12,665 research outputs found

    Semi-automatic distribution pattern modeling of web service compositions using semantics

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    Enterprise systems are frequently built by combining a number of discrete Web services together, a process termed composition. There are a number of architectural configurations or distribution patterns, which express how a composed system is to be deployed. Previously, we presented a Model Driven Architecture using UML 2.0, which took existing service interfaces as its input and generated an executable Web service composition, guided by a distribution pattern model. In this paper, we propose using Web service semantic descriptions in addition to Web service interfaces, to assist in the semi-automatic generation of the distribution pattern model. Web services described using semantic languages, such as OWL-S, can be automatically assessed for compatibility and their input and output messages can be mapped to each other

    Visual Model-Driven Design, Verification and Implementation of Security Protocols

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    A novel visual model-driven approach to security protocol design, verification, and implementation is presented in this paper. User-friendly graphical models are combined with rigorous formal methods to enable protocol verification and sound automatic code generation. Domain-specific abstractions keep the graphical models simple, yet powerful enough to represent complex, realistic protocols such as SSH. The main contribution is to bring together aspects that were only partially available or not available at all in previous proposal

    Generating natural language specifications from UML class diagrams

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    Early phases of software development are known to be problematic, difficult to manage and errors occurring during these phases are expensive to correct. Many systems have been developed to aid the transition from informal Natural Language requirements to semistructured or formal specifications. Furthermore, consistency checking is seen by many software engineers as the solution to reduce the number of errors occurring during the software development life cycle and allow early verification and validation of software systems. However, this is confined to the models developed during analysis and design and fails to include the early Natural Language requirements. This excludes proper user involvement and creates a gap between the original requirements and the updated and modified models and implementations of the system. To improve this process, we propose a system that generates Natural Language specifications from UML class diagrams. We first investigate the variation of the input language used in naming the components of a class diagram based on the study of a large number of examples from the literature and then develop rules for removing ambiguities in the subset of Natural Language used within UML. We use WordNet,a linguistic ontology, to disambiguate the lexical structures of the UML string names and generate semantically sound sentences. Our system is developed in Java and is tested on an independent though academic case study

    Automatic Test Generation for Space

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    The European Space Agency (ESA) uses an engine to perform tests in the Ground Segment infrastructure, specially the Operational Simulator. This engine uses many different tools to ensure the development of regression testing infrastructure and these tests perform black-box testing to the C++ simulator implementation. VST (VisionSpace Technologies) is one of the companies that provides these services to ESA and they need a tool to infer automatically tests from the existing C++ code, instead of writing manually scripts to perform tests. With this motivation in mind, this paper explores automatic testing approaches and tools in order to propose a system that satisfies VST needs
