3,510 research outputs found

    Planar Octilinear Drawings with One Bend Per Edge

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    In octilinear drawings of planar graphs, every edge is drawn as an alternating sequence of horizontal, vertical and diagonal (45∘45^\circ) line-segments. In this paper, we study octilinear drawings of low edge complexity, i.e., with few bends per edge. A kk-planar graph is a planar graph in which each vertex has degree less or equal to kk. In particular, we prove that every 4-planar graph admits a planar octilinear drawing with at most one bend per edge on an integer grid of size O(n2)×O(n)O(n^2) \times O(n). For 5-planar graphs, we prove that one bend per edge still suffices in order to construct planar octilinear drawings, but in super-polynomial area. However, for 6-planar graphs we give a class of graphs whose planar octilinear drawings require at least two bends per edge

    Drawing Planar Graphs with Few Geometric Primitives

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    We define the \emph{visual complexity} of a plane graph drawing to be the number of basic geometric objects needed to represent all its edges. In particular, one object may represent multiple edges (e.g., one needs only one line segment to draw a path with an arbitrary number of edges). Let nn denote the number of vertices of a graph. We show that trees can be drawn with 3n/43n/4 straight-line segments on a polynomial grid, and with n/2n/2 straight-line segments on a quasi-polynomial grid. Further, we present an algorithm for drawing planar 3-trees with (8n−17)/3(8n-17)/3 segments on an O(n)×O(n2)O(n)\times O(n^2) grid. This algorithm can also be used with a small modification to draw maximal outerplanar graphs with 3n/23n/2 edges on an O(n)×O(n2)O(n)\times O(n^2) grid. We also study the problem of drawing maximal planar graphs with circular arcs and provide an algorithm to draw such graphs using only (5n−11)/3(5n - 11)/3 arcs. This is significantly smaller than the lower bound of 2n2n for line segments for a nontrivial graph class.Comment: Appeared at Proc. 43rd International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science (WG 2017

    Experimental analysis of the accessibility of drawings with few segments

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    The visual complexity of a graph drawing is defined as the number of geometric objects needed to represent all its edges. In particular, one object may represent multiple edges, e.g., one needs only one line segment to draw two collinear incident edges. We study the question if drawings with few segments have a better aesthetic appeal and help the user to asses the underlying graph. We design an experiment that investigates two different graph types (trees and sparse graphs), three different layout algorithms for trees, and two different layout algorithms for sparse graphs. We asked the users to give an aesthetic ranking on the layouts and to perform a furthest-pair or shortest-path task on the drawings.Comment: Appears in the Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2017

    Compact Drawings of 1-Planar Graphs with Right-Angle Crossings and Few Bends

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    We study the following classes of beyond-planar graphs: 1-planar, IC-planar, and NIC-planar graphs. These are the graphs that admit a 1-planar, IC-planar, and NIC-planar drawing, respectively. A drawing of a graph is 1-planar if every edge is crossed at most once. A 1-planar drawing is IC-planar if no two pairs of crossing edges share a vertex. A 1-planar drawing is NIC-planar if no two pairs of crossing edges share two vertices. We study the relations of these beyond-planar graph classes (beyond-planar graphs is a collective term for the primary attempts to generalize the planar graphs) to right-angle crossing (RAC) graphs that admit compact drawings on the grid with few bends. We present four drawing algorithms that preserve the given embeddings. First, we show that every nn-vertex NIC-planar graph admits a NIC-planar RAC drawing with at most one bend per edge on a grid of size O(n)×O(n)O(n) \times O(n). Then, we show that every nn-vertex 1-planar graph admits a 1-planar RAC drawing with at most two bends per edge on a grid of size O(n3)×O(n3)O(n^3) \times O(n^3). Finally, we make two known algorithms embedding-preserving; for drawing 1-planar RAC graphs with at most one bend per edge and for drawing IC-planar RAC graphs straight-line

    A Note on Plus-Contacts, Rectangular Duals, and Box-Orthogonal Drawings

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    A plus-contact representation of a planar graph GG is called cc-balanced if for every plus shape +v+_v, the number of other plus shapes incident to each arm of +v+_v is at most cΔ+O(1) c \Delta +O(1), where Δ\Delta is the maximum degree of GG. Although small values of cc have been achieved for a few subclasses of planar graphs (e.g., 22- and 33-trees), it is unknown whether cc-balanced representations with c<1c<1 exist for arbitrary planar graphs. In this paper we compute (1/2)(1/2)-balanced plus-contact representations for all planar graphs that admit a rectangular dual. Our result implies that any graph with a rectangular dual has a 1-bend box-orthogonal drawings such that for each vertex vv, the box representing vv is a square of side length deg(v)2+O(1)\frac{deg(v)}{2}+ O(1).Comment: A poster related to this research appeared at the 25th International Symposium on Graph Drawing & Network Visualization (GD 2017

    L-Drawings of Directed Graphs

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    We introduce L-drawings, a novel paradigm for representing directed graphs aiming at combining the readability features of orthogonal drawings with the expressive power of matrix representations. In an L-drawing, vertices have exclusive xx- and yy-coordinates and edges consist of two segments, one exiting the source vertically and one entering the destination horizontally. We study the problem of computing L-drawings using minimum ink. We prove its NP-completeness and provide a heuristics based on a polynomial-time algorithm that adds a vertex to a drawing using the minimum additional ink. We performed an experimental analysis of the heuristics which confirms its effectiveness.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    Grid Representations and the Chromatic Number

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    A grid drawing of a graph maps vertices to grid points and edges to line segments that avoid grid points representing other vertices. We show that there is a number of grid points that some line segment of an arbitrary grid drawing must intersect. This number is closely connected to the chromatic number. Second, we study how many columns we need to draw a graph in the grid, introducing some new \NP-complete problems. Finally, we show that any planar graph has a planar grid drawing where every line segment contains exactly two grid points. This result proves conjectures asked by David Flores-Pe\~naloza and Francisco Javier Zaragoza Martinez.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figure
