142 research outputs found

    Utilizing sub-topical structure of documents for information retrieval.

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    Text segmentation in natural language processing typically refers to the process of decomposing a document into constituent subtopics. Our work centers on the application of text segmentation techniques within information retrieval (IR) tasks. For example, for scoring a document by combining the retrieval scores of its constituent segments, exploiting the proximity of query terms in documents for ad-hoc search, and for question answering (QA), where retrieved passages from multiple documents are aggregated and presented as a single document to a searcher. Feedback in ad hoc IR task is shown to beneïŹt from the use of extracted sentences instead of terms from the pseudo relevant documents for query expansion. Retrieval effectiveness for patent prior art search task is enhanced by applying text segmentation to the patent queries. Another aspect of our work involves augmenting text segmentation techniques to produce segments which are more readable with less unresolved anaphora. This is particularly useful for QA and snippet generation tasks where the objective is to aggregate relevant and novel information from multiple documents satisfying user information need on one hand, and ensuring that the automatically generated content presented to the user is easily readable without reference to the original source document

    A study of query expansion methods for patent retrieval

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    Patent retrieval is a recall-oriented search task where the objective is to find all possible relevant documents. Queries in patent retrieval are typically very long since they take the form of a patent claim or even a full patent application in the case of priorart patent search. Nevertheless, there is generally a significant mismatch between the query and the relevant documents, often leading to low retrieval effectiveness. Some previous work has tried to address this mismatch through the application of query expansion (QE) techniques which have generally showed effectiveness for many other retrieval tasks. However, results of QE on patent search have been found to be very disappointing. We present a review of previous investigations of QE in patent retrieval, and explore some of these techniques on a prior-art patent search task. In addition, a novel method for QE using automatically generated synonyms set is presented. While previous QE techniques fail to improve over baseline retrieval, our new approach show statistically better retrieval precision over the baseline, although not for recall. In addition, it proves to be significantly more efficient than existing techniques. An extensive analysis to the results is presented which seeks to better understand situations where these QE techniques succeed or fail

    Toward higher effectiveness for recall-oriented information retrieval: A patent retrieval case study

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    Research in information retrieval (IR) has largely been directed towards tasks requiring high precision. Recently, other IR applications which can be described as recall-oriented IR tasks have received increased attention in the IR research domain. Prominent among these IR applications are patent search and legal search, where users are typically ready to check hundreds or possibly thousands of documents in order to find any possible relevant document. The main concerns in this kind of application are very different from those in standard precision-oriented IR tasks, where users tend to be focused on finding an answer to their information need that can typically be addressed by one or two relevant documents. For precision-oriented tasks, mean average precision continues to be used as the primary evaluation metric for almost all IR applications. For recall-oriented IR applications the nature of the search task, including objectives, users, queries, and document collections, is different from that of standard precision-oriented search tasks. In this research study, two dimensions in IR are explored for the recall-oriented patent search task. The study includes IR system evaluation and multilingual IR for patent search. In each of these dimensions, current IR techniques are studied and novel techniques developed especially for this kind of recall-oriented IR application are proposed and investigated experimentally in the context of patent retrieval. The techniques developed in this thesis provide a significant contribution toward evaluating the effectiveness of recall-oriented IR in general and particularly patent search, and improving the efficiency of multilingual search for this kind of task

    PRIME: A System for Multi-lingual Patent Retrieval

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    Given the growing number of patents filed in multiple countries, users are interested in retrieving patents across languages. We propose a multi-lingual patent retrieval system, which translates a user query into the target language, searches a multilingual database for patents relevant to the query, and improves the browsing efficiency by way of machine translation and clustering. Our system also extracts new translations from patent families consisting of comparable patents, to enhance the translation dictionary

