110 research outputs found

    Alamouti OFDM/OQAM systems with time reversal technique

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    Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing with Offset Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (OFDM/OQAM) is a multicarrier modulation scheme that can be considered as an alternative to the conventional Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) with Cyclic Prefix (CP) for transmission over multipath fading channels. In this paper, we investigate the combination of the OFDM/OQAM with Alamouti system with Time Reversal (TR) technique. TR can be viewed as a precoding scheme which can be combined with OFDM/OQAM and easily carried out in a Multiple Input Single Output (MISO) context such as Alamouti system. We present the simulation results of the performance of OFDM/OQAM system in SISO case compared with the conventional CP-OFDM system and the performance of the combination Alamouti OFDM/OQAM with TR compared to Alamouti CP-OFDM. The performance is derived by computing the Bit Error Rate (BER) as a function of the transmit signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)

    Experimental Assessment of Time Reversal for In-Body to In-Body UWB Communications

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    [EN] The standard of in-body communications is limited to the use of narrowband systems. These systems are far from the high data rate connections achieved by other wireless telecommunication services today in force. The UWB frequency band has been proposed as a possible candidate for future in-body networks. However, the attenuation of body tissues at gigahertz frequencies could be a serious drawback. Experimental measurements for channel modeling are not easy to carry out, while the use of humans is practically forbidden. Sophisticated simulation tools could provide inaccurate results since they are not able to reproduce all the in-body channel conditions. Chemical solutions known as phantoms could provide a fair approximation of body tissues¿ behavior. In this work, the Time Reversal technique is assessed to increase the channel performance of in-body communications. For this task, a large volume of experimental measurements is performed at the low part of UWB spectrum (3.1-5.1 GHz) by using a highly accurate phantom-based measurement setup. This experimental setup emulates an in-body to in-body scenario, where all the nodes are implanted inside the body. Moreover, the in-body channel characteristics such as the path loss, the correlation in transmission and reception, and the reciprocity of the channel are assessed and discussed.This work was supported by the Programa de Ayudas de Investigacion y Desarrollo (PAID-01-16) from Universitat Politecnica de Valencia and by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad, Spain (TEC2014-60258-C2-1-R), by the European FEDER funds.Andreu-Estellés, C.; Garcia-Pardo, C.; Castelló-Palacios, S.; Cardona Marcet, N. (2018). Experimental Assessment of Time Reversal for In-Body to In-Body UWB Communications. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (Online). (8927107):1-12. https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/8927107S1128927107Fireman, Z. (2003). Diagnosing small bowel Crohn’s disease with wireless capsule endoscopy. Gut, 52(3), 390-392. doi:10.1136/gut.52.3.390Burri, H., & Senouf, D. (2009). Remote monitoring and follow-up of pacemakers and implantable cardioverter defibrillators. Europace, 11(6), 701-709. doi:10.1093/europace/eup110Scanlon, W. G., Burns, B., & Evans, N. E. (2000). Radiowave propagation from a tissue-implanted source at 418 MHz and 916.5 MHz. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 47(4), 527-534. doi:10.1109/10.828152Chavez-Santiago, R., Garcia-Pardo, C., Fornes-Leal, A., Valles-Lluch, A., Vermeeren, G., Joseph, W., … Cardona, N. (2015). Experimental Path Loss Models for In-Body Communications within 2.36-2.5 GHz. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 1-1. doi:10.1109/jbhi.2015.2418757Khaleghi, A., Chávez-Santiago, R., & Balasingham, I. (2010). Ultra-wideband pulse-based data communications for medical implants. IET Communications, 4(15), 1889. doi:10.1049/iet-com.2009.0692Khaleghi, A., Chávez-Santiago, R., & Balasingham, I. (2011). Ultra-wideband statistical propagation channel model for implant sensors in the human chest. IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, 5(15), 1805. doi:10.1049/iet-map.2010.0537Kurup, D., Scarpello, M., Vermeeren, G., Joseph, W., Dhaenens, K., Axisa, F., … Vanfleteren, J. (2011). In-body path loss models for implants in heterogeneous human tissues using implantable slot dipole conformal flexible antennas. