66 research outputs found

    Graph Theory and Networks in Biology

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    In this paper, we present a survey of the use of graph theoretical techniques in Biology. In particular, we discuss recent work on identifying and modelling the structure of bio-molecular networks, as well as the application of centrality measures to interaction networks and research on the hierarchical structure of such networks and network motifs. Work on the link between structural network properties and dynamics is also described, with emphasis on synchronization and disease propagation.Comment: 52 pages, 5 figures, Survey Pape

    Topology and dynamics of an artificial genetic regulatory network model

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    This thesis presents some of the methods of studying models of regulatory networks using mathematical and computational formalisms. A basic review of the biology behind gene regulation is introduced along with the formalisms used for modelling networks of such regulatory interactions. Topological measures of large-scale complex networks are discussed and then applied to a specific artificial regulatory network model created through a duplication and divergence mechanism. Such networks share topological features with natural transcriptional regulatory networks. Thus, it may be the case that the topologies inherent in natural networks may be primarily due to their method of creation rather than being exclusively shaped by subsequent evolution under selection. The evolvability of the dynamics of these networks are also examined by evolving networks in simulation to obtain three simple types of output dynamics. The networks obtained from this process show a wide variety of topologies and numbers of genes indicating that it is relatively easy to evolve these classes of dynamics in this model

    On the Origin of Biomolecular Networks

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    Biomolecular networks have already found great utility in characterizing complex biological systems arising from pairwise interactions amongst biomolecules. Here, we explore the important and hitherto neglected role of information asymmetry in the genesis and evolution of such pairwise biomolecular interactions. Information asymmetry between sender and receiver genes is identified as a key feature distinguishing early biochemical reactions from abiotic chemistry, and a driver of network topology as biomolecular systems become more complex. In this context, we review how graph theoretical approaches can be applied not only for a better understanding of various proximate (mechanistic) relations, but also, ultimate (evolutionary) structures encoded in such networks from among all types of variations they induce. Among many possible variations, we emphasize particularly the essential role of gene duplication in terms of signaling game theory, whereby sender and receiver gene players accrue benefit from gene duplication, leading to a preferential attachment mode of network growth. The study of the resulting dynamics suggests many mathematical/computational problems, the majority of which are intractable yet yield to efficient approximation algorithms, when studied through an algebraic graph theoretic lens. We relegate for future work the role of other possible generalizations, additionally involving horizontal gene transfer, sexual recombination, endo-symbiosis, etc., which enrich the underlying graph theory even further

    Functional Alignment of Regulatory Networks: A Study of Temperate Phages

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    The relationship between the design and functionality of molecular networks is now a key issue in biology. Comparison of regulatory networks performing similar tasks can provide insights into how network architecture is constrained by the functions it directs. Here, we discuss methods of network comparison based on network architecture and signaling logic. Introducing local and global signaling scores for the difference between two networks, we quantify similarities between evolutionarily closely and distantly related bacteriophages. Despite the large evolutionary separation between phage λ and 186, their networks are found to be similar when difference is measured in terms of global signaling. We finally discuss how network alignment can be used to pinpoint protein similarities viewed from the network perspective

    Flow Motifs Reveal Limitations of the Static Framework to Represent Human interactions

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    Networks are commonly used to define underlying interaction structures where infections, information, or other quantities may spread. Although the standard approach has been to aggregate all links into a static structure, some studies suggest that the time order in which the links are established may alter the dynamics of spreading. In this paper, we study the impact of the time ordering in the limits of flow on various empirical temporal networks. By using a random walk dynamics, we estimate the flow on links and convert the original undirected network (temporal and static) into a directed flow network. We then introduce the concept of flow motifs and quantify the divergence in the representativity of motifs when using the temporal and static frameworks. We find that the regularity of contacts and persistence of vertices (common in email communication and face-to-face interactions) result on little differences in the limits of flow for both frameworks. On the other hand, in the case of communication within a dating site (and of a sexual network), the flow between vertices changes significantly in the temporal framework such that the static approximation poorly represents the structure of contacts. We have also observed that cliques with 3 and 4 vertices con- taining only low-flow links are more represented than the same cliques with all high-flow links. The representativity of these low-flow cliques is higher in the temporal framework. Our results suggest that the flow between vertices connected in cliques depend on the topological context in which they are placed and in the time sequence in which the links are established. The structure of the clique alone does not completely characterize the potential of flow between the vertices

    Cellular Automata Modeling of Biomolecular Networks

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    Frequent Pattern Finding in Integrated Biological Networks

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    Biomedical research is undergoing a revolution with the advance of high-throughput technologies. A major challenge in the post-genomic era is to understand how genes, proteins and small molecules are organized into signaling pathways and regulatory networks. To simplify the analysis of large complex molecular networks, strategies are sought to break them down into small yet relatively independent network modules, e.g. pathways and protein complexes. In fulfillment of the motivation to find evolutionary origins of network modules, a novel strategy has been developed to uncover duplicated pathways and protein complexes. This search was first formulated into a computational problem which finds frequent patterns in integrated graphs. The whole framework was then successfully implemented as the software package BLUNT, which includes a parallelized version. To evaluate the biological significance of the work, several large datasets were chosen, with each dataset targeting a different biological question. An application of BLUNT was performed on the yeast protein-protein interaction network, which is described. A large number of frequent patterns were discovered and predicted to be duplicated pathways. To explore how these pathways may have diverged since duplication, the differential regulation of duplicated pathways was studied at the transcriptional level, both in terms of time and location. As demonstrated, this algorithm can be used as new data mining tool for large scale biological data in general. It also provides a novel strategy to study the evolution of pathways and protein complexes in a systematic way. Understanding how pathways and protein complexes evolve will greatly benefit the fundamentals of biomedical research