7 research outputs found

    3D-mallintaminen kulttuurihistoriallisten museoiden toiminnan tukena

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    Tutkimus käsittelee museoesineiden 3D-mallien hyödyntämistapoja kulttuurihistoriallisissa museoissa. 3D-mallintaminen on museoalalla nousussa oleva ilmiö, joka tuo alalle uusia keinoja käsitellä kulttuuriperintöä. Tutkimuksen aineisto koostuu tieteellisistä artikkeleista, joissa esitellään 3D-mallintamista sisältäviä tutkimuksia ja projekteja. Aineiston avulla tarkastellaan kulttuurihistoriallisten museoiden tapoja hyödyntää 3D-teknologiaa museoiden eri osa-alueilla, kuten näyttelyissä, työpajoissa, kokoelmanhallinnassa ja tutkimuksessa. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan, miten 3D-mallintaminen tukee museoiden tehtävää ja tarkoitusta, sekä havainnollistetaan 3D-teknologian runsaita mahdollisuuksia museokentällä. 3D-teknologian sisällyttäminen museoihin lisää museokävijöiden kiinnostusta näyttelyiden teemoihin, eikä hyvin toteutettu 3D-teknologia vähennä fyysisten kokoelmien arvoa. 3D-teknologia tukee fyysisiä kokoelmia, ja auttaa turvaamaan arvokkaan kulttuuriperinnön säilymistä, jos kokoelmia tai yksittäisiä esineitä kohtaisi onnettomuus tai ajan myötä tapahtuva tuhoutuminen. 3D-mallintamalla voi lisätä esimerkiksi koskettamisen mahdollisuutta museoissa, mikä parantaa saavutettavuutta erityisesti näkövammaisten kohdalla. 3D-mallien lisäämisen museoihin tulee kuitenkin olla harkittua, sillä mikä tahansa ratkaisu ei tee museosta saavutettavaa. 3D-teknologia voi myös luoda teknologiakuiluja eri kohderyhmien välille, varsinkin jos toteutus on monimutkaisesti käytettävissä. Aineiston perusteella museokävijät vaikuttavat suosivan varsinkin interaktiivisuutta sisältäviä 3D-teknologian toteutuksia, kuten lisättyä todellisuutta ja mahdollisuutta koskea 3D-tulosteisiin. 3D-teknologian sisällyttäminen osaksi museoiden arkipäivää auttaa museoita toteuttamaan tehtäväänsä nykyaikaisten standardien mukaisesti, edistäen varsinkin saavutettavuutta, tutkimusta, tiedon saatavuutta ja kulttuuriperinnön säilyttämistä

    Towards a Conceptual Framework for Persistent Use: A Technical Plan to Achieve Semantic Interoperability within Electronic Health Record Systems

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    Semantic interoperability within the health care sector requires that patient data be fully available and shared without ambiguity across participating health facilities. Ongoing discussions to achieve interoperability within the health care industry continue to emphasize the need for healthcare facilities to successfully adopt and implement Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems. Reluctance by the healthcare industry to implement these EHRs for the purpose of achieving interoperability has led to the proposed research problem where it was determined that there is no existing single data standardization structure that can effectively share and interpret patient data within heterogeneous systems. \ \ The proposed research proposes a master data standardization and translation (MDST) model – XDataRDF -- which incorporates the use of the Resource Description Framework (RDF) that will allow for the seamless exchange of healthcare data among multiple facilities. Using RDF will allow multiple data models and vocabularies to be easily combined and interrelated within a single environment thereby reducing data definition ambiguity.

    Documenting and sharing comparative analyses of 3D digital museum artifacts through semantic web annotations

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    Understanding the similarities, differences, and relationships between cultural heritage artifacts is critical for determining their significance and their provenance. It also provides valuable information for ensuring the long-term preservation of cultural heritage artifacts. Consequently, as more museums develop online three-dimensional (3D) collections, curators and scholars are demanding online tools that enable them to document and interpret variances and similarities between related 3D digital objects. This article describes a system that was developed to enable museum curators and/or scholars to document relationships between multiple 3D digital representations of museum objects using web-based annotation tools. The 3D Semantic Association (3DSA) system enables users to annotate relationships between multiple whole objects, parts of objects, or features on objects (surface features or volumetric segments). The annotations are stored on a server in an interoperable format that can be shared, discovered, browsed, and retrieved through a web browser interface. This approach not only improves scholars' capabilities to undertake cultural heritage research but also enables researchers to document, share, discuss, and compare alternative hypotheses about the relationships between artifacts

    Semantic annotation services for 3D models of cultural heritage artefacts

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    Semantic Annotation of Digital Objects by Multiagent Computing: Applications in Digital Heritage

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    Heritage organisations around the world are participating in broad scale digitisation projects, where traditional forms of heritage materials are being transcribed into digital representations in order to assist with their long-term preservation, facilitate cataloguing, and increase their accessibility to researchers and the general public. These digital formats open up a new world of opportunities for applying computational information retrieval techniques to heritage collections, making it easier than ever before to explore and document these materials. One of the key benefits of being able to easily share digital heritage collections is the strengthening and support of community memory, where members of a community contribute their perceptions and recollections of historical and cultural events so that this knowledge is not forgotten and lost over time. With the ever-growing popularity of digitally-native media and the high level of computer literacy in modern society, this is set to become a critical area for preservation in the immediate future

    Il rilievo dell’Architettura tra identificazione tipologica e strutturazione semantica. La Certosa di San Lorenzo a Padula nella rappresentazione digitale per il Cultural Heritage.

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    La digitalizzazione delle testimonianze del patrimonio costruito ha animato una nuova sfida dell’epoca contemporanea: la creazione di sistemi intelligenti, efficienti e scalabili per l’indicizzazione, l’archiviazione, la ricerca e la gestione delle collezioni digitali e della relativa documentazione. La strutturazione delle informazioni, spazializzate in ragione di attributi semantici, risponde efficacemente alle esigenze di documentazione e interoperabilità, proprie degli studi interdisciplinari, potenziando la condivisione delle risorse e la creazione collaborativa di conoscenza. L’analisi degli approcci formalizzati finora, mostra diverse questioni aperte e spunti di riflessione connessi con le implicazioni teoriche di una segmentazione architettonica guidata dalla semantica, con le potenzialità espressive e applicative di una interazione più immediata con la rappresentazione digitale nonché con le modalità di accesso e recupero della documentazione spazializzata. Un primo scopo della ricerca è la definizione di una metodologia di annotazione semantica che risolva l’ambiguità e codifichi l’incertezza della etichettatura, affinando la qualità dell’informazione. Una seconda finalità è l’indagine di approcci che razionalizzino e ottimizzino il processo di annotazione, migliorando l’interoperabilità e l’interpretabilità da parte di Intelligenze Artificiali