5 research outputs found

    Empirical Study About the Motivations for Using Multifunctional Social Media: Based upon the Uses and Gratifications Theory

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    Social media is a kind of online platform which used by people to share contents and contact each other via virtual communities and networks. With the development of information technology, it becomes neoteric and multifunctional. In order to examine what factors affecting individuals\u27 usage intentions for the various functions of social media, we proposed a model based on the uses and gratifications theory, this theory indicates there are three types of motivations, named as social motivation, utilitarian motivation and hedonic motivation, then six factors derived from the three motivations are presented. We collected 404 samples from the QQ users from 77 cities in China, with statistical analysis, the result shows that four of them can significantly affect individuals\u27 usage intentions of QQ\u27 various functions beyond as an instant messenger. This study extends current understanding about the usage motivations of social media and it can be a reference for future research in this field

    Sosiaalisen median käytön vaikutukset nuorten hyvinvointiin

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    Sosiaalisen median käyttö on yleistynyt viime vuosien aikana merkittävästi ja suurin osa nuorista käyttää sosiaalista mediaa päivittäin. Sosiaalisen median käytön vaikutuksia ei vielä tarkkaan tunneta, sillä ilmiö on varsin uusi. Tämän vuoksi sosiaalisen median käytön uutta tutkittua tietoa on tärkeä koota yhteen, jotta saadaan selville sen vaikutuksia nuorten hyvinvointiin tämän hetkisen tiedon pohjalta. Tämän kirjallisuuskatsauksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää sosiaalisen median käytön vaikutuksia nuorten hyvinvointiin. Tavoitteena oli lisätä ymmärrystä sosiaalisen median käytön vaikutuksista nuorten hyvinvointiin. Tutkimuskysymykseksi muodostui: miten sosiaalisen median käyttö vaikuttaa nuorten hyvinvointiin? Systemaattisen kirjallisuuskatsauksen aineisto perustui Cinahlin ja PsycINFOn tietokantoihin sekä manuaalihakuun. Käytetyt hakusanat olivat nuori, hyvinvointi ja sosiaalinen media. Lisäksi sosiaalisen median palveluista hakusanoihin päätyi Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat ja YouTube. Kirjallisuuskatsaukseen valikoitui sisäänotto- ja poissulkukriteerien perusteella 20 tutkimusartikkelia, jotka olivat julkaistu vuosina 2014-2019. Sisäänottokriteereinä oli, että tutkimus vastaa tutkimuskysymykseen ja käsittelee 12-18 vuotiaita nuoria. Tutkimusaineisto analysoitiin induktiivista sisällönanalyysi-menetelmää käyttäen. Tulosten mukaan sosiaalisen median käytöllä oli sekä positiivisia että negatiivisia vaikutuksia nuorten hyvinvointiin. Sosiaalisen median käytön positiiviset vaikutukset liittyivät psyykkisiin hyötyihin, koulunkäyntiä edistäviin tekijöihin ja sosiaalisiin voimavaroihin. Negatiiviset vaikutukset liittyivät psyykkisiin haittoihin, koulunkäyntiin liittyviin haasteisiin, sosiaalisiin ongelmiin, uniongelmiin ja tyytymättömyyteen kehonkuvaan. Tuloksista voidaan päätellä, että sosiaalisen median käyttö vaikuttaa nuorten hyvinvointiin monella eri elämän osa-alueella. Negatiivisia vaikutuksia nuorten hyvinvointiin oli selkeästi enemmän ja ne korostuivat erityisesti runsaan sosiaalisen median käytön myötä. Sosiaalisen median kohtuullisen ja järkevän käytön positiivisia vaikutuksia tulisi tuoda enemmän ilmi, jotta nuoret käyttävät sosiaalista mediaa omaa hyvinvointiaan edistäen

    Why people use online social media brand communities

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    Equality in cognitive learning outcomes : the roles of educational practices

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    In the recent years, a decline in Finnish students’ learning outcomes has been reported in several investigations, such as in the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) and in the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS). Further, variance in learning outcomes between students coming from different backgrounds has increased in Finland. This dissertation investigated (i) whether self-directed learning practices, use of digital learning materials at school, and participation in early education and care (ECEC) are associated with students’ learning outcomes at 15 years of age and (ii) whether these associations are modified by students’ background factors. The participants (N=5660, 5037, and 4634 in Studies I‒III) came from the Finnish PISA 2012 and 2015 datasets that constitute a representative sample of the Finnish 15-year-old students. Learning outcomes in reading, mathematical, and scientific literacy and collaborative problemsolving were evaluated with a comprehensive set of standardized tests. The frequency of learning practices (student-oriented, inquiry-based, and teacher-directed practices, and use of digital learning materials at school) were evaluated with questionnaires fulfilled by students. Participation in ECEC was evaluated with age at entry into ECEC. Background factors under investigation included gender, repetition of a grade, truancy behavior at school, family wealth, maternal education, single-parent family, and immigrant status. The data were analyzed with structural equation models that were controlled for age, gender, and parents’ socioeconomic status (the index of economic, social, cultural status). Frequent use of self-directed teaching practices or digital learning materials at school were associated with students’ weaker learning outcomes in several knowledge domains. Instead, frequenct teacher-directed practices were related to students’ higher learning outcomes. Moreover, frequent use of self-directed teaching practices or digital learning materials had more negative impact on students’ learning outcomes in students with (vs. without) risky background. Additionally, participation in ECEC before preschool was not associated with learning outcomes at 15 years of age. This association was not significantly moderated by parental socioeconomic status (as measured with the index of ESCS). At a trend level, the impact of participation in ECEC before preschool was slightly more positive for offspring of parents with high (vs. low) socioeconomic status. In conclusion, some pedagogical practices within the school system, such as frequent use of self-directed learning practices or digital learning material, were found to increase variance in learning outcomes between students coming from different backgrounds in Finland. No evidence was found that participation in ECEC would be related to learning outcomes at 15 years of age or would increase equality between students coming from different family backgrounds.In the recent years, a decline in Finnish students’ learning outcomes has been reported in several investigations, such as in the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) and in the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS). Further, variance in learning outcomes between students coming from different backgrounds has increased in Finland. This dissertation investigated (i) whether self-directed learning practices, use of digital learning materials at school, and participation in early education and care (ECEC) are associated with students’ learning outcomes at 15 years of age and (ii) whether these associations are modified by students’ background factors. Frequent use of self-directed teaching practices or digital learning materials at school were associated with students’ weaker learning outcomes in several knowledge domains. Instead, frequenct teacher-directed practices were related to students’ higher learning outcomes. Moreover, frequent use of self-directed teaching practices or digital learning materials had more negative impact on students’ learning outcomes in students with (vs. without) risky background. Additionally, participation in ECEC before preschool was not associated with learning outcomes at 15 years of age. At a trend level, the impact of participation in ECEC before preschool was slightly more positive for offspring of parents with high (vs. low) socioeconomic status. In conclusion, some pedagogical practices within the school system, such as frequent use of self-directed learning practices or digital learning material, were found to increase variance in learning outcomes between students coming from different backgrounds in Finland. No evidence was found that participation in ECEC would be related to learning outcomes at 15 years of age or would increase equality between students coming from different family backgrounds