19 research outputs found

    System level dynamics of post-translational modifications

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    Attempts to characterize cellular behaviors with static, univariate measurements cannot fully capture biological complexity and lead to an inadequate interpretation of cellular processes. Significant biological insight can be gleaned by considering the contribution of dynamic protein post-translational modifications (PTMs) utilizing systems-level quantitative analysis. High-resolution mass spectrometry coupled with computational modeling of dynamic signal–response relationships is a powerful tool to reveal PTM-mediated regulatory networks. Recent advances using this approach have defined network kinetics of growth factor signaling pathways, identified systems level responses to cytotoxic perturbations, elucidated kinase–substrate relationships, and unraveled the dynamics of PTM cross-talk. Innovations in multiplex measurement capacity, PTM annotation accuracy, and computational integration of datasets promise enhanced resolution of dynamic PTM networks and further insight into biological intricacies

    Molecular interaction networks in the analyses of sequence variation and proteomics data

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    Protein-protein interaction networks are typically generated in standard cell lines or model organisms as it is prohibitively difficult to record large interaction datasets from specific tissues or disease models at a reasonable pace. Although the interaction data are of high confidence, they thus do not reflect in vivo relationships as such. A wealth of physiologically relevant protein information, obtained under different conditions and from different systems, is available including information on genetic variation, protein levels, and PTMs. However, these data are difficult to assess comprehensively because the relationships between the entities remain elusive from the measurements. Here, we exemplarily highlight recent studies that gained deeper insight from genetic variation, protein, and PTM measurements using interaction information pointing toward the importance and potential of interaction networks for the interpretation of sequencing and proteomics data

    PTMcode v2: a resource for functional associations of post-translational modifications within and between proteins

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    The post-translational regulation of proteins is mainly driven by two molecular events, their modification by several types of moieties and their interaction with other proteins. These two processes are interdependent and together are responsible for the function of the protein in a particular cell state. Several databases focus on the prediction and compilation of protein-protein interactions (PPIs) and no less on the collection and analysis of protein post-translational modifications (PTMs), however, there are no resources that concentrate on describing the regulatory role of PTMs in PPIs. We developed several methods based on residue co-evolution and proximity to predict the functional associations of pairs of PTMs that we apply to modifications in the same protein and between two interacting proteins. In order to make data available for understudied organisms, PTMcode v2 (http://ptmcode.embl.de) includes a new strategy to propagate PTMs from validated modified sites through orthologous proteins. The second release of PTMcode covers 19 eukaryotic species from which we collected more than 300 000 experimentally verified PTMs (>1 300 000 propagated) of 69 types extracting the post-translational regulation of >100 000 proteins and >100 000 interactions. In total, we report 8 million associations of PTMs regulating single proteins and over 9.4 million interplays tuning PPIs

    Cumulative regulatory potential of clustered methyl-arginine protein modifications

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    Systematic analysis of human arginine methylation events bifurcates its signaling mechanism, functioning either in isolation akin to canonical PTM regulation or clustered within disordered protein sequence. Hundreds of proteins contain methyl-arginine clusters and are more prone to mutation and more tightly expression-regulated than dispersed methylation targets. Arginine clusters in the highly methylated RNA binding protein SYNCRIP were experimentally shown to function in concert providing a tunable protein interaction interface. Quantitative immuno-precipitation assays defined two distinct cumulative regulatory mechanisms operating across 18 proximal arginine-glycine motifs in SYNCRIP. Functional binding to the methyl-transferase PRMT1 was promoted by continual arginine stretches while interaction with the methyl-binding protein SMN1 was arginine content dependent irrespective of linear position within the unstructured region. This study highlights how highly repetitive di-amino acid motifs in otherwise low structural complexity regions can provide regulatory potential, and with SYNCRIP as an extreme example how PTMs leverage these disordered sequences to drive cellular functions

    Carbocisteine Improves Histone Deacetylase 2 Deacetylation Activity via Regulating Sumoylation of Histone Deacetylase 2 in Human Tracheobronchial Epithelial Cells

