801,930 research outputs found

    An Elementary Proof of Dodgson's Condensation Method for Calculating Determinants

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    In 1866, Charles Ludwidge Dodgson published a paper concerning a method for evaluating determinants called the condensation method. His paper documented a new method to calculate determinants that was based on Jacobi's Theorem. The condensation method is presented and proven here, and is demonstrated by a series of examples. The condensation method can be applied to a number of situations, including calculating eigenvalues, solving a system of linear equations, and even determining the different energy levels of a molecular system. The method is much more efficient than cofactor expansions, particularly for large matrices; for a 5 x 5 matrix, the condensation method requires about half as many calculations. Zeros appearing in the interior of a matrix can cause problems, but a way around the issue can usually be found. Overall, Dodgson's condensation method is an interesting and simple way to find determinants. This paper presents an elementary proof of Dodgson's method.Comment: 7 pages, no figure

    Response to ‘Reduced kidney function in living donors’

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    Peningkatan Keterampilan Berbicara Pada Materi Ungkapan Tolong Dan Terima Kasih Muatan Pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Melalui Video Animasi Bagi Siswa Kelas Ia SD Negeri 1 Tanjung Kecamatan Purwokerto Selatan Kabupaten Banyumas Pada Semester I Tahun Pelajaran 2020/2021.

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan berbicara pada materi ungkapan tolong dan terima kasih melalui video animasi pada muatan pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia bagi peserta didik kelas IA SD Negeri  1 Tanjung Kecamatan Puwokerto Selatan Kabupaten Banyumas. Jenis penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) yang dilaksanakan dalam tiga siklus.Penelitian Tindakan Kelas ini secara daring mengingat kondisi Covid 19 yang terjadi saat ini sehingga tidak dimungkinkan pembelajaran tatap muka. Pelaksaan pembelajaran dilakukan menggunakan platform Google Meet dan Zoom Meeting dengan presentasi menggunakan media power point yang didalamnya terdapat video animasi ungkapan tolong dan terima kasih yang bertujuan untuk meingkatkan keterampilan berbicara pada peserta didik kelas 1A SD N 1 Tanjung Kecamatan Purwokerto Selatan Kabupaten Banyumas.Keterampilan berbicara merupakan keterampilan kebahasaan yang sangat penting. Menurut Brown dan Yule (dalam Santosa, 2009:6.34), berbicara dapat diartikan sebagai kemampuan mengucapkan bunyi-bunyi bahasa untuk mengekspresikan atau menyampaikan pikiran, gagasan atau perasaan secara lisan. Berbicara sering dianggap sebagai alat manusia yang paling penting bagi kontrol sosial, karena berbicara merupakan suatu bentuk perilaku manusia yang memanfaatkan faktor-faktor fisik, psikologis, neurologist, dan linguistik secara luas.Dari penelitian tindakan kelas ini diperoleh penilaian unjuk kerja keterampilan berbicara subjek penelitian dari kondisi awal dengan rata – rata nilai 58, siklus I memperoleh rata – rata nilai 60.2, siklus II memperoleh nilai rata-rata 76,6 dan di siklus III memperoleh nilai rata-rata 86,5. Dengan demikian dari kondisi awal ke kondisi akhir, rata – rata nilai keterampilan berbicara ungkapan tolong dan terima kasih subjek penelitian mengalami peningkatan 28,5 poin. Dengan ketuntasan di siklus III mencapai 100%. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa melalui penggunaan  media video animasi dapat meningkatkan keterampilan berbicara peserta didik pada materi ungkapan  tolong dan terima kasih dengan muatan pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia siswa kelas IA SD Negeri 1 Tanjung Kecamatan Purwokerto Selatan Kabupaten Banyumas Tahun ajaran 2020/2021.Kata Kunci  : Video animasi, Tolong, Terima kasih

    Summary of Donor Subcommittee Discussions on CGIAR Impact Study

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    Decisions on the scope and budget of the CGIAR impact study by a donor subcommittee, which also selected a study director and members for an advisory committee. Agenda document, CGIAR meeting October-November 1983

    Donor chimerism and bcr-abl gene status following non-myeloablative peripheral blood stem cell transplantation in chronic myeloid leukaemia patients in HUKM