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2011(1). doi:10.1186/1687-1499-2011-51Floor, P. A., Chavez-Santiago, R., Brovoll, S., Aardal, O., Bergsland, J., Grymyr, O.-J. H. N., … Balasingham, I. (2015). In-Body to On-Body Ultrawideband Propagation Model Derived From Measurements in Living Animals. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 19(3), 938-948. doi:10.1109/jbhi.2015.2417805Shimizu, Y., Anzai, D., Chavez-Santiago, R., Floor, P. A., Balasingham, I., & Wang, J. (2017). Performance Evaluation of an Ultra-Wideband Transmit Diversity in a Living Animal Experiment. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 65(7), 2596-2606. doi:10.1109/tmtt.2017.2669039Anzai, D., Katsu, K., Chavez-Santiago, R., Wang, Q., Plettemeier, D., Wang, J., & Balasingham, I. (2014). Experimental Evaluation of Implant UWB-IR Transmission With Living Animal for Body Area Networks. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 62(1), 183-192. doi:10.1109/tmtt.2013.2291542Chou, C.-K., Chen, G.-W., Guy, A. W., & Luk, K. H. (1984). Formulas for preparing phantom muscle tissue at various radiofrequencies. Bioelectromagnetics, 5(4), 435-441. doi:10.1002/bem.2250050408Cheung, A. Y., & Koopman, D. W. (1976). Experimental Development of Simulated Biomaterials for Dosimetry Studies of Hazardous Microwave Radiation (Short Papers). IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 24(10), 669-673. doi:10.1109/tmtt.1976.1128936YAMAMOTO, H., ZHOU, J., & KOBAYASHI, T. (2008). Ultra Wideband Electromagnetic Phantoms for Antennas and Propagation Studies. IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, E91-A(11), 3173-3182. doi:10.1093/ietfec/e91-a.11.3173Lazebnik, M., Madsen, E. L., Frank, G. R., & Hagness, S. C. (2005). Tissue-mimicking phantom materials for narrowband and ultrawideband microwave applications. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 50(18), 4245-4258. doi:10.1088/0031-9155/50/18/001Yilmaz, T., Foster, R., & Hao, Y. (2014). Broadband Tissue Mimicking Phantoms and a Patch Resonator for Evaluating Noninvasive Monitoring of Blood Glucose Levels. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 62(6), 3064-3075. doi:10.1109/tap.2014.2313139Gezici, S., Zhi Tian, Giannakis, G. B., Kobayashi, H., Molisch, A. F., Poor, H. V., & Sahinoglu, Z. (2005). Localization via ultra-wideband radios: a look at positioning aspects for future sensor networks. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 22(4), 70-84. doi:10.1109/msp.2005.1458289Marinova, M., Thielens, A., Tanghe, E., Vallozzi, L., Vermeeren, G., Joseph, W., … Martens, L. (2015). Diversity Performance of Off-Body MB-OFDM UWB-MIMO. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 63(7), 3187-3197. doi:10.1109/tap.2015.2422353SHI, J., ANZAI, D., & WANG, J. (2012). Channel Modeling and Performance Analysis of Diversity Reception for Implant UWB Wireless Link. IEICE Transactions on Communications, E95.B(10), 3197-3205. doi:10.1587/transcom.e95.b.3197Pajusco, P., & Pagani, P. (2009). On the Use of Uniform Circular Arrays for Characterizing UWB Time Reversal. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 57(1), 102-109. doi:10.1109/tap.2008.2009715Chavez-Santiago, R., Sayrafian-Pour, K., Khaleghi, A., Takizawa, K., Wang, J., Balasingham, I., & Li, H.-B. (2013). Propagation models for IEEE 802.15.6 standardization of implant communication in body area networks. IEEE Communications Magazine, 51(8), 80-87. doi:10.1109/mcom.2013.6576343Andreu, C., Castello-Palacios, S., Garcia-Pardo, C., Fornes-Leal, A., Valles-Lluch, A., & Cardona, N. (2016). Spatial In-Body Channel Characterization Using an Accurate UWB Phantom. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 64(11), 3995-4002. doi:10.1109/tmtt.2016.2609409Pahlavan, K., & Levesque, A. H. (2005). Wireless Information Networks. doi:10.1002/0471738646Qiu, R. C., Zhou, C., Guo, N., & Zhang, J. Q. (2006). Time Reversal With MISO for Ultrawideband Communications: Experimental Results. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 5, 269-273. doi:10.1109/lawp.2006.875888Ando, H., Takizawa, K., Yoshida, T., Matsushita, K., Hirata, M., & Suzuki, T. (2016). Wireless Multichannel Neural Recording With a 128-Mbps UWB Transmitter for an Implantable Brain-Machine Interfaces. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, 10(6), 1068-1078. doi:10.1109/tbcas.2016.251452