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    Histone deacetylase (HDAC) 2 plays a vital role in modifying histones to mediate inflammatory responses, while HDAC2 itself is commonly regulated by post-translational modifications. Small ubiquitin-related modifier (SUMO), as an important PTM factor, is involved in the regulation of multiple protein functions. Our previous studies have shown that carbocisteine (S-CMC) reversed cigarette smoke extract (CSE)-induced down-regulation of HDAC2 expression/activity in a thiol/GSH-dependent manner and enhanced sensitivity of steroid therapy. However, the mechanism by which S-CMC regulates HDAC2 is worth further exploring. Our study aimed to investigate the relationships between HDAC2 sumoylation and its deacetylase activity under oxidative stress and the molecular mechanism of S-CMC to regulate HDAC2 activity that mediates inflammatory responses in human bronchial epithelial cells. We found that modification of HDAC2 by SUMO1 and SUMO2/3 occurred in 16HBE cells under physiological conditions, and CSE induced SUMO1 modification of HDAC2 in a dose and time-dependent manner. K462 and K51 of HDAC2 were the two major modification sites of SUMO1, and the K51 site mediated deacetylation activity and function of HDAC2 on histone H4 that regulates IL-8 secretion. S-CMC inhibited CSE-induced SUMO1 modification of HDAC2 in the presence of thiol/GSH, increased HDAC activity, and decreased IL-8 expression. Our study may provide novel mechanistic explanation of S-CMC to ameliorate steroid sensitivity treatment in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

    Evolution and functional cross-talk of protein post-translational modifications

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    Protein post-translational modifications (PTMs) allow the cell to regulate protein activity and play a crucial role in the response to changes in external conditions or internal states. Advances in mass spectrometry now enable proteome wide characterization of PTMs and have revealed a broad functional role for a range of different types of modifications. Here we review advances in the study of the evolution and function of PTMs that were spurred by these technological improvements. We provide an overview of studies focusing on the origin and evolution of regulatory enzymes as well as the evolutionary dynamics of modification sites. Finally, we discuss different mechanisms of altering protein activity via post-translational regulation and progress made in the large-scale functional characterization of PTM function

    Interaction modulation through arrays of clustered methyl-arginine protein modifications

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    Systematic analysis of human arginine methylation identifies two distinct signaling modes;either isolated modifications akin to canonical post-translational modification regulation, or clustered arrays within disordered protein sequence. Hundreds of proteins contain these methyl-arginine arrays and are more prone to accumulate mutations and more tightly expression-regulated than dispersed methylation targets. Arginines within an array in the highly methylated RNA-binding protein synaptotagmin binding cytoplasmic RNA interacting protein (SYNCRIP) were experimentally shown to function in concert, providing a tunable protein interaction interface. Quantitative immunoprecipitation assays defined two distinct cumulative binding mechanisms operating across 18 proximal arginine-glycine (RG) motifs in SYNCRIP. Functional binding to the methyltransferase PRMT1 was promoted by continual arginine stretches, whereas interaction with the methyl-binding protein SMN1 was arginine content-dependent irrespective of linear position within the unstructured region. This study highlights how highly repetitive modifiable amino acid arrays in low structural complexity regions can provide regulatory platforms, with SYNCRIP as an extreme example how arginine methylation leverages these disordered sequences to mediate cellular interactions

    Dissecting Structure-Encoded Determinants of Allosteric Cross-Talk between Post-Translational Modification Sites in the Hsp90 Chaperones

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    Post-translational modifications (PTMs) represent an important regulatory instrument that modulates structure, dynamics and function of proteins. The large number of PTM sites in the Hsp90 proteins that are scattered throughout different domains indicated that synchronization of multiple PTMs through a combinatorial code can be invoked as an important mechanism to orchestrate diverse chaperone functions and recognize multiple client proteins. In this study, we have combined structural and coevolutionary analysis with molecular simulations and perturbation response scanning analysis of the Hsp90 structures to characterize functional role of PTM sites in allosteric regulation. The results reveal a small group of conserved PTMs that act as global mediators of collective dynamics and allosteric communications in the Hsp90 structures, while the majority of flexible PTM sites serve as sensors and carriers of the allosteric structural changes. This study provides a comprehensive structural, dynamic and network analysis of PTM sites across Hsp90 proteins, identifying specific role of regulatory PTM hotspots in the allosteric mechanism of the Hsp90 cycle. We argue that plasticity of a combinatorial PTM code in the Hsp90 may be enacted through allosteric coupling between effector and sensor PTM residues, which would allow for timely response to structural requirements of multiple modified enzymes