6 research outputs found

    Multi-objective resource selection in distributed information retrieval

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    In a Distributed Information Retrieval system, a user submits a query to a broker, which determines how to yield a given number of documents from all possible resource servers. In this paper, we propose a multi-objective model for this resource selection task. In this model, four aspects are considered simultaneously in the choice of the resource: document's relevance to the given query, time, monetary cost, and similarity between resources. An optimized solution is achieved by comparing the performances of all possible candidates. Some variations of the basic model are also given, which improve the basic model's efficiency


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    At present a lot of automated systems are developing and implementing to support the educational and research processes in the universities. Often these systems duplicate some functions, databases, and also there are problems of compatibility of these systems. The most common educational systems are systems for creating electronic libraries, access to scientific and educational information, a program for detecting plagiarism, testing knowledge, etc. In this article, models and solutions for the integration of such educational automated systems as the information library system (ILS) and the anti-plagiarism system are examined. Integration of systems is based on the compatibility of databases, if more precisely in the metadata of different information models. At the same time, Cloud technologies are used - data processing technology, in which computer resources are provided to the user of the integrated system as an online service. ILS creates e-library of graduation papers and dissertations on the main server. During the creation of the electronic catalog, the communication format MARC21 is used. The database development is distributed for each department. The subsystem of anti-plagiarism analyzes the full-text database for the similarity of texts (dissertations, diploma works and others). Also it identifies the percentage of coincidence, creates the table of statistical information on the coincidence of tests for each author and division, indicating similar fields. The integrated system was developed and tested at the Tashkent University of Information Technologies to work in the corporate mode of various departments (faculties, departments, TUIT branches)

    A New Approach to plagiarism Detection Using Cellular Learning Automatons and Semantic Role Labeling

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    Plagiarism is removal and to put it in their own name the ideas or words of others. With the Increasing progress of the Internet and the proliferation of online articles, scientific theft has also become easier. Many systems have been developed today to detect plagiarism. Most of these systems are based on lexical structure and string matching algorithms. Therefore, these systems can hardly detect recovery robberies, placement of synonyms. This paper presents a method for identifying plagiarism based on semantic role labeling and cellular learning automata. In this paper, cellular learning automata are used to locate the processed words. Semantic role labeling specifies the role of words in sentence. Comparison operations are performed for all sentences of the original text and suspicious text. Results of the experiments on PAN-PC-11 corpus demonstrate the proposed method improves values of evaluation parameters such as recall, precision and F-measure, comparing to previous approaches in plagiarism detection

    Detekce duplicit v rozsáhlých webových bázích dat

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    Tato diplomová práce se zabývá metodami používanými k detekci duplicitních dokumentů, a možností jejich integrace do internetového vyhledávače. Nabízí přehled běžně používaných metod, z nichž vybírá metodu aproximace Jaccardovy míry podobnosti v kombinaci se šindelováním. Vybranou metodu přizpůsobuje k implementaci v prostředí internetového vyhledávače Egothor. Cílem práce je představit tuto implementaci, popsat její vlastnosti a nalézt nejvhodnější parametry tak, aby detekce probíhala pokud možno v reálném čase. Důležitou vlastností metody je také možnost vykonávat dynamické změny nad kolekcí indexovaných dokumentů.This master thesis analyses the methods used for duplicity document detection and possibilities of their integration with a web search engine. It offers an overview of commonly used methods, from which it chooses the method of approximation of the Jaccard similarity measure in combination with shingling. The chosen method is adapted for implementation in the Egothor web search engine environment. The aim of the thesis is to present this implementation, describe its features, and find the most suitable parameters for the detection to run in real time. An important feature of the described method is also the possibility to make dynamic changes over the collection of indexed documents.Department of Software EngineeringKatedra softwarového inženýrstvíFaculty of Mathematics and PhysicsMatematicko-fyzikální fakult

    A Machine Learning Approach for Plagiarism Detection

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    Plagiarism detection is gaining increasing importance due to requirements for integrity in education. The existing research has investigated the problem of plagrarim detection with a varying degree of success. The literature revealed that there are two main methods for detecting plagiarism, namely extrinsic and intrinsic. This thesis has developed two novel approaches to address both of these methods. Firstly a novel extrinsic method for detecting plagiarism is proposed. The method is based on four well-known techniques namely Bag of Words (BOW), Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA), Stylometry and Support Vector Machines (SVM). The LSA application was fine-tuned to take in the stylometric features (most common words) in order to characterise the document authorship as described in chapter 4. The results revealed that LSA based stylometry has outperformed the traditional LSA application. Support vector machine based algorithms were used to perform the classification procedure in order to predict which author has written a particular book being tested. The proposed method has successfully addressed the limitations of semantic characteristics and identified the document source by assigning the book being tested to the right author in most cases. Secondly, the intrinsic detection method has relied on the use of the statistical properties of the most common words. LSA was applied in this method to a group of most common words (MCWs) to extract their usage patterns based on the transitivity property of LSA. The feature sets of the intrinsic model were based on the frequency of the most common words, their relative frequencies in series, and the deviation of these frequencies across all books for a particular author. The Intrinsic method aims to generate a model of author “style” by revealing a set of certain features of authorship. The model’s generation procedure focuses on just one author as an attempt to summarise aspects of an author’s style in a definitive and clear-cut manner. The thesis has also proposed a novel experimental methodology for testing the performance of both extrinsic and intrinsic methods for plagiarism detection. This methodology relies upon the CEN (Corpus of English Novels) training dataset, but divides that dataset up into training and test datasets in a novel manner. Both approaches have been evaluated using the well-known leave-one-out-cross-validation method. Results indicated that by integrating deep analysis (LSA) and Stylometric analysis, hidden changes can be identified whether or not a reference collection exists

    A study on plagiarism detection and plagiarism direction identification using natural language processing techniques

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    Ever since we entered the digital communication era, the ease of information sharing through the internet has encouraged online literature searching. With this comes the potential risk of a rise in academic misconduct and intellectual property theft. As concerns over plagiarism grow, more attention has been directed towards automatic plagiarism detection. This is a computational approach which assists humans in judging whether pieces of texts are plagiarised. However, most existing plagiarism detection approaches are limited to super cial, brute-force stringmatching techniques. If the text has undergone substantial semantic and syntactic changes, string-matching approaches do not perform well. In order to identify such changes, linguistic techniques which are able to perform a deeper analysis of the text are needed. To date, very limited research has been conducted on the topic of utilising linguistic techniques in plagiarism detection. This thesis provides novel perspectives on plagiarism detection and plagiarism direction identi cation tasks. The hypothesis is that original texts and rewritten texts exhibit signi cant but measurable di erences, and that these di erences can be captured through statistical and linguistic indicators. To investigate this hypothesis, four main research objectives are de ned. First, a novel framework for plagiarism detection is proposed. It involves the use of Natural Language Processing techniques, rather than only relying on the vii traditional string-matching approaches. The objective is to investigate and evaluate the in uence of text pre-processing, and statistical, shallow and deep linguistic techniques using a corpus-based approach. This is achieved by evaluating the techniques in two main experimental settings. Second, the role of machine learning in this novel framework is investigated. The objective is to determine whether the application of machine learning in the plagiarism detection task is helpful. This is achieved by comparing a thresholdsetting approach against a supervised machine learning classi er. Third, the prospect of applying the proposed framework in a large-scale scenario is explored. The objective is to investigate the scalability of the proposed framework and algorithms. This is achieved by experimenting with a large-scale corpus in three stages. The rst two stages are based on longer text lengths and the nal stage is based on segments of texts. Finally, the plagiarism direction identi cation problem is explored as supervised machine learning classi cation and ranking tasks. Statistical and linguistic features are investigated individually or in various combinations. The objective is to introduce a new perspective on the traditional brute-force pair-wise comparison of texts. Instead of comparing original texts against rewritten texts, features are drawn based on traits of texts to build a pattern for original and rewritten texts. Thus, the classi cation or ranking task is to t a piece of text into a pattern. The framework is tested by empirical experiments, and the results from initial experiments show that deep linguistic analysis contributes to solving the problems we address in this thesis. Further experiments show that combining shallow and viii deep techniques helps improve the classi cation of plagiarised texts by reducing the number of false negatives. In addition, the experiment on plagiarism direction detection shows that rewritten texts can be identi ed by statistical and linguistic traits. The conclusions of this study o er ideas for further research directions and potential applications to tackle the challenges that lie ahead in detecting text reuse.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo