651 research outputs found

    Enhancing practice efficiency through contextual interference in youth football

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    To better understand how introducing variability in training could enhance motor skills learning, we compared a training approach without addition of variability in the practice conditions, with an approach with contextual interference in young football players. 12 athletes between the ages of 11 and 12 were divided into 2 groups, control (6) and experimental (6). The control group performed exercises with no variability in practice conditions and the experimental group performed exercises with contextual interference by series. They trained for 6 weeks, twice a week (30 minutes sessions), on ball control and shooting at goal tasks. Three evaluations were made, one initial, one intermediate and one final and were carried out two weeks apart. Both groups had the same amount of repetitions during the practice sessions. The experimental group improvement regarding ball control was statistically significant from the control group and the experimental group also hit the goal significantly more than the control group. These results allow us to suggest that adding variability to practice may lead to technical improvements in young football players and that variability in practice may potentialize an adaptive behavior to the environment

    Skill acquisition at British Para Swimming: bridging the gap between research and coaching practice

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    This thesis documents a series of studies which are the first to identify the gaps between skill acquisition research recommendations and applied coaching practice on the British Para Swimming World Class Programme, and to utilise these findings to impact learning design. Specifically, study one and study two examined coaching practices in relation to three key principles in skill acquisition: (i) focus of attention, (ii) contextual interference, and (iii) implicit learning. Using athlete surveys, study one findings revealed no significant difference between coaches’ use of internal or external focus cues, that coaches incorporate predominantly blocked practice scheduling, and that training design did not differ as a function of athlete disability. Study two provided a more extensive analysis of coaching practices through the observation of nine senior coaches on the British Para Swimming team, and coach interviews to shed light on the rationale behind their approach. Results indicated that coaches: (i) predominantly emphasise internal focus instruction and feedback cues, (ii) incorporate relatively low levels of between-skill variability and higher levels of within-skill variability and blocked practice, and (iii) apply mostly explicit learning techniques such as part-task training and verbal feedback, but also demonstrate the use of some implicit learning techniques such as analogies and constraints-based learning. Interview data indicated coaches had no knowledge of key skill acquisition principles. In utilising these findings to provide relevance and context to skill acquisition interventions, study three explored the efficacy and impact of an online skill acquisition coach education process with two senior Para swimming coaches with no knowledge of skill acquisition principles. Coaches were observed and interviewed both before and after four development sessions. Findings indicated the intervention was effective in influencing learning design, with coaching practices adapted to align more closely with established lines of inquiry in skill acquisition research. The thesis also describes experiences of a Skill Acquisition Practitioner embedded in the British Para Swimming team, as they attempt to identify and implement techniques which aim to enhance the learning and performance of skills among athletes with a range of disabilities, each with unique learning implications. Overall, the thesis demonstrates the importance of identifying gaps in understanding to provide context, and of harnessing coach experiential knowledge, in attempting to bridge the gap between skill acquisition research and applied coaching practice

    Resources, autonomy and strategy : perceptions of competitive advantage in the UK automotive components industry.

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    Theory building in strategic management has traditionally suffered from strong demarcation lines. The case of the resource-based view of firm (RBV) which has emerged as an alternative approach to industry-based explanations of how organisations develop and sustain competitive advantage, particularly demonstrates this divide. Since then, these alternative views of competitive advantage have often been portrayed as mutually exclusive antagonists. This study sets out to examine the perceptions of strategic managers in the UK automotive components industry in relation to these two competing schools of thought which advocate advantage through resources (RBV) or advantage through residence (industry approaches). This industry has been chosen due to the clear potential for industry structure and internal competencies to influence competitive advantage. Using quantitative techniques, data from senior managers is analysed in order to establish the extent to which the views of industry practitioners converge or diverge with the theoretical or anecdotal offerings of the strategy literature. The findings of this thesis suggest that a complex hybrid of perceptions tends to prevail among respondents from the industry. This can be attributed to historical, operational and supply chain factors. Furthermore, the study finds that the lexicon of competitive advantage and the priorities of resources advocated in the literature are not shared by strategists in the industry. Accordingly, the study finds, strategic management theory in relation to the resource-based view requires further research using the methodology developed in this thesis as a foundation

    Habilidades motrices y su importancia en las etapas de la vida. Una revisión documental

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    Revisar la evidencia científica actual sobre las habilidades motrices básicas y su importancia en diferentes aspectos de la vida en niños, adultos y personas mayores.El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo revisar la evidencia científica actual sobre las habilidades motrices básicas y su importancia en diferentes aspectos de la vida en niños, adultos y personas mayores. Para la búsqueda de los documentos se consultaron las bases de datos importantes, donde se destacan las siguientes: Scopus, Pubmed, Springer Link, ScienceDirect, EbscoHost, Sage, Taylor and Francis y el motor de búsqueda Google Académico, donde se recolectaron estudios realizados entre el 2010 y 2021 sobre la relación entre las habilidades motrices básicas con diferentes aspectos de la calidad de vida y el desarrollo humano en niños, adolescentes, adultos y personas mayores. Se tuvieron en cuenta artículos científicos a partir de la exploración de los títulos y resúmenes que guardaran relación con el objetivo de la investigación; luego se revisó en extenso los documentos seleccionados, excluyendo revisiones sistemáticas, metaanálisis, duplicados, estudios que no hacían referencia a las habilidades motrices básicas, o no registraban eventos de interés. Se obtuvieron 70 artículos científicos en idiomas inglés y español que hacían referencia a la influencia de las habilidades motrices en la vida del ser humano. Los estudios seleccionados se organizaron por las siguientes categorías de análisis: desarrollo motriz, efectos de entrenamiento, pruebas de valoración, habilidades motrices básicas y su relación con aspectos sociales, económicos y psicológicos, desarrollo de las habilidades en población con enfermedades cognitivas, físicas y sensoriales, y tecnología aplicada

