4,727 research outputs found

    Brief treatise on the history and development of accounting

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    Subheadings for this monograph are: Origin and Development of Single-entry Bookkeeping; Origin and Development of Double-entry Bookkeeping; England\u27s Early Writers on Double-entry Bookkeeping; Scotland\u27s Early Writers on Double-entry Bookkeeping; Ireland\u27s Early Writers on Double-entry Bookkeeping; The Pirating of Deceased Authors\u27 Works; British works most used in the United States from 1800 to 1850; Americas Early Writers on Double-entry Bookkeeping; Our Early Writers on Accounting; Present-day American Works on Accounting; The Early teaching of Single-entry Bookkeeping in America; The Early teaching of Double-entry Bookkeeping in America; Pioneer Proprietors of Business Colleges; James Arlington Bennett; Collegiate Schools of Business; Accountants\u27 Organizations; Factors which have contributed most in the advance-merit of accounting in the United State

    The Development of Double Entry Bookkeeping and its Relevance in Today\u27s Business Environment

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    Many civilizations developed accounting theories based on the specific needs in their societies. One of those developments was the double entry bookkeeping system. Some of the factors that contributed to the creation of double entry bookkeeping were techniques in math, the invention of coins and money as a medium of exchange, the introduction of paper, the development of a banking system, and various economic conditions that required a system of proper recording. This thesis will analyze the double entry bookkeeping system and its benefits. It will also discuss the differences between the complex capitalistic structure we operate in today with that of the business environment during the Renaissance. It will then evaluate how the double entry bookkeeping system still has relevance in today\u27s world of accounting

    Searching for the accounting features of capitalism: an illustration with the economic transition process in China

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    In this paper, the authors show that capitalism and double-entry bookkeeping are not indissociably interconnected as Sombart argued in his book in 1916. Indeed, the double-entry bookkeeping accounting system was also adopted by anti-capitalist countries where a new economic system was set up. A study of how accounting has changed with the economic transition in China helps us identify those "accounting features" required for a capitalist economy that clearly differ from those needed for the planned and centralized economy.capitalism; communism; accounting; China; reform; transitional economy

    Pengaruh Perkembangan Basis Data Relasional Terhadap Teknik Double Entry Bookkeeping

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    The emergence of such prediction as to say that with the coming data relational basis to eliminate the data redundancy would cause the accounting double entry bookkeeping to be left behind. This is due to the fact that double entry bookkeeping produces data redundancy. This paper's objective is to find out whether the double entry bookkeping technique can be left behind with the development of data relational basis

    The emergence of double entry bookkeeping

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    Introduction of western bookkeeping into Japan

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    Double-entry bookkeeping is believed to have originated in mediveal Italy and, as it developed, writers on the subject such as Luca Pacioli helped spread the system to the rest of Europe in the paths of Italian trade. In those countries there were practically no indigeonus bookkeeping methods to impede the adoption of the new system. In Japan, however, a quite adequate method had long been firmly established and was continued in use by most merchants long after double-entry bookkeeping was introduced

    Traditional Accounting with Decentralised Ledger Technology

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    Distributed ledger technology is by some believe to be the accounting system of the future, replacing the centuries-old double-entry accounting paradigm, as it has desirable characteristics such as tamper-resistance. However, it might suffer from technology lock-in as double-entry bookkeeping, due to its long-standing history, has offered the conceptual foundations for many laws, regulations and business practices. While some of these laws, regulations and practices might become obsolete as a result of distributed ledger technology, some might still prove to be valuable in a new technological context. While aiming at unlocking the potential of distributed ledger technology in an accounting context, we also want to preserve the wisdom of accounting craftsman. For this reason, it is the aim of this paper to offer a bi-directional mapping between traditional double-entry bookkeeping and innovative paradigms that have proven their value in decentralised systems, of which distributed ledger technology is an exponent. This paper offers such a mapping for the Resource-Event-Agent paradigm

    Locating the source of Pacioli\u27s bookkeeping treatise

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    There is much we do not know about the early development of double entry bookkeeping. What, for example, caused it to be used by sufficient merchants for it to be formally taught to their sons in Northern Italy before anyone had apparently written anything about it? And, what did Pacioli use as the source for his 1494 treatise, the earliest known detailed written description of the method, something that has challenged researchers for at least the past 130 years? Discovering Pacioli\u27s sources could broaden our knowledge of the Renaissance roots of accounting and of its early role and place in business practice; may provide some insights into the reasons for the emergence of double entry bookkeeping; and may give us further insight into the early instruction of double entry bookkeeping. But, previous attempts to find his sources have failed. Making use of hitherto overlooked information, this paper identifies two periods for which knowledge of Pacioli\u27s whereabouts would indicate where to focus any search for his sources and suggests where to initiate the search

    On Double-Entry Bookkeeping: The Mathematical Treatment

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    Double-entry bookkeeping (DEB) implicitly uses a specific mathematical construction, the group of differences using pairs of unsigned numbers ("T-accounts"). That construction was only formulated abstractly in mathematics in the 19th century—even though DEB had been used in the business world for over five centuries. Yet the connection between DEB and the group of differences (here called the "Pacioli group") is still largely unknown both in mathematics and accounting. The precise mathematical treatment of DEB allows clarity on certain conceptual questions and it immediately yields the generalization of the double-entry method to multi-dimensional vectors typically representing the different types of property involved in an enterprise or household