    Evaluating Information Retrieval and Access Tasks

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    This open access book summarizes the first two decades of the NII Testbeds and Community for Information access Research (NTCIR). NTCIR is a series of evaluation forums run by a global team of researchers and hosted by the National Institute of Informatics (NII), Japan. The book is unique in that it discusses not just what was done at NTCIR, but also how it was done and the impact it has achieved. For example, in some chapters the reader sees the early seeds of what eventually grew to be the search engines that provide access to content on the World Wide Web, today’s smartphones that can tailor what they show to the needs of their owners, and the smart speakers that enrich our lives at home and on the move. We also get glimpses into how new search engines can be built for mathematical formulae, or for the digital record of a lived human life. Key to the success of the NTCIR endeavor was early recognition that information access research is an empirical discipline and that evaluation therefore lay at the core of the enterprise. Evaluation is thus at the heart of each chapter in this book. They show, for example, how the recognition that some documents are more important than others has shaped thinking about evaluation design. The thirty-three contributors to this volume speak for the many hundreds of researchers from dozens of countries around the world who together shaped NTCIR as organizers and participants. This book is suitable for researchers, practitioners, and students—anyone who wants to learn about past and present evaluation efforts in information retrieval, information access, and natural language processing, as well as those who want to participate in an evaluation task or even to design and organize one

    Applying the KISS principle for the CLEF-IP 2010 prior art candidate patent search task

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    We present our experiments and results for the DCU CNGL participation in the CLEF-IP 2010 Candidate Patent Search Task. Our work applied standard information retrieval (IR) techniques to patent search. In addition, a very simple citation extraction method was applied to improve the results. This was our second consecutive participation in the CLEF-IP tasks. Our experiments in 2009 showed that many sophisticated approach to IR do not improve the retrieval effectiveness for this task. For this reason of we decided to apply only simple methods in 2010. These were demonstrated to be highly competitive with other participants. DCU submitted three runs for the Prior Art Candidate Search Task, two of these runs achieved the second and third ranks among the 25 runs submitted by nine different participants. Our best run achieved MAP of 0.203, recall of 0.618, and PRES of 0.523

    Query refinement for patent prior art search

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    A patent is a contract between the inventor and the state, granting a limited time period to the inventor to exploit his invention. In exchange, the inventor must put a detailed description of his invention in the public domain. Patents can encourage innovation and economic growth but at the time of economic crisis patents can hamper such growth. The long duration of the application process is a big obstacle that needs to be addressed to maximize the benefit of patents on innovation and economy. This time can be significantly improved by changing the way we search the patent and non-patent literature.Despite the recent advancement of general information retrieval and the revolution of Web Search engines, there is still a huge gap between the emerging technologies from the research labs and adapted by major Internet search engines, and the systems which are in use by the patent search communities.In this thesis we investigate the problem of patent prior art search in patent retrieval with the goal of finding documents which describe the idea of a query patent. A query patent is a full patent application composed of hundreds of terms which does not represent a single focused information need. Other relevance evidences (e.g. classification tags, and bibliographical data) provide additional details about the underlying information need of the query patent. The first goal of this thesis is to estimate a uni-gram query model from the textual fields of a query patent. We then improve the initial query representation using noun phrases extracted from the query patent. We show that expansion in a query-dependent manner is useful.The second contribution of this thesis is to address the term mismatch problem from a query formulation point of view by integrating multiple relevance evidences associated with the query patent. To do this, we enhance the initial representation of the query with the term distribution of the community of inventors related to the topic of the query patent. We then build a lexicon using classification tags and show that query expansion using this lexicon and considering proximity information (between query and expansion terms) can improve the retrieval performance. We perform an empirical evaluation of our proposed models on two patent datasets. The experimental results show that our proposed models can achieve significantly better results than the baseline and other enhanced models

    Finding Structured and Unstructured Features to Improve the Search Result of Complex Question

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    -Recently, search engine got challenge deal with such a natural language questions. Sometimes, these questions are complex questions. A complex question is a question that consists several clauses, several intentions or need long answer. In this work we proposed that finding structured features and unstructured features of questions and using structured data and unstructured data could improve the search result of complex questions. According to those, we will use two approaches, IR approach and structured retrieval, QA template. Our framework consists of three parts. Question analysis, Resource Discovery and Analysis The Relevant Answer. In Question Analysis we used a few assumptions, and tried to find structured and unstructured features of the questions. Structured feature refers to Structured data and unstructured feature refers to unstructured data. In the resource discovery we integrated structured data (relational database) and unstructured data (webpage) to take the advantaged of two kinds of data to improve and reach the relevant answer. We will find the best top fragments from context of the webpage In the Relevant Answer part, we made a score matching between the result from structured data and unstructured data, then finally used QA template to reformulate the question. In the experiment result, it shows that using structured feature and unstructured feature and using both structured and unstructured data, using approach IR and QA template could improve the search result of complex questions
