11 research outputs found

    The mixed capacitated arc routing problem with non-overlapping routes

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    Real world applications for vehicle collection or delivery along streets usually lead to arc routing problems, with additional and complicating constraints. In this paper we focus on arc routing with an additional constraint to identify vehicle service routes with a limited number of shared nodes, i.e. vehicle service routes with a limited number of intersections. This constraint leads to solutions that are better shaped for real application purposes. We propose a new problem, the bounded overlapping MCARP (BCARP), which is defined as the mixed capacitated arc routing problem (MCARP) with an additional constraint imposing an upper bound on the number of nodes that are common to different routes. The best feasible upper bound is obtained from a modified MCARP in which the minimization criteria is given by the overlapping of the routes. We show how to compute this bound by solving a simpler problem. To obtain feasible solutions for the bigger instances of the KARP heuristics are also proposed. Computational results taken from two well known instance sets show that, with only a small increase in total time traveled, the model BCARP produces solutions that are more attractive to implement in practice than those produced by the MCARP modelinfo:eu-repo/semantics/submittedVersio

    The Traveling Salesman Problem with Stochastic and Correlated Customers

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    It is well-known that the cost of parcel delivery can be reduced by designingroutes that take into account the uncertainty surrounding customers’ presences. Thus far, routing problems with stochastic customer presences have relied on the assumption that all customer presences are independent from each other. However, the notion that demographic factors retain predictive power for parcel-delivery efficiency suggests that shared characteristics can be exploited to map dependencies between customer presences. This paper introduces the correlated probabilistic traveling salesman problem (CPTSP). The CPTSP generalizes the traveling salesman problem with stochastic customer presences, also known as the probabilistic traveling salesman problem (PTSP), to account for potentialcorrelations between customer presences. I propose a generic and flexible model formulation for the CPTSP using copulas that maintains computational and mathematical tractability in high-dimensional settings. I also present several adaptations of existing exact and heuristic frameworks to solve the CPTSP effectively. Computational experiments on real-world parcel-delivery data reveal that correlations between stochastic customer presences do not always affect route decisions, but could have a considerable impact on route costestimates

    Districting Problems - New Geometrically Motivated Approaches

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    This thesis focuses on districting problems were the basic areas are represented by points or lines. In the context of points, it presents approaches that utilize the problem\u27s underlying geometrical information. For lines it introduces an algorithm combining features of geometric approaches, tabu search, and adaptive randomized neighborhood search that includes the routing distances explicitly. Moreover, this thesis summarizes, compares and enhances existing compactness measures

    The time-consistent dial-a-ride problem

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    peer reviewedIn the context of door-to-door transportation of people with disabilities, service quality considerations such as maximum ride time and service time consistency are critical requirements. To identify a good trade-off between these considerations and economic objectives, we define a new variant of the multiperiod dial-a-ride problem called the time-consistent dial-a-ride problem. A transportation planning is supposed to be time consistent if for each passenger, the same service time is used all along the planning horizon. However, considering the numerous variations in transportation demands over a week, designing consistent plan for all passengers can be too expensive. It is therefore necessary to find a compromise solution between costs and time-consistency objectives. The time-consistent dial-a-ride problem is solved using an epsilon-constraint approach to illustrate the trade-off between these two objectives. It computes an approximation of the Pareto front, using a matheuristic framework that combines a large neighbourhood search with the solution of set partitioning problems. This approach is benchmarked on time-consistent vehicle routing problem literature instances. Experiments are also conducted in the context of door-to-door transportation for people with disabilities, using real data. These experiments support managerial insights regarding the inter-relatedness of costs and quality of service

    Geometric partitioning algorithms for fair division of geographic resources

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    University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation. July 2014. Major: Industrial and Systems Engineering. Advisor: John Gunnar Carlsson. 1 computer file (PDF): vi, 140 pages, appendices p. 129-140.This dissertation focuses on a fundamental but under-researched problem: how does one divide a piece of territory into smaller pieces in an efficient way? In particular, we are interested in \emph{map segmentation problem} of partitioning a geographic region into smaller subregions for allocating resources or distributing a workload among multiple agents. This work would result in useful solutions for a variety of fundamental problems, ranging from congressional districting, facility location, and supply chain management to air traffic control and vehicle routing. In a typical map segmentation problem, we are given a geographic region RR, a probability density function defined on RR (representing, say population density, distribution of a natural resource, or locations of clients) and a set of points in RR (representing, say service facilities or vehicle depots). We seek a \emph{partition} of RR that is a collection of disjoint sub-regions {R1,...,Rn}\{R_1, . . . , R_n\} such that ⋃iRi=R\bigcup_i R_i = R, that optimizes some objective function while satisfying a shape condition. As examples of shape conditions, we may require that all sub-regions be compact, convex, star convex, simply connected (not having holes), connected, or merely measurable.Such problems are difficult because the search space is infinite-dimensional (since we are designing boundaries between sub-regions) and because the shape conditions are generally difficult to enforce using standard optimization methods. There are also many interesting variants and extensions to this problem. It is often the case that the optimal partition for a problem changes over time as new information about the region is collected. In that case, we have an \emph{online} problem and we must re-draw the sub-region boundaries as time progresses. In addition, we often prefer to construct these sub-regions in a \emph{decentralized} fashion: that is, the sub-region assigned to agent ii should be computable using only local information to agent ii (such as nearby neighbors or information about its surroundings), and the optimal boundary between two sub-regions should be computable using only knowledge available to those two agents.This dissertation is an attempt to design geometric algorithms aiming to solve the above mentioned problems keeping in view the various design constraints. We describe the drawbacks of the current approach to solving map segmentation problems, its ineffectiveness to impose geometric shape conditions and its limited utility in solving the online version of the problem. Using an intrinsically interdisciplinary approach, combining elements from variational calculus, computational geometry, geometric probability theory, and vector space optimization, we present an approach where we formulate the problems geometrically and then use a fast geometric algorithm to solve them. We demonstrate our success by solving problems having a particular choice of objective function and enforcing certain shape conditions. In fact, it turns out that such methods actually give useful insights and algorithms into classical location problems such as the continuous kk-medians problem, where the aim is to find optimal locations for facilities. We use a map segmentation technique to present a constant factor approximation algorithm to solve the continuous kk-medians problem in a convex polygon. We conclude this thesis by describing how we intend to build on this success and develop algorithms to solve larger classes of these problems

    Multi-period sales districting problem

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    In the sales districting problem, we are given a set of customers and a set of salesmen in some area. The salesmen have to provide services at the customers' locations to satisfy their requirements. The task is to allocate each customer to one salesman, which partitions the set of customers into subsets, called districts. Each district is expected to have approximately equal workload and travel time