5,405 research outputs found

    A hypothesize-and-verify framework for Text Recognition using Deep Recurrent Neural Networks

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    Deep LSTM is an ideal candidate for text recognition. However text recognition involves some initial image processing steps like segmentation of lines and words which can induce error to the recognition system. Without segmentation, learning very long range context is difficult and becomes computationally intractable. Therefore, alternative soft decisions are needed at the pre-processing level. This paper proposes a hybrid text recognizer using a deep recurrent neural network with multiple layers of abstraction and long range context along with a language model to verify the performance of the deep neural network. In this paper we construct a multi-hypotheses tree architecture with candidate segments of line sequences from different segmentation algorithms at its different branches. The deep neural network is trained on perfectly segmented data and tests each of the candidate segments, generating unicode sequences. In the verification step, these unicode sequences are validated using a sub-string match with the language model and best first search is used to find the best possible combination of alternative hypothesis from the tree structure. Thus the verification framework using language models eliminates wrong segmentation outputs and filters recognition errors

    High-level Understanding of Visual Content in Learning Materials through Graph Neural Networks

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    Layout Analysis for Handwritten Documents. A Probabilistic Machine Learning Approach

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    [ES] El Análisis de la Estructura de Documentos (Document Layout Analysis), aplicado a documentos manuscritos, tiene como objetivo obtener automáticamente la estructura intrínseca de dichos documentos. Su desarrollo como campo de investigación se extiende desde los sistemas de segmentación de caracteres desarrollados a principios de la década de 1960 hasta los sistemas complejos desarrollados en la actualidad, donde el objetivo es analizar estructuras de alto nivel (líneas de texto, párrafos, tablas, etc.) y la relación que existe entre ellas. Esta tesis, en primer lugar, define el objetivo del Análisis de la Estructura de Documentos desde una perspectiva probabilística. A continuación, la complejidad del problema se reduce a un conjunto de subproblemas complementarios bien conocidos, de manera que pueda ser gestionado por medio de recursos informáticos modernos. Concretamente se abordan tres de los principales problemas del Análisis de la Estructura de Documentos siguiendo una formulación probabilística. Específicamente se aborda la Detección de Línea Base (Baseline Detection), la Segmentación de Regiones (Region Segmentation) y la Determinación del Orden de Lectura (Reading Order Determination). Uno de los principales aportes de esta tesis es la formalización de los problemas de Detección de Línea Base y Segmentación de Regiones bajo un marco probabilístico, donde ambos problemas pueden ser abordados por separado o de forma integrada por los modelos propuestos. Este último enfoque ha demostrado ser muy útil para procesar grandes colecciones de documentos con recursos informáticos limitados. Posteriormente se aborda el subproblema de la Determinación del Orden de Lectura, que es uno de los subproblemas más importantes, aunque subestimados, del Análisis de la Extructura de Documentos, ya que es el nexo que permite convertir los datos extraídos de los sistemas de Reconocimiento Automático de Texto (Automatic Text Recognition Systems) en información útil. Por lo tanto, en esta tesis abordamos y formalizamos la Determinación del Orden de Lectura como un problema de clasificación probabilística por pares. Además, se proponen dos diferentes algoritmos de decodificación que reducen la complejidad computacional del problema. Por otra parte, se utilizan diferentes modelos estadísticos para representar la distribución de probabilidad sobre la estructura de los documentos. Estos modelos, basados en Redes Neuronales Artificiales (desde un simple Perceptrón Multicapa hasta complejas Redes Convolucionales y Redes de Propuesta de Regiones), se estiman a partir de datos de entrenamiento utilizando algoritmos de aprendizaje automático supervisados. Finalmente, todas las contribuciones se evalúan experimentalmente, no solo en referencias académicas estándar, sino también en colecciones de miles de imágenes. Se han considerado documentos de texto manuascritos y documentos musicales manuscritos, ya que en conjunto representan la mayoría de los documentos presentes en bibliotecas y archivos. Los resultados muestran que los métodos propuestos son muy precisos y versátiles en una amplia gama de documentos manuscritos.