4 research outputs found

    Cooperation, allocation and strategy in interactive decision-making

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    Game theory is the mathematical theory to analyze the behavior of rational decisionmakers in both cooperative and strategic interactive situations. It aims to resolve these situations by developing mathematical models and applying mathematical tools to provide insights in the interactive decision-making process. This dissertation studies the theoretical model of a transferable utility game with limited cooperation possibilities as well as altruistic equilibrium concepts for the model of a strategic game. Furthermore, this dissertation deals with several interactive allocation and operations research problems related to claims, sequencing and purchasing situations in which both cooperative and strategic approaches play a role

    Cost management of modular products: An interventionist research study

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    Innovative products and their impact on operations

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    Operations is the part of an organization that is responsible for creating and/or delivering the organization's products and services (Slack and Lewis 2015, p. 2). To accomplish this task, operations has to oversee and improve a large variety of different processes that span the entire value chain; including the design, procurement, production, delivery, and recovery of the products and services sold. It is beyond dispute that managing all these processes is a complex and challenging endeavor, and that any form of mismanagement may result in adverse outcomes that have a detrimental impact on the organization's profits. Yet, even though the coordination of all the different functions that operations is concerned with is by itself already an intricate mission, there is one feature of many real-life scenarios that substantially complicates operations management: the presence of uncertainties

    Research on cost management methods used in new product development and their relationship to strategic priorities and collaborative competences: A systematic literature review and survey of the German manufacturing industry

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    This doctoral thesis presents a systematic review in both the management accounting as well as the innovation and operation management literature on 15 different methods for cost management. Subsequently, six antecedents of the adoption of cost management methods are identified and empirically analysed. It was found that the antecedents explaining the adoption of this methods during NPD are cost leadership