7 research outputs found

    Computing surface-based photo-consistency on graphics hardware

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    © Copyright 2005 IEEEThis paper describes a novel approach to the problem of recovering information from an image set by comparing the radiance of hypothesised point correspondences. Our algorithm is applicable to a number of problems in computer vision, but is explained particularly in terms of recovering geometry from an image set. It uses the idea of photo-consistency to measure the confidence that a hypothesised scene description generated the reference images. Photo-consistency has been used in volumetric scene reconstruction where a hypothesised surface is evolved by considering one voxel at a time. Our approach is different: it represents the scene as a parameterised surface so decisions can be made about its photo-consistency simultaneously over the entire surface rather than a series of independent decisions. Our approach is further characterised by its ability to execute on graphics hardware. Experiments demonstrate that our cost function minimises at the solution and is not adversely affected by occlusion

    Human Shape Estimation using Statistical Body Models

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    Human body estimation methods transform real-world observations into predictions about human body state. These estimation methods benefit a variety of health, entertainment, clothing, and ergonomics applications. State may include pose, overall body shape, and appearance. Body state estimation is underconstrained by observations; ambiguity presents itself both in the form of missing data within observations, and also in the form of unknown correspondences between observations. We address this challenge with the use of a statistical body model: a data-driven virtual human. This helps resolve ambiguity in two ways. First, it fills in missing data, meaning that incomplete observations still result in complete shape estimates. Second, the model provides a statistically-motivated penalty for unlikely states, which enables more plausible body shape estimates. Body state inference requires more than a body model; we therefore build obser- vation models whose output is compared with real observations. In this thesis, body state is estimated from three types of observations: 3D motion capture markers, depth and color images, and high-resolution 3D scans. In each case, a forward process is proposed which simulates observations. By comparing observations to the results of the forward process, state can be adjusted to minimize the difference between simulated and observed data. We use gradient-based methods because they are critical to the precise estimation of state with a large number of parameters. The contributions of this work include three parts. First, we propose a method for the estimation of body shape, nonrigid deformation, and pose from 3D markers. Second, we present a concise approach to differentiating through the rendering process, with application to body shape estimation. And finally, we present a statistical body model trained from human body scans, with state-of-the-art fidelity, good runtime performance, and compatibility with existing animation packages

    Dramatic Improvements to Feature Based Stereo

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    Dramatic Improvements to Feature Based Stereo

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    The camera registration extracted from feature based stereo is usually considered sufficient to accurately localize the 3D points. However, for natural scenes the feature localization is not as precise as in man-made environments. This results in small camera registration errors. We show that even very small registration errors result in large errors in dense surface reconstruction. We describe a method for registering entire images to the inaccurate surface model. This gives small, but crucially important improvements to the camera parameters. The new registration gives dramatically better dense surface reconstruction