[CA] L'Anàlisi de l'Estructura de Documents (Document Layout Analysis), aplicada a documents manuscrits, pretén automatitzar l'obtenció de l'estructura intrínseca d'un document. El seu desenvolupament com a camp d'investigació comprén des dels sistemes de segmentació de caràcters creats al principi dels anys 60 fins als complexos sistemes de hui dia que busquen analitzar estructures d'alt nivell (línies de text, paràgrafs, taules, etc) i les relacions entre elles. Aquesta tesi busca, primer de tot, definir el propòsit de l'anàlisi de l'estructura de documents des d'una perspectiva probabilística. Llavors, una vegada reduïda la complexitat del problema, es processa utilitzant recursos computacionals moderns, per a dividir-ho en un conjunt de subproblemes complementaris més coneguts. Concretament, tres dels principals subproblemes de l'Anàlisi de l'Estructura de Documents s'adrecen seguint una formulació probabilística: Detecció de la Línia Base Baseline Detection), Segmentació de Regions (Region Segmentation) i Determinació de l'Ordre de Lectura (Reading Order Determination). Una de les principals contribucions d'aquesta tesi és la formalització dels problemes de la Detecció de les Línies Base i dels de Segmentació de Regions en un entorn probabilístic, sent els dos problemes tractats per separat o integrats en conjunt pels models proposats. Aquesta última aproximació ha demostrat ser de molta utilitat per a la gestió de grans col·leccions de documents amb uns recursos computacionals limitats. Posteriorment s'ha adreçat el subproblema de la Determinació de l'Ordre de Lectura, sent un dels subproblemes més importants de l'Anàlisi d'Estructures de Documents, encara així subestimat, perquè és el nexe que permet transformar en informació d'utilitat l'extracció de dades dels sistemes de reconeixement automàtic de text. És per això que el fet de determinar l'ordre de lectura s'adreça i formalitza com un problema d'ordenació probabilística per parells. A més, es proposen dos algoritmes descodificadors diferents que reducix la complexitat computacional del problema. Per altra banda s'utilitzen diferents models estadístics per representar la distribució probabilística sobre l'estructura dels documents. Aquests models, basats en xarxes neuronals artificials (des d'un simple perceptron multicapa fins a complexes xarxes convolucionals i de propostes de regió), s'estimen a partir de dades d'entrenament mitjançant algoritmes d'aprenentatge automàtic supervisats. Finalment, totes les contribucions s'avaluen experimentalment, no només en referents acadèmics estàndard, sinó també en col·leccions de milers d'imatges. S'han considerat documents de text manuscrit i documents musicals manuscrits, ja que representen la majoria de documents presents a biblioteques i arxius. Els resultats mostren que els mètodes proposats són molt precisos i versàtils en una àmplia gamma de documents manuscrits.[EN] Document Layout Analysis, applied to handwritten documents, aims to automatically obtain the intrinsic structure of a document. Its development as a research field spans from the character segmentation systems developed in the early 1960s to the complex systems designed nowadays, where the goal is to analyze high-level structures (lines of text, paragraphs, tables, etc) and the relationship between them. This thesis first defines the goal of Document Layout Analysis from a probabilistic perspective. Then, the complexity of the problem is reduced, to be handled by modern computing resources, into a set of well-known complementary subproblems. More precisely, three of the main subproblems of Document Layout Analysis are addressed following a probabilistic formulation, namely Baseline Detection, Region Segmentation and Reading Order Determination. One of the main contributions of this thesis is the formalization of Baseline Detection and Region Segmentation problems under a probabilistic framework, where both problems can be handled separately or in an integrated way by the proposed models. The latter approach is proven to be very useful to handle large document collections under restricted computing resources. Later, the Reading Order Determination subproblem is addressed. It is one of the most important, yet underestimated, subproblem of Document Layout Analysis, since it is the bridge that allows us to convert the data extracted from Automatic Text Recognition systems into useful information. Therefore, Reading Order Determination is addressed and formalized as a pairwise probabilistic sorting problem. Moreover, we propose two different decoding algorithms that reduce the computational complexity of the problem. Furthermore, different statistical models are used to represent the probability distribution over the structure of the documents. These models, based on Artificial Neural Networks (from a simple Multilayer Perceptron to complex Convolutional and Region Proposal Networks), are estimated from training data using supervised Machine Learning algorithms. Finally, all the contributions are experimentally evaluated, not only on standard academic benchmarks but also in collections of thousands of images. We consider handwritten text documents and handwritten musical documents as they represent the majority of documents in libraries and archives. The results show that the proposed methods are very accurate and versatile in a very wide range of handwritten documents.Quirós Díaz, L. (2022). Layout Analysis for Handwritten Documents. A Probabilistic Machine Learning Approach [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/18148

