaju složeni jer sadrže sve više podataka. Vizualna analiza podataka služi lakšem razumijevanju složenih skupovnih podataka. Sustav višestrukih koordiniranih prikaza omogućuje vizualnu analizu korištenjem različitih prikaza podataka. U ovom radu opisan je prikaz Dual Radial Set kao unaprjeđenje prikaza Radial Set. Prikaz Dual Radial Set omogućuje istovremeni prikaz dva skupovna atributa. Takav prikaz dodatno poboljšava analizu podataka jer se na taj način može bolje uočiti povezanost atributa koji pripadaju različitim skupovima te ih tako i lakše analizirati.Lately, data is often stored in forms of sets. These sets are becoming complex because they contain much data. Visual analysis improves understanding complex datasets. Coordinated multiple views system enables visual analysis by using many different views. In this work, Dual Radial Set view is described as an extension of the Radial Set view. Dual Radial Set view supports analysis of two set-type dimensions simultaneously. It improves data analysis by making it easier to find correlations between sets of different set types