    Antenna aided interference mitigation for cognitive radio

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    Adaptive generalized space shift keying

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    In this article, we propose a closed-loop precoding method for the Generalized Space Shift Keying (GSSK) modulation scheme, suitable for Multiple-Input-Single-Output (MISO) systems and denoted as adaptive GSSK (AGSSK), which achieves transmit-diversity gains in contrast to GSSK. For the case of a perfect feedback channel, we analytically show that for three and four antennas at the transmitter and rates 1 and 2 bits per channel use (bpcu), respectively, a full transmit-diversity can be achieved without reducing the achievable rate. For higher number of transmit antennas and rates, the performance of the proposed scheme degrades due to the smaller average minimum Euclidean distance as the rate increases. Due to this, we, furthermore, propose an enhancing method for AGSSK which relies on the use of time-orthogonal shaping filters for the different constellation points. For the enhanced method, named as AGSSK with time-orthogonal signal design (AGSSK-TOSD), we analytically prove that it offers transmit-diversity gains which are greater than the number of active transmit antennas for any number of transmit antennas and supported rate. This is attained without any antenna subset selection technique, which alleviates the processing burden on the terminal side. Monte Carlo simulations show that AGSSK significantly outperforms GSSK in terms of average bit error probability (ABEP) and, moreover, for medium to high rates and practical signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) regions AGSSK-TOSD outperforms well-known feedback-based multiple-antenna schemes. This advantage of AGSSK-TOSD is further substantiated with an energy effficiency comparison over the conventional schemes for a target (uncoded) ABEP.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Hybrid virtual polarimetric massive MIMO measurements at 1.35 GHz

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    The polarimetric massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radio channel of an indoor line-of-sight scenario is investigated at 1.35 GHz using a real-time radio channel sounder. The 8 x 12 massive MIMO transmitter is constructed using a hybrid architecture including a vertical uniform linear array translated at different horizontal positions forming a virtual, yet realistic, uniform rectangular array. The performance of the system is evaluated with six users distributed in the room for different polarisation schemes and receiver orientations using propagation channel-based metrics (such as receiver spatial correlation and Rician factor) and system-oriented metrics such as sum-rate capacity and signal to interference and noise ratio. The results show a clear dependence of the performance to the polarisation schemes and receiver orientation and showing that when facing the array, cross-polarisation can be very beneficial. Furthermore, it is concluded that the additional degree of freedom brought by the polarisation diversity can contribute to improve spectral efficiency (similar to 20% depending on the configuration), paving the way for further capacity enhancements in massive MIMO systems. It was also found that the receiver spatial correlation can be modelled using a Burr distribution

    Outage probability formulas for cellular networks (contributions for MIMO, CoMP and time reversal features)

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    L étude de dimensionnement d un réseau cellulaire est une phase de conception qui doit permettre de déterminer les performances d un système dans une configuration donnée. Elle inclut l étude de couverture et l analyse de trafic. De complexes simulations sont possibles pour connaître les paramètres de performances d un réseau mais seules les études analytiques fournissent des résultats rapides. Par ailleurs, pour faire face à la demande de hauts débits, à la rareté du spectre fréquentiel et à l impossibilité d émettre à de plus fortes puissances, de nouvelles techniques de transmissions sont apparues. Nous sommes ainsi passés d un système classique à une seule antenne à des systèmes à multiple antennes et même à des scénarios de coopération entre stations de base. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons des modèles analytiques pour l étude des performances, notamment en termes de probabilités de coupure, de ces évolutions des réseaux cellulaires. Dans une première phase, nous considérons des systèmes multicellulaires à une antenne émettrice et une antenne réceptrice (SISO). Nous proposons deux méthodes d étude de l impact conjoint de l affaiblissement de parcours, de l effet de masque et des évanouissements rapides. Nous étudions, par la suite, un système à large bande utilisant le retournement temporel comme technique de transmission. Dans une deuxième phase, nous considérons des systèmes multicellulaires à antennes multiple à l émission ou à la réception (MISO/MIMO) implémentant les schémas de diversité Alamouti et de combinaison par rapport maximal (MRC). Ensuite, nous considérons un système multicellulaire multi-utilisateurs à précodage de forçage à zéro (ZFBF).The implementation of cellular systems have aroused issues related to the design of cellular networks termed to as network dimensioning. It includes the coverage estimation and thetraffic analysis. Simple models and methods are required to reduce the time consumption of these two analysis. At the same time, the growing demand for higher data rates constrained by the scarcity of frequency spectrum, and the requirements in terms of power consumption reduction make the telecommunication community think about new transmission techniques moving from the classical single antenna systems to multiple antenna systems and even the newly envisaged cooperative systems. In this thesis, we provide analytical models to assess the performance of these different cellular network evolutions in terms of outage probabilities. In a first study, we consider multicellular single input single output (SISO) systems. First, we propose two accurate methods to study the joint impact of path-loss, shadowing and fast fading. This system has so far been studied either considering the only impact of path-loss and Rayleigh fading, or considering the same channel model as in our case but providing very complex outage probability expressions. Then, we provide an outage probability expression in a wideband communication context implementing the Time Reversal (TR) transmission technique considering the impact of fast fading. In a second study, we focus on multiple antenna systems. We study the performance of a Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) system implementing a transmit and a receivediversity schemes namely the Alamouti code and the Maximum Ratio Combining (MRC).PARIS-Télécom ParisTech (751132302) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Experimental Investigation Of Ultrawideband Wireless Systems: Waveform Generation, Propagation Estimation, And Dispersion Compensation

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    Ultrawideband (UWB) is an emerging technology for the future high-speed wireless communication systems. Although this technology offers several unique advantages like robustness to fading, large channel capacity and strong anti-jamming ability, there are a number of practical challenges which are topics of current research. One key challenge is the increased multipath dispersion which results because of the fine temporal resolution. The received response consists of different components, which have certain delays and attenuations due to the paths they took in their propagation from the transmitter to the receiver. Although such challenges have been investigated to some extent, they have not been fully explored in connection with sophisticated transmit beamforming techniques in realistic multipath environments. The work presented here spans three main aspects of UWB systems including waveform generation, propagation estimation, and dispersion compensation. We assess the accuracy of the measured impulse responses extracted from the spread spectrum channel sounding over a frequency band spanning 2-12 GHz. Based on the measured responses, different transmit beamforming techniques are investigated to achieve high-speed data transmission in rich multipath channels. We extend our work to multiple antenna systems and implement the first experimental test-bed to investigate practical challenges such as imperfect channel estimation or coherency between the multiple transmitters over the full UWB band. Finally, we introduce a new microwave photonic arbitrary waveform generation technique to demonstrate the first optical-wireless transmitter system for both characterizing channel dispersion and generating predistorted waveforms to achieve spatio-temporal focusing through the multipath channels