    Article Segmentation in Digitised Newspapers

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    Digitisation projects preserve and make available vast quantities of historical text. Among these, newspapers are an invaluable resource for the study of human culture and history. Article segmentation identifies each region in a digitised newspaper page that contains an article. Digital humanities, information retrieval (IR), and natural language processing (NLP) applications over digitised archives improve access to text and allow automatic information extraction. The lack of article segmentation impedes these applications. We contribute a thorough review of the existing approaches to article segmentation. Our analysis reveals divergent interpretations of the task, and inconsistent and often ambiguously defined evaluation metrics, making comparisons between systems challenging. We solve these issues by contributing a detailed task definition that examines the nuances and intricacies of article segmentation that are not immediately apparent. We provide practical guidelines on handling borderline cases and devise a new evaluation framework that allows insightful comparison of existing and future approaches. Our review also reveals that the lack of large datasets hinders meaningful evaluation and limits machine learning approaches. We solve these problems by contributing a distant supervision method for generating large datasets for article segmentation. We manually annotate a portion of our dataset and show that our method produces article segmentations over characters nearly as well as costly human annotators. We reimplement the seminal textual approach to article segmentation (Aiello and Pegoretti, 2006) and show that it does not generalise well when evaluated on a large dataset. We contribute a framework for textual article segmentation that divides the task into two distinct phases: block representation and clustering. We propose several techniques for block representation and contribute a novel highly-compressed semantic representation called similarity embeddings. We evaluate and compare different clustering techniques, and innovatively apply label propagation (Zhu and Ghahramani, 2002) to spread headline labels to similar blocks. Our similarity embeddings and label propagation approach substantially outperforms Aiello and Pegoretti but still falls short of human performance. Exploring visual approaches to article segmentation, we reimplement and analyse the state-of-the-art Bansal et al. (2014) approach. We contribute an innovative 2D Markov model approach that captures reading order dependencies and reduces the structured labelling problem to a Markov chain that we decode with Viterbi (1967). Our approach substantially outperforms Bansal et al., achieves accuracy as good as human annotators, and establishes a new state of the art in article segmentation. Our task definition, evaluation framework, and distant supervision dataset will encourage progress in the task of article segmentation. Our state-of-the-art textual and visual approaches will allow sophisticated IR and NLP applications over digitised newspaper archives, supporting research in the digital humanities

    Probabilistic framework for image understanding applications using Bayesian Networks

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    Machine learning algorithms have been successfully utilized in various systems/devices. They have the ability to improve the usability/quality of such systems in terms of intelligent user interface, fast performance, and more importantly, high accuracy. In this research, machine learning techniques are used in the field of image understanding, which is a common research area between image analysis and computer vision, to involve higher processing level of a target image to make sense of the scene captured in it. A general probabilistic framework for image understanding where topics associated with (i) collection of images to generate a comprehensive and valid database, (ii) generation of an unbiased ground-truth for the aforesaid database, (iii) selection of classification features and elimination of the redundant ones, and (iv) usage of such information to test a new sample set, are discussed. Two research projects have been developed as examples of the general image understanding framework; identification of region(s) of interest, and image segmentation evaluation. These techniques, in addition to others, are combined in an object-oriented rendering system for printing applications. The discussion included in this doctoral dissertation explores the means for developing such a system from an image understanding/ processing aspect. It is worth noticing that this work does not aim to develop a printing system. It is only proposed to add some essential features for current printing pipelines to achieve better visual quality while printing images/photos. Hence, we assume that image regions have been successfully extracted from the printed document. These images are used as input to the proposed object-oriented rendering algorithm where methodologies for color image segmentation, region-of-interest identification and semantic features extraction are employed. Probabilistic approaches based on Bayesian statistics have been utilized to develop the proposed image understanding techniques

    Non-Visual Representation of Complex Documents for Use in Digital Talking Books

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    Essential written information such as text books, bills, and catalogues needs to be accessible by everyone. However, access is not always available to vision-impaired people. As they require electronic documents to be available in specific formats. In order to address the accessibility issues of electronic documents, this research aims to design an affordable, portable, standalone and simple to use complete reading system that will convert and describe complex components in electronic documents to print disabled users

    Automatic alignment of hieroglyphs and transliteration

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    Automatic alignment has important applications in philology, facilitating study of texts on the basis of electronic resources produced by different scholars. A simple technique is presented to realise such alignment for Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic texts and transliteration. Preliminary experiments with the technique are reported, and plans for future work are discussed.Postprin