8 research outputs found

    Domain-specific language models and lexicons for tagging

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    AbstractAccurate and reliable part-of-speech tagging is useful for many Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks that form the foundation of NLP-based approaches to information retrieval and data mining. In general, large annotated corpora are necessary to achieve desired part-of-speech tagger accuracy. We show that a large annotated general-English corpus is not sufficient for building a part-of-speech tagger model adequate for tagging documents from the medical domain. However, adding a quite small domain-specific corpus to a large general-English one boosts performance to over 92% accuracy from 87% in our studies. We also suggest a number of characteristics to quantify the similarities between a training corpus and the test data. These results give guidance for creating an appropriate corpus for building a part-of-speech tagger model that gives satisfactory accuracy results on a new domain at a relatively small cost

    Performance and error analysis of three part of speech taggers on health texts

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    Increasingly, natural language processing (NLP) techniques are being developed and utilized in a variety of biomedical domains. Part of speech tagging is a critical step in many NLP applications. Currently, we are developing a NLP tool for text simplification. As part of this effort, we set off to evaluate several part of speech (POS) taggers. We selected 120 sentences (2375 tokens) from a corpus of six types of diabetes-related health texts and asked human reviewers to tag each word in these sentences to create a "Gold Standard." We then tested each of the three POS taggers against the "Gold Standard." One tagger (dTagger) had been trained on health texts and the other two (MaxEnt and Curran & Clark) were trained on general news articles. We analyzed the errors and placed them into five categories: systematic, close, subtle, difficult source, and other. The three taggers have relatively similar rates of success: dTagger, MaxEnt, and Curran & Clark had 87%, 89% and 90% agreement with the gold standard, respectively. These rates of success are lower than published rates for these taggers. This is probably due to our testing them on a corpus that differs significantly from their training corpora. The taggers made different errors: the dTagger, which had been trained on a set of medical texts (MedPost), made fewer errors on medical terms than MaxEnt and Curran & Clark. The latter two taggers performed better on non-medical terms and we found the difference between their performance and that of dTagger was statistically significant. Our findings suggest that the three POS taggers have similar correct tagging rates, though they differ in the types of errors they make. For the task of text simplification, we are inclined to perform additional training of the Curran & Clark tagger with the Medpost corpus because both the fine grained tagging provided by this tool and the correct recognition of medical terms are equally important

    Apport de la syntaxe pour l’extraction de relations en domaine médical

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    National audienceDans cet article, nous nous intéressons à l’identification de relations entre entités en domaine de spécialité, et étudions l’apport d’informations syntaxiques. Nous nous plaçons dans le domaine médical, et analysons des relations entre concepts dans des comptes rendus médicaux, tâche évaluée dans la campagne i2b2 en 2010. Les relations étant exprimées par des formulations très variées en langue, nous avons procédé à l’analyse des phrases en extrayant des traits qui concourent à la reconnaissance de la présence d’une relation et nous avons considéré l’identification des relations comme une tâche de classification multi-classes, chaque catégorie de relation étant considérée comme une classe. Notre système de référence est celui qui a participé à la campagne i2b2, dont la F-mesure est d’environ 0,70. Nous avons évalué l’apport de la syntaxe pour cette tâche, tout d’abord en ajoutant des attributs syntaxiques à notre classifieur, puis en utilisant un apprentissage fondé sur la structure syntaxique des phrases (apprentissage à base de tree kernels) ; cette dernière méthode améliore les résultats de la classification de 3%

    Ontology Enrichment from Free-text Clinical Documents: A Comparison of Alternative Approaches

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    While the biomedical informatics community widely acknowledges the utility of domain ontologies, there remain many barriers to their effective use. One important requirement of domain ontologies is that they achieve a high degree of coverage of the domain concepts and concept relationships. However, the development of these ontologies is typically a manual, time-consuming, and often error-prone process. Limited resources result in missing concepts and relationships, as well as difficulty in updating the ontology as domain knowledge changes. Methodologies developed in the fields of Natural Language Processing (NLP), Information Extraction (IE), Information Retrieval (IR), and Machine Learning (ML) provide techniques for automating the enrichment of ontology from free-text documents. In this dissertation, I extended these methodologies into biomedical ontology development. First, I reviewed existing methodologies and systems developed in the fields of NLP, IR, and IE, and discussed how existing methods can benefit the development of biomedical ontologies. This previously unconducted review was published in the Journal of Biomedical Informatics. Second, I compared the effectiveness of three methods from two different approaches, the symbolic (the Hearst method) and the statistical (the Church and Lin methods), using clinical free-text documents. Third, I developed a methodological framework for Ontology Learning (OL) evaluation and comparison. This framework permits evaluation of the two types of OL approaches that include three OL methods. The significance of this work is as follows: 1) The results from the comparative study showed the potential of these methods for biomedical ontology enrichment. For the two targeted domains (NCIT and RadLex), the Hearst method revealed an average of 21% and 11% new concept acceptance rates, respectively. The Lin method produced a 74% acceptance rate for NCIT; the Church method, 53%. As a result of this study (published in the Journal of Methods of Information in Medicine), many suggested candidates have been incorporated into the NCIT; 2) The evaluation framework is flexible and general enough that it can analyze the performance of ontology enrichment methods for many domains, thus expediting the process of automation and minimizing the likelihood that key concepts and relationships would be missed as domain knowledge evolves

    Extracção de informação médica em português europeu

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    Doutoramento em Engenharia InformáticaThe electronic storage of medical patient data is becoming a daily experience in most of the practices and hospitals worldwide. However, much of the data available is in free-form text, a convenient way of expressing concepts and events, but especially challenging if one wants to perform automatic searches, summarization or statistical analysis. Information Extraction can relieve some of these problems by offering a semantically informed interpretation and abstraction of the texts. MedInX, the Medical Information eXtraction system presented in this document, is the first information extraction system developed to process textual clinical discharge records written in Portuguese. The main goal of the system is to improve access to the information locked up in unstructured text, and, consequently, the efficiency of the health care process, by allowing faster and reliable access to quality information on health, for both patient and health professionals. MedInX components are based on Natural Language Processing principles, and provide several mechanisms to read, process and utilize external resources, such as terminologies and ontologies, in the process of automatic mapping of free text reports onto a structured representation. However, the flexible and scalable architecture of the system, also allowed its application to the task of Named Entity Recognition on a shared evaluation contest focused on Portuguese general domain free-form texts. The evaluation of the system on a set of authentic hospital discharge letters indicates that the system performs with 95% F-measure, on the task of entity recognition, and 95% precision on the task of relation extraction. Example applications, demonstrating the use of MedInX capabilities in real applications in the hospital setting, are also presented in this document. These applications were designed to answer common clinical problems related with the automatic coding of diagnoses and other health-related conditions described in the documents, according to the international classification systems ICD-9-CM and ICF. The automatic review of the content and completeness of the documents is an example of another developed application, denominated MedInX Clinical Audit system.O armazenamento electrónico dos dados médicos do paciente é uma prática cada vez mais comum nos hospitais e clínicas médicas de todo o mundo. No entanto, a maior parte destes dados são disponibilizados sob a forma de texto livre, uma forma conveniente de expressar conceitos e termos mas particularmente desafiante quando se pretende realizar procuras, sumarização ou análise estatística de uma forma automática. As tecnologias de extracção automática de informação podem ajudar a solucionar alguns destes problemas através da interpretação semântica e da abstracção do conteúdo dos textos. O sistema de Extracção de Informação Médica apresentado neste documento, o MedInX, é o primeiro sistema desenvolvido para o processamento de cartas de alta hospitalar escritas em Português. O principal objectivo do sistema é a melhoria do acesso à informação trancada nos textos e, consequentemente, a melhoria da eficiência dos cuidados de saúde, através do acesso rápido e confiável à informação, quer relativa ao doente, quer aos profissionais de saúde. O MedInX utiliza diversas componentes, baseadas em princípios de processamento de linguagem natural, para a análise dos textos clínicos, e contém vários mecanismos para ler, processar e utilizar recursos externos, como terminologias e ontologias. Este recursos são utilizados, em particular, no mapeamento automático do texto livre para uma representação estruturada. No entanto, a arquitectura flexível e escalável do sistema permitiu, também, a sua aplicação na tarefa de Reconhecimento de Entidades Nomeadas numa avaliação conjunta relativa ao processamento de textos de domínio geral, escritos em Português. A avaliação do sistema num conjunto de cartas de alta hospitalar reais, indica que o sistema realiza a tarefa de extracção de informação com uma medida F de 95% e a tarefa de extracção de relações com uma precisão de 95%. A utilidade do sistema em aplicações reais é demonstrada através do desenvolvimento de um conjunto de projectos exemplificativos, que pretendem responder a problemas concretos e comuns em ambiente hospitalar. Estes problemas estão relacionados com a codificação automática de diagnósticos e de outras condições relacionadas com o estado de saúde do doente, seguindo as classificações internacionais, ICD-9-CM e ICF. A revisão automática do conteúdo dos documentos é outro exemplo das possíveis aplicações práticas do sistema. Esta última aplicação é representada pelo o sistema de auditoria do MedInX

    Domain-specific language models and lexicons for tagging

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    Real-time classifiers from free-text for continuous surveillance of small animal disease

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    A wealth of information of epidemiological importance is held within unstructured narrative clinical records. Text mining provides computational techniques for extracting usable information from the language used to communicate between humans, including the spoken and written word. The aim of this work was to develop text-mining methodologies capable of rendering the large volume of information within veterinary clinical narratives accessible for research and surveillance purposes. The free-text records collated within the dataset of the Small Animal Veterinary Surveillance Network formed the development material and target of this work. The efficacy of pre-existent clinician-assigned coding applied to the dataset was evaluated and the nature of notation and vocabulary used in documenting consultations was explored and described. Consultation records were pre-processed to improve human and software readability, and software was developed to redact incidental identifiers present within the free-text. An automated system able to classify for the presence of clinical signs, utilising only information present within the free-text record, was developed with the aim that it would facilitate timely detection of spatio-temporal trends in clinical signs. Clinician-assigned main reason for visit coding provided a poor summary of the large quantity of information exchanged during a veterinary consultation and the nature of the coding and questionnaire triggering further obfuscated information. Delineation of the previously undocumented veterinary clinical sublanguage identified common themes and their manner of documentation, this was key to the development of programmatic methods. A rule-based classifier using logically-chosen dictionaries, sequential processing and data-masking redacted identifiers while maintaining research usability of records. Highly sensitive and specific free-text classification was achieved by applying classifiers for individual clinical signs within a context-sensitive scaffold, this permitted or prohibited matching dependent on the clinical context in which a clinical sign was documented. The mean sensitivity achieved within an unseen test dataset was 98.17 (74.47, 99.9)% and mean specificity 99.94 (77.1, 100.0)%. When used in combination to identify animals with any of a combination of gastrointestinal clinical signs, the sensitivity achieved was 99.44% (95% CI: 98.57, 99.78)% and specificity 99.74 (95% CI: 99.62, 99.83). This work illustrates the importance, utility and promise of free-text classification of clinical records and provides a framework within which this is possible whilst respecting the confidentiality of client and clinician