    Habilidades motrices y su importancia en las etapas de la vida. Una revisión documental

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    Revisar la evidencia científica actual sobre las habilidades motrices básicas y su importancia en diferentes aspectos de la vida en niños, adultos y personas mayores.El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo revisar la evidencia científica actual sobre las habilidades motrices básicas y su importancia en diferentes aspectos de la vida en niños, adultos y personas mayores. Para la búsqueda de los documentos se consultaron las bases de datos importantes, donde se destacan las siguientes: Scopus, Pubmed, Springer Link, ScienceDirect, EbscoHost, Sage, Taylor and Francis y el motor de búsqueda Google Académico, donde se recolectaron estudios realizados entre el 2010 y 2021 sobre la relación entre las habilidades motrices básicas con diferentes aspectos de la calidad de vida y el desarrollo humano en niños, adolescentes, adultos y personas mayores. Se tuvieron en cuenta artículos científicos a partir de la exploración de los títulos y resúmenes que guardaran relación con el objetivo de la investigación; luego se revisó en extenso los documentos seleccionados, excluyendo revisiones sistemáticas, metaanálisis, duplicados, estudios que no hacían referencia a las habilidades motrices básicas, o no registraban eventos de interés. Se obtuvieron 70 artículos científicos en idiomas inglés y español que hacían referencia a la influencia de las habilidades motrices en la vida del ser humano. Los estudios seleccionados se organizaron por las siguientes categorías de análisis: desarrollo motriz, efectos de entrenamiento, pruebas de valoración, habilidades motrices básicas y su relación con aspectos sociales, económicos y psicológicos, desarrollo de las habilidades en población con enfermedades cognitivas, físicas y sensoriales, y tecnología aplicada

    "Production Ergonomics

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    "Production ergonomics – the science and practice of designing industrial workplaces to optimize human well-being and system performance – is a complex challenge for a designer. Humans are a valuable and flexible resource in any system of creation, and as long as they stay healthy, alert and motivated, they perform well and also become more competent over time, which increases their value as a resource. However, if a system designer is not mindful or aware of the many threats to health and system performance that may emerge, the end result may include inefficiency, productivity losses, low working morale, injuries and sick-leave. To help budding system designers and production engineers tackle these design challenges holistically, this book offers a multi-faceted orientation in the prerequisites for healthy and effective human work. We will cover physical, cognitive and organizational aspects of ergonomics, and provide both the individual human perspective and that of groups and populations, ending up with a look at global challenges that require workplaces to become more socially and economically sustainable. This book is written to give you a warm welcome to the subject, and to provide a solid foundation for improving industrial workplaces to attract and retain healthy and productive staff in the long run.

    "Production Ergonomics

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    "Production ergonomics – the science and practice of designing industrial workplaces to optimize human well-being and system performance – is a complex challenge for a designer. Humans are a valuable and flexible resource in any system of creation, and as long as they stay healthy, alert and motivated, they perform well and also become more competent over time, which increases their value as a resource. However, if a system designer is not mindful or aware of the many threats to health and system performance that may emerge, the end result may include inefficiency, productivity losses, low working morale, injuries and sick-leave. To help budding system designers and production engineers tackle these design challenges holistically, this book offers a multi-faceted orientation in the prerequisites for healthy and effective human work. We will cover physical, cognitive and organizational aspects of ergonomics, and provide both the individual human perspective and that of groups and populations, ending up with a look at global challenges that require workplaces to become more socially and economically sustainable. This book is written to give you a warm welcome to the subject, and to provide a solid foundation for improving industrial workplaces to attract and retain healthy and productive staff in the long run.

    Evaluation of the strategies of Smiths Manufacturing, a South African automotive component manufacturer.

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    Thesis (MBA)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Westville, 2006.This research evaluates the strategies being pursued by Smiths Manufacturing a South African automotive component manufacturer in order to determine their appropriateness given the changing external environment. World economies are becoming more integrated and the increasing trend of globalization has elevated the markets into a hyper-competitive era. Consequently, the competitive landscapes are constantly changing and manufacturing firms need to monitor this environment continuously to be able to adapt to the changes. The research commences with a brief outline and defines the objectives of the study. This is followed by theoretical discussions that are centred on strategic models and concepts which are applicable to this research. The case study is based on Smiths Manufacturing. Global automotive trends are identified. The main trends being that Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) are looking to outsource for modularity rather than componentry with a 'follow design' 'follow source' strategy being prevalent amongst automotive vehicle giants and their worldwide subsidiaries. Major OEMs are also looking to forge closer collaborations with their suppliers. In framing Smiths' strong domestic competitive position locally, the research also identifies the imminent threats from global excess capacity. Smiths' competitive position stems from factors such as product license agreements, internationally accredited quality agreements, Smiths' experience in supplying of modules to Toyota, Ford and BMW and Japanese firm Denso's 25% stake in Smiths. In applying the strategy theory to these findings highlights that aggressive strategies can be pursued successfully to enhance Smiths' position. In view of other global trends, some of the identified threats and weaknesses need to be neutralised. Moreover, opportunities arising through Africa's Growth Opportunity Act (AGOA), the redefinition of after market parts in Europe and other trade agreements are recommended to be pursued aggressively by Smiths. The research concludes with suggested strategies for Smiths to pursue for future growth. Smiths' growth has been above average and to sustain this level of growth will not be easy, but, in keeping with the global trends, it is recommended that Smiths also pursue closer collaboration with other major global first tier suppliers
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