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    Objective: This study was done to determine the relationship between donor chimerism and the presence of bcr-abl gene in chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) patients post-transplantation. Methods: The study population consisted of all CML patients who had undergone non-myeloablative peripheral blood stem cell transplant in Hospital Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (HUKM) during the study period. All patients had their bone marrow aspiration done at diagnosis and day 30, 60, 100, 130, 160 and 190 post-transplantation. The samples were analysed for bcr-abl transcript as well as chimerism status. Results: A total of nine cases underwent non-myeloablative peripheral blood stem cell transplant. All patients were transplanted during the chronic phase. One patient was found to show mixed chimerism at day 30 post-transplant coinciding with bcr-abl transcript disappearance. Six patients showed that full donor chimerism correlated with bcr-abl transcript disappearance. In one patient, chronic myeloid leukaemia transformed into acute myeloid leukaemia. Another patient had a graft failure. Conclusion: This observational cohort study showed that full chimerism is required for disappearance of bcr-abl transcript but one case showed disappearance of bcr-abl transcript at day 30 while full chimerism was not achieved

    Induction of specific tolerance by intrathymic injection of recipient muscle cells transfected with donor class I major histocompatibility complex.

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    Induction of tolerance to allogeneic MHC antigens has been a goal in the field of transplantation because it would reduce or eliminate the need for generalized immunosuppression. Although encouraging results have been obtained in experimental models by exposing recipient thymus to donor cells before transplantation, donor cells are not typically available at that time, and the donor antigens responsible for the effect are poorly defined. In the present study, thymic tolerance was demonstrated without using donor cells. Recipient thymus was injected before transplantation with autologous myoblasts and myotubes that were genetically modified to express allogeneic donor-type MHC class I antigen. Donor-specific unresponsiveness was induced to a completely MHC-disparate liver transplant and to a subsequent donor-type cardiac allograft, but not a third-party allograft. In vitro, recipient CTL demonstrated a 10-fold reduction in killing of donor cells, but not of third-party cells. Our results demonstrate: (1) that recipient muscle cells can be genetically engineered to induce donor-specific unresponsiveness when given intrathymically, and (2) transfected recipient cells expressing only donor MHC class I antigen can induce tolerance to a fully allogeneic donor

    Stark tuning of the charge states of a two-donor molecule in silicon

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    Gate control of phosphorus donor based charge qubits in Si is investigated using a tight-binding approach. Excited molecular states of P2+ are found to impose limits on the allowed donor separations and operating gate voltages. The effects of surface (S) and barrier (B) gates are analyzed in various voltage regimes with respect to the quantum confined states of the whole device. Effects such as interface ionization, saturation of the tunnel coupling, sensitivity to donor and gate placement are also studied. It is found that realistic gate control is smooth for any donor separation, although at certain donor orientations the S and B gates may get switched in functionality. This paper outlines and analyzes the various issues that are of importance in practical control of such donor molecular systems.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figure

    A comparison of the effects of oral vs. intravenous hydration on subclinical acute kidney injury: a protocol of a randomised controlled trial

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    Background: Optimal treatment for established renal failure is living donor kidney transplantation. However this pathway exposes healthy individuals to significant reduction in nephron mass via major surgical procedure. Laparoscopic donor nephrectomy is now the most common method for live donor transplantation, reducing both donor post-operative pain and recovery time. However this procedure exposes kidneys to additional haemodynamic stresses. It has been suggested that donor hydration—particularly the use of preoperative intravenous fluids—may counteract these stresses, reducing subclinical acute kidney injury and ultimately improving long-term renal function. This may be important in both preservation of donor renal function and recipient graft longevity. Methods/Design: A prospective single-centre single-blinded randomized controlled trial will be carried out to determine the effects of donor preoperative intravenous fluids. The primary outcome is donor subclinical acute kidney injury (defined as plasma NGAL, >153 ng/ml) on day 1 postoperatively. Secondary outcomes include intraoperative haemodynamics, recipient subclinical acute kidney injury, perioperative complications and donor sleep quality. Donors will be randomised into two groups: the intervention group will receive active pre-hydration consisting of three litres of intravenous Hartmann’s solution between midnight and 8 am before morning kidney donation, while the control group will not receive this. Both groups will receive unlimited oral fluids until midnight, as is routine. Plasma NGAL will be measured at pre-specified perioperative time points, intraoperative haemodynamic data will be collected using non-invasive cardiac output monitoring and clinical notes will be used to obtain demographic and clinical data. The researcher will be blinded to the donor fluid hydration status. Blinded statistical analysis will be performed on an intention-to-treat basis. A prospective power calculation estimates a required sample size of 86 patients. Discussion: This study will provide important data, as there is currently little evidence about the use of donor preoperative fluids in laparoscopic nephrectomy. It is hoped that the results obtained will guide future clinical practice