33 research outputs found

    Adaptive just-in-time code diversification

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    We present a method to regenerate diversified code dynamically in a Java bytecode JIT compiler, and to update the diversification frequently during the execution of the program. This way, we can significantly reduce the time frame in which attackers can let a program leak useful address space information and subsequently use the leaked information in memory exploits. A proof of concept implementation is evaluated, showing that even though code is recompiled frequently, we can achieved smaller overheads than the previous state of the art, which generated diversity only once during the whole execution of a program

    Delta breakpad : diversified binary crash reporting

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    This paper introduces Delta Breakpad. It extends the Breakpad crash reporting system to handle software diversity effectively and efficiently by replicating and patching the debug information of diversified software versions. Simple adaptations to existing open source compiler tools are presented that on the one hand introduce significant amounts of diversification in the code and stack layout of ARMv7 binaries to mitigate the widespread deployment of code injection and code reuse attacks, while on the other hand still supporting accurate crash reporting. An evaluation on SPEC2006 benchmarks demonstrates that the corresponding computational, storage, and communication overheads are small

    Execution Integrity with In-Place Encryption

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    Instruction set randomization (ISR) was initially proposed with the main goal of countering code-injection attacks. However, ISR seems to have lost its appeal since code-injection attacks became less attractive because protection mechanisms such as data execution prevention (DEP) as well as code-reuse attacks became more prevalent. In this paper, we show that ISR can be extended to also protect against code-reuse attacks while at the same time offering security guarantees similar to those of software diversity, control-flow integrity, and information hiding. We present Scylla, a scheme that deploys a new technique for in-place code encryption to hide the code layout of a randomized binary, and restricts the control flow to a benign execution path. This allows us to i) implicitly restrict control-flow targets to basic block entries without requiring the extraction of a control-flow graph, ii) achieve execution integrity within legitimate basic blocks, and iii) hide the underlying code layout under malicious read access to the program. Our analysis demonstrates that Scylla is capable of preventing state-of-the-art attacks such as just-in-time return-oriented programming (JIT-ROP) and crash-resistant oriented programming (CROP). We extensively evaluate our prototype implementation of Scylla and show feasible performance overhead. We also provide details on how this overhead can be significantly reduced with dedicated hardware support

    Thwarting Code-Reuse and Side-Channel Attacks in Embedded Systems

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    Nowadays, embedded devices are increasingly present in everyday life, often controlling and processing critical information. For this reason, these devices make use of cryptographic protocols. However, embedded devices are particularly vulnerable to attackers seeking to hijack their operation and extract sensitive information. Code-Reuse Attacks (CRAs) can steer the execution of a program to malicious outcomes, leveraging existing on-board code without direct access to the device memory. Moreover, Side-Channel Attacks (SCAs) may reveal secret information to the attacker based on mere observation of the device. In this paper, we are particularly concerned with thwarting CRAs and SCAs against embedded devices, while taking into account their resource limitations. Fine-grained code diversification can hinder CRAs by introducing uncertainty to the binary code; while software mechanisms can thwart timing or power SCAs. The resilience to either attack may come at the price of the overall efficiency. Moreover, a unified approach that preserves these mitigations against both CRAs and SCAs is not available. This is the main novelty of our approach, Secure Diversity by Construction (SecDivCon); a combinatorial compiler-based approach that combines software diversification against CRAs with software mitigations against SCAs. SecDivCon restricts the performance overhead in the generated code, offering a secure-by-design control on the performance-security trade-off. Our experiments show that SCA-aware diversification is effective against CRAs, while preserving SCA mitigation properties at a low, controllable overhead. Given the combinatorial nature of our approach, SecDivCon is suitable for small, performance-critical functions that are sensitive to SCAs. SecDivCon may be used as a building block to whole-program code diversification or in a re-randomization scheme of cryptographic code

    The Multiple Facets of Software Diversity: Recent Developments in Year 2000 and Beyond

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    Early experiments with software diversity in the mid 1970's investigated N-version programming and recovery blocks to increase the reliability of embedded systems. Four decades later, the literature about software diversity has expanded in multiple directions: goals (fault-tolerance, security, software engineering); means (managed or automated diversity) and analytical studies (quantification of diversity and its impact). Our paper contributes to the field of software diversity as the first paper that adopts an inclusive vision of the area, with an emphasis on the most recent advances in the field. This survey includes classical work about design and data diversity for fault tolerance, as well as the cybersecurity literature that investigates randomization at different system levels. It broadens this standard scope of diversity, to include the study and exploitation of natural diversity and the management of diverse software products. Our survey includes the most recent works, with an emphasis from 2000 to present. The targeted audience is researchers and practitioners in one of the surveyed fields, who miss the big picture of software diversity. Assembling the multiple facets of this fascinating topic sheds a new light on the field