99,410 research outputs found

    Sixth annual conference on alaskan placer mining

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    An abridged format of papers, presentations and addresses given during the 1984 conference held on March 28-29, 1984, compiled and edited by Daniel E. Walsh and M. Susan Wray

    Role of the Bank for International Settlements in Shaping the World Financial System, The

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    The Bank for International Settlements ( BIS ) was set up in Basel, Switzerland in 1923 to handle remaining financial issues from World War II largely having to do with German reparation payments. It was the first of the semi-public international banks. Over the years its functions have changed and, largely since the late 1970\u27s, it has served as the situs for the world\u27s central banks and financial regulators to pool ideas and deal with international financial issues. A group of committees, com- posed largely of representatives of central bankers, now meets at BIS and has been issuing memoranda and drafts of regulations on a number of subjects affecting international banking. Among these are the regulation of capital, the management of international conglomerates, and problems resulting from electronic banking. Problems in world banking have sensitized observers to the absence of coordinated regulation and to the need for some form of unified control. That there is a need for one international bank regulators increasingly acknowledged. BIS comes closer than any other organization to fulfilling this function. The International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) comes close but is too politicized and has been too involved in attempting to meet a continuing series of crises to do any long range thinking. Only BIS has attracted the intellectual resources to analyze and resolve international problems in a thoughtful and deliberate manner. Only BIS output is being adopted in the world\u27s banking centers. BIS has been proposed as a world senior financial regulator. This article acknowledges the rationale for such a decision but argues that now is not the time for such an attempt. Banking is, of course, conducted locally even though its reach is international. To anoint any body as a senior regulator with the power to impose rules would require massive compromises among national regulators to achieve one central set of rules. It would also involve an abdication of measures of sovereignty by the constituent states. An effort of this kind would risk destroying the whole concept. Rather than start such a bold stroke at such an inopportune time, this Article argues that the international banking world would fare far better assisting BIS to proceed down the current track. As it continues to mature, and as its edicts are increasingly accepted throughout the world it will continue to approach its rightful place as the world\u27s bank regulator

    Role of the community matron in advance care planning and ‘do not attempt CPR’ decision-making: a qualitative study

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    The community matron (CM) is often the key worker caring for patients with chronic, life-limiting, long-term conditions, but these patients are not always recognised as palliative cases. This study explored the experiences of CMs with regard to advance care planning (ACP) and ‘do not attempt cardiopulmonary resuscitation’ (DNACPR) decision-making to understand whether or not they felt adequately prepared for this aspect of their role, and why. Qualitative data were generated from six CMs using a broad interpretive phenomenological approach. Face-to-face recorded interviews were analysed using template analysis. The study found that although participants faced complex ethical situations around ACP and DNACPR almost on a daily basis, none had received any formal training despite the emphasis on training in national and local guidelines. Participants often struggled to get their patients accepted on to the Gold Standards Framework. The research found variability and complexity of cases to be the main barriers to clear identification of the palliative phase

    Solid Footing: Reinforcing the Early Care and Education Economy for Infants and Toddlers in DC

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    The District of Columbia (DC) is a vibrant, diverse, financially stable city that has become one of the most expensive places to live in the nation. It also ranks among the five major U.S. cities with the greatest income inequality. Because of this economic divide, the District struggles to create equity among its population, particularly in education where the achievement gap between poor and wealthy stubbornly persists. Research has consistently shown that this achievement gap begins not in kindergarten, but in the cradle, with the differences between the early learning environments of children who live in low-income and upper-income households producing cognitive differences before a child even reaches the public school system. Access to high-quality early learning environments can reduce or even eliminate that gap, which is why District policymakers have invested heavily in quality universal preschool and Pre-Kindergarten. But children from low-income households can already be cognitively behind by preschool, so the District must also invest in the early education needs of its infants and toddlers.This report attempts to quantify and qualify what investment need to be made. Until now, no one has assessed how much it costs early care and education (ECE) providers to meet the level of quality that the District requires, or how providers are able to maintain quality while serving families who depend on child care subsidy payments from the government. DC Appleseed and the DC Fiscal Policy Institute have collaborated to produce a study to better understand these realities. The work grew from concern that the District's payment rates to ECE providers for the child care subsidy program are not keeping up with the costs, even though the children receiving subsidized services and the nearly 200 providers who serve them are among the District's most vulnerable and precious resources. The underpaid workforce that cares for and educates infants and toddlers is essentially subsidizing the system through low wages

    Developing a service for patients with very severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) within resources

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    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a common life-limiting illness with significant burden for patient and carer. Despite this, access to supportive and specialist palliative care is inconsistent and implementation of published good practice recommendations may be challenging within current resources. The aim of this service development was to improve local service provision in Barnsley, within the currently available resources, for patients with very severe COPD, to improve patient identification and symptom management, increase advance care planning and the numbers of patients dying in their preferred place, and increase patient and carer support and satisfaction. To do this a working group was formed, the service problems identified and baseline data collected to identify the needs of people with very severe COPD. A multidisciplinary team meeting was piloted and assessed by community matron feedback, patient case studies and an after death analysis. These indicated a high level of satisfaction, with improvements in advance care planning, co-ordination of management and support for patients' preferred place of care at the end of life. In conclusion this is the first reported very severe COPD service development established in this way and within current resources. Preliminary data indicates the development of the multidisciplinary team meeting has been positive. The appointment of a coordinator will aid this development. Further evaluations particularly seeking patient views and estimations of cost savings will be performed

    SimLex-999: Evaluating Semantic Models with (Genuine) Similarity Estimation

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    We present SimLex-999, a gold standard resource for evaluating distributional semantic models that improves on existing resources in several important ways. First, in contrast to gold standards such as WordSim-353 and MEN, it explicitly quantifies similarity rather than association or relatedness, so that pairs of entities that are associated but not actually similar [Freud, psychology] have a low rating. We show that, via this focus on similarity, SimLex-999 incentivizes the development of models with a different, and arguably wider range of applications than those which reflect conceptual association. Second, SimLex-999 contains a range of concrete and abstract adjective, noun and verb pairs, together with an independent rating of concreteness and (free) association strength for each pair. This diversity enables fine-grained analyses of the performance of models on concepts of different types, and consequently greater insight into how architectures can be improved. Further, unlike existing gold standard evaluations, for which automatic approaches have reached or surpassed the inter-annotator agreement ceiling, state-of-the-art models perform well below this ceiling on SimLex-999. There is therefore plenty of scope for SimLex-999 to quantify future improvements to distributional semantic models, guiding the development of the next generation of representation-learning architectures

    England's Approach to Improving End-of-Life Care: A Strategy for Honoring Patients' Choices

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    Outlines England's evidence-based End of Life Care Strategy, its impact, and possible lessons for palliative care in the United States, such as the use of death at home as a metric for progress and Web-based training for clinical and caregiving personnel

    The teacher at professional career entry : fragments and paradoxes

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