56 research outputs found

    Dynamic wind turbine models in power system simulation tool DIgSILENT

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    Recalibrating Regulation of Colleges and Universities: Report of the Task Force on Federal Regulation of Higher Education

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    The federal government's substantial fiscal investment in higher education recognizes that postsecondary education is a linchpin in the nation's social and economic strength. The government helps ensure that colleges and universities continue to contribute broadly to the fabric of American society. The Department of Education is charged with developing procedures to carry out laws passed by Congress in regard to higher education and with overseeing institutional compliance. Institutions of higher learning recognize the important role regulations play in the oversight of federal investments.This report discovered that over time, oversight of higher education by the Department of Education has expanded and evolved in ways that undermine the ability of colleges and universities to serve students and accomplish their missions. The compliance problem is exacerbated by the sheer volume of mandates -- approximately 2,000 pages of text -- and the reality that the Department of Education issues official guidance to amend or clarify its rules at a rate of more than one document per work day. As a result, colleges and universities find themselves enmeshed in a jungle of red tape, facing rules that are often confusing and difficult to comply with. They must allocate resources to compliance that would be better applied to student education, safety, and innovation in instructional delivery. Clearly, a better approach is needed

    Atom zu Photon Quantenzustandstransfer und Teleportation - Experimente im Labor und Ăźber eine urbane Faser

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    Single photon-pair sources are essential for future quantum networks. To be used effectively, the following requirements are essential: high photon rates, high-fidelity entanglement and light-matter interfaces to quantum memories. This work describes the setup and characterisation of a single photon pair-source based on cavity-enhanced spontaneous parametric down conversion resonant to the D5/2 to P3/2 transition of a single 40Ca+ quantum memory fulfilling the upper requirements. The main goal is the realisation of quantum state teleportation over a metropolitan fibre using the source as a resource of entanglement. Our experiments demonstrate the preservation of high-fidelity entanglement during conversion to the low-loss, low-dispersion telecom wavelength range at 1550 nm and fibre transmission over a metropolitan fibre and up to 40 km of fibre spool, including back-conversion to the memory wavelength. Further experiments show the excellent performance of our network protocols in transferring photon-photon entanglement to ion-photon entanglement and teleporting a spin qubit from the ion onto a polarisation qubit of a photon. Both protocols are based on the heralded absorption of one photon from a pair by the ion. The interface operations are also demonstrated with quantum frequency conversion and a metropolitan fibre of 14 km length.Einzelphotonen-Paarquellen sind für künftige Quantennetze unverzichtbar. Um effektiv nutzbar zu sein, müssen folgende Anforderungen erfüllt sein: hohe Photonenraten, hohe Verschränkungsgüte und Licht-Materie-Schnittstellen zu Quantenspeichern. Diese Arbeit beschreibt den Aufbau und die Charakterisierung einer Einzelphotonen-Paarquelle auf der Basis resonatorverstärkter spontaner parametrischer Abwärtskonversion, die mit dem D5/2 zu P3/2-Übergang eines einzelnen 40Ca+-Quantenspeichers resonant ist und die oberen Anforderungen erfüllt. Das Hauptziel ist die Realisierung einer Quantenzustands-Teleportation über eine städtische Faser unter Verwendung der Quelle als Ressource der Verschränkung. Unsere Experimente demonstrieren die Erhaltung der Verschränkung mit hoher Güte während der Konversion in den verlust- und streuungsarmen Wellenlängenbereich bei 1550 nm und der Übertragung über eine städtische Faser und bis zu 40 km Faserspule, einschließlich der Rückkonversion zur Speicherwellenlänge. Weitere Experimente zeigen die hervorragende Leistung unserer Netzwerkprotokolle bei der Übertragung von Photonen-Photonen-Verschränkung auf Ionen-Photonen-Verschränkung und bei Teleportation eines Spin-Qubits vom Ion auf ein Polarisations-Qubit eines Photons. Beide Protokolle beruhen auf der angekündigten Absorption eines Photons aus einem Paar durch das Ion. Die Schnittstellenoperationen werden auch mit Quantenfrequenzkonversion und einer 14 km langen städtischen Faser demonstriert

    Stability behaviour and dynamic response of cooling towers subjected to wind loading

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    In this study, a linear eigenvalue buckling parametric analysis is presented for various cooling tower shell geometries. The shells are subjected to increasing wind pressures (speeds) to observe the trends in the critical buckling pressures/speeds at which the shell first buckles and the corresponding buckling modes. The cooling tower's geometry is changed in a systematic manner to obtain the relationship between critical wind speeds associated with the first mode of buckling and the cooling tower's geometry. Geometrical parameter ratios of the cooling tower's dimensions are considered in order to cover a wider spectrum of the cooling tower's geometry. The critical wind speed versus height curve is observed to be similar to the Euler buckling curve. There appears to be a certain optimum throat height to total height ratio of about 0.75 for any cooling tower at which the critical wind speed is maximum. The critical wind speed varies linearly with the cooling tower thickness and non-linearly with all diameter ratios. A linear eigenvalue vibration parametric analysis is presented for various cooling tower shell geometries to observe trends in the free vibration response (natural frequencies and mode shapes). The forced response of the cooling tower to various forcing frequencies of wind gusts is analysed using the mode superposition method. The shells are subjected to increasing wind gust periods of the same speed to obtain the trends in the forced vibration response (response frequencies and modes). The cooling tower's geometry is changed in a systematic manner to obtain the free and forced vibration behaviour. The natural frequencies and their corresponding bandwidths for the first ten different modes reduce with increasing height. They are generally invariant with the height to top diameter ratio, but the bandwidth increases with increasing height to top diameter ratio. The response frequencies and their corresponding bandwidths generally decrease with increasing height as well as the height to top diameter ratios. The response frequency generally decreases with decreasing forcing frequency, but not for all the cooling tower geometries. The findings can be used as a basis for further research and establishment of conceptual design guidelines when considering stability, free and forced vibration cooling tower behaviour

    Canonical queries as a query answering device (Information Science)

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    Issued as Annual reports [nos. 1-2], and Final report, Project no. G-36-60

    The Politics of Knowledge in Inclusive Development and Innovation

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    This book develops an integrated perspective on the practices and politics of making knowledge work in inclusive development and innovation. While debates about development and innovation commonly appeal to the authority of academic researchers, many current approaches emphasise the plurality of actors with relevant expertise for addressing livelihood challenges. Adopting an action-oriented and reflexive approach, this volume explores the variety of ways in which knowledge works, paying particular attention to dilemmas and controversies. The six parts of the book address the complex interplay of knowledge and politics, starting with the need for knowledge integration in the first part and decolonial perspectives on the politics of knowledge integration in the second part. The following three parts focus on the practices of inclusive development and innovation through three major themes of learning for transformative change, evidence, and digitisation. The final part of the book addresses the governance of knowledge and innovation in the light of political struggles about inclusivity. Exploring conceptual and practical themes through case studies from the Global North and South, this book will be of great interest to students, scholars, and practitioners researching and working in development studies, epistemology, innovation studies, science and technology studies, and sustainability studies more broadly

    Oral History, Activism, and Remembrance: The Rhetorical Agency of Georgia’s Women Activists in and Beyond the Equal Rights Amendment

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    Adopting the methodology of feminist rhetorical microhistory, this work recovers an oral history collection remembering the women’s movement in Georgia, and specifically efforts to build a coalition of activists to mount pressure on state legislators to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment. Feminist rhetorical microhistory draws on and advances scholarship in three disciplines, overlapping in productive ways that renegotiate the scholar-subject relationship. FRM is comprised from three areas, which enable its potential for interruption and renegotiation: feminist rhetorical theory (drawing on invitational rhetoric, strategic contemplation, rhetorical listening, and rhetorical empathy); microhistory; and critical and feminist archival methods (which acknowledges the mediated nature of archivists’ role in the non-neutral arrangement of records). In three chapters, I apply FRM to understand 1) how events of the Equal Rights Amendment battle and other women’s and family rights issues played out in Georgia, 2) how women in the Georgia Women’s Movement Project archival collection enacted remembrance via oral history when viewing themselves as actors in history, and 3) how several key founders interpreted their larger role in “feminist work” during and after the peak of second wave women’s movement activity. In order that we might understand lived experience against the backdrop of significant (or not) events, microhistory, feminist rhetorical theory, and critical and feminist archival studies provide symbiotic overlap. I suggest that the agency afforded to individuals across these three disparate sets of disciplinary frameworks is a renegotiation between the rhetor and the audience. Additionally, I posit oral history as rhetorical act, and take the position that oral history is both form and method for enacting oneself in history. This co-narrated history operates as interruption, with an intentional view to the individual’s normal and exceptional lived experience, further advancing feminist rhetorical recovery scholarship. I discuss affordances and limitations of FRM methodology, especially its uses for others studying histories of and individuals involved in social movements as well as for future legal, feminist, and material acts. FRM enables us to uncover knowledge of movements past and present that has remained occluded in the tendency to narrate simpler, grander stories of success and failure in social movements

    Name, Shame and Blame: Criminalising Consensual Sex in Papua New Guinea

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    This book is an exceptional contribution to our knowledge of the nexus between the criminal law and negative attitudes of society, and what effects criminalization has on the social lives of prostitutes and males who have sex with males, and whether these effects might provide evidence to support the argument for law reform

    The valuation of collateralised debt obligations: multi-period modelling in a risk-neutral framework

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    For over fifty years, mortgages have been securitised by selling the rights to the mortgage cash flows to third party investors. Over the past ten years or so, a similar securitisation process has been undertaken with corporate debt. The claims on the cash flowing from the corporate debt portfolio are called collateralised debt obligations (CDO). CDO cash flows are dependent on the interaction of a portfolio of debt securities over many time periods. They are particularly sensitive to the correlation among the underlying secunties and to the terms of the indenture. While much progress has been made in modelling debt portfolios over a single period, there has been a lot less published about the interaction of debt secunties m a portfolio over many penods. This thesis develops a model for valuing CDOs using a nsk-neutral approach in a multiperiod setting. A model is also developed which reproduces Moody’s CDO rating. The Moody’s rating is compared to that which is implied from applying the nsk-neutral model, the differences analysed and the implications for regulatory capital for CDOs explored

    Advanced Trends in Wireless Communications

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    Physical limitations on wireless communication channels impose huge challenges to reliable communication. Bandwidth limitations, propagation loss, noise and interference make the wireless channel a narrow pipe that does not readily accommodate rapid flow of data. Thus, researches aim to design systems that are suitable to operate in such channels, in order to have high performance quality of service. Also, the mobility of the communication systems requires further investigations to reduce the complexity and the power consumption of the receiver. This book aims to provide highlights of the current research in the field of wireless communications. The subjects discussed are very valuable to communication researchers rather than researchers in the wireless related areas. The book chapters cover a wide range of wireless communication topics
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