4 research outputs found

    Eyewitnesses’ Visual Recollection in Suspect Identification by using Facial Appearance Model

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    يعتبر تمييز الوجه مجالًا نشطًا لعلوم التصوير. ومع التطورات الحديثة في تطوير رؤية الكمبيوتر ، يتم تطبيقه على نطاق واسع في مختلف المجالات ، وخاصة في فرض القانون والأمن. ان الوجه البشري مقياس حيوي يمكن استخدامه بفعالية في كل من تحديد الهوية والتحقق منها. حتى الآن ، وبغض النظر عن نموذج الوجه والمقاييس ذات الصلة المستخدمة ، فإن عيبه الرئيس هو أنه يتطلب صورة للوجه ، يتم إجراء المقارنة عليها. لذلك ، هناك حاجة دائمًا إلى أجهزة تلفزيون الدائرة المغلقة وقاعدة بيانات الوجه في نظام التشغيل. وللأسف خلال العقود القليلة الماضية ، شهدنا ظهور حرب غير متكافئة ، حيث يتم ارتكاب أعمال إرهابية في كثير من الأحيان في منطقة منعزلة بدون كاميرا مثبتة وربما بواسطة أشخاص لم يتم حفظ صورهم في أي قاعدة بيانات رسمية قبل الحدث. خلال التحقيقات اللاحقة ، كان على السلطات بالتالي الاعتماد على شهود مصابين بصدمات نفسية واحباط ، وهؤلاء تعتبر شهادتهم مشكوك فيها وغالبًا ما تكون مضللة بشأن ظهور المشتبه فيه. لمعالجة هذه المشكلة ، تقدم هذه الورقة تطبيقًا لنموذج المظهر الإحصائي للوجه الإنساني في المساعدة على تحديد هوية المشتبه به استنادًا إلى التذكر البصري للشاهد. تم تنفيذ نظام نموذج أولي عبر الإنترنت لإظهار وظائفه الأساسية. أشار كل من التقييمات المرئية والعددية الواردة هنا بشكل واضح إلى الفوائد المحتملة للنظام للغرض المقصود.Facial recognition has been an active field of imaging science. With the recent progresses in computer vision development, it is extensively applied in various areas, especially in law enforcement and security. Human face is a viable biometric that could be effectively used in both identification and verification. Thus far, regardless of a facial model and relevant metrics employed, its main shortcoming is that it requires a facial image, against which comparison is made. Therefore, closed circuit televisions and a facial database are always needed in an operational system. For the last few decades, unfortunately, we have experienced an emergence of asymmetric warfare, where acts of terrorism are often committed in secluded area with no camera installed and possibly by persons whose photos have never been kept in any official database prior to the event. During subsequent investigations, the authorities thus had to rely on traumatized and frustrated witnesses, whose testimonial accounts regarding suspect’s appearance are dubious and often misleading. To address this issue, this paper presents an application of a statistical appearance model of human face in assisting suspect identification based on witness’s visual recollection. An online prototype system was implemented to demonstrate its core functionalities. Both visual and numerical assessments reported herein evidentially indicated potential benefits of the system for the intended purpose

    Do you see what i see? A more realistic eyewitness sketch recognition

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    10.1109/IJCB.2011.61174972011 International Joint Conference on Biometrics, IJCB 201

    Show, don't tell: Non-verbal eyewitness testimony based on non-artistic face sketches

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    Optimising EvoFIT by Reducing the Number of Faces Shown during Composite Construction

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    The creation of EvoFIT facial composite images enables perpetrators of crime to be identified and subsequently detained. It is therefore important to ensure that the composite construction procedure is optimised to create the most recognisable images possible. During the creation of a facial composite, eyewitnesses view and compare many images of facial shapes and textures to select those which best resemble the perpetrator. However, viewing many images may overwhelm witness working memory, resulting in cognitive overload and resultant memory capacity and decisionmaking deficits. Yet, there is currently no literature exploring the impact of cognitive load during composite construction. This thesis aims to bridge this gap in the literature by investigating the impact of cognitive load during EvoFIT construction and to investigate the importance of face Shape and Texture for composite construction to further optimise the construction procedure. In five experiments, composite images created using different population sizes to manipulate the cognitive load during the construction procedure were assessed for likeness through composite naming and likeness ratings. The results demonstrated that reducing cognitive load during the construction procedure by decreasing the population size and, therefore, displaying fewer face images to participants, was beneficial for composite likeness. Moreover, reducing the population size for selection of the face shape was particularly important, indicating that face Shape plays a more important role than face Texture in the creation of a recognisable EvoFIT facial composite. Overall, this thesis demonstrates the benefits of reducing cognitive load during EvoFIT composite construction, particularly for selection of the face shape, and develops a theoretically informed construction procedure to increase the number of criminals identified through EvoFIT facial composites