1,166 research outputs found

    Wearables at work:preferences from an employee’s perspective

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    This exploratory study aims to obtain a first impression of the wishes and needs of employees on the use of wearables at work for health promotion. 76 employ-ees with a mean age of 40 years old (SD ±11.7) filled in a survey after trying out a wearable. Most employees see the potential of using wearable devices for workplace health promotion. However, according to employees, some negative aspects should be overcome before wearables can effectively contribute to health promotion. The most mentioned negative aspects were poor visualization and un-pleasantness of wearing. Specifically for the workplace, employees were con-cerned about the privacy of data collection

    Granite State College, University System of New Hampshire 2014-2015 Catalog, Undergraduate

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    Ethical challenges in argumentation and dialogue in a healthcare context.

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    As the average age of the population increases, so too do the number of people living with chronic illnesses. With limited resources available, the development of dialogue-based e-health systems that provide justified general health advice offers a cost-effective solution to the management of chronic conditions. It is however imperative that such systems are responsible in their approach. We present in this paper two main challenges for the deployment of e-health systems, that have a particular relevance to dialogue and argumentation: collecting and handling health data, and trust. For both challenges, we look at specific issues therein, outlining their importance in general, and describing their relevance to dialogue and argumentation. Finally, we go on to propose six recommendations for handling these issues, towards addressing the main challenges themselves, that act both as general advice for dialogue and argumentation research in the e-health domain, and as a foundation for future work on this topic

    Granite State College, University System of New Hampshire 2013-2014 Undergraduate Catalog

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    Electronically Manufactured Law

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    This Article seeks to strengthen the case for the academy and the legal profession to pay heed to the consequences of the shift to electronic research, primarily by employing cognitive psychology to guide predictions about the impacts of the shift and, thereby, address a perceived credibility gap. This credibility gap arises from the difficulty and imprecision in postulating how changes in the research process translate into changes in researcher behavior and research outcomes. Applying principles of cognitive psychology to compare the print and electronic research processes provides an analytical basis for connecting changes in the research process with changes in researcher behavior and research outcomes. Cognitive psychology generates two specific predictions about how electronic research will change the law. First, electronic research will lead to increased diversity in framing -- divergence in the selection of the legal theory or theories through which to conceptualize facts, arguments, and cases. Second, electronic research will lead to more tilting at windmills -- the advancement of marginal cases, theories, and arguments. The Article explores how an increase in diversity in framing and tilting at windmills could affect the legal profession and the law. For example, in an adversarial system, judicial options for case resolution are largely defined and constrained by the theories proffered by counsel. Diversity in framing could expand judicial authority by providing judges with a wider variety of options for dispute resolution. This underlines the way in which counsel serve as gatekeepers by exercising judgment about which cases and theories have sufficient merit to warrant pursuit. Increased tilting at windmills may require recalibration of the existing limits placed on lawyers in their role as gatekeepers. Recalibration may be necessary to prevent the dedication of client and judicial resources to lost causes spurred by lapses in judgment related to electronic research and to allow attorneys to advance, without fear of sanctions, thoughtful arguments designed to push doctrinal boundaries. Specifically, Part II reviews existing legal theory, scholarship, and data that suggest that the shift to electronic research will likely have broad-ranging impacts. Part III compares print and electronic research and discusses three particularly salient changes in research process: (1) electronic researchers are not guided by the key system to the same extent as print researchers when identifying relevant theories, principles, and cases; (2) electronic researchers do not encounter and interpret individual cases through the lens of key system information to the same extent as print researchers; and (3) electronic researchers are exposed to more and different case texts than print researchers. Part IV uses principles of cognitive psychology to examine these process differences and predict two major non-process consequences of the shift to electronic research: increased diversity in framing and tilting at windmills. Part V concludes by assessing the broader significance of these hypothesized consequences

    Getting our hands dirty with technology: The role of the performing arts in technological development

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    This paper argues for the involvement of the performing and applied arts in technological development in the field of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI). It discusses the challenges and the benefits for the arts, and presents existing methods in the field of RRI. It then describes two practical case studies called gameformances carried out by the authors

    Granite State College, University System of New Hampshire 2015-2016 Undergraduate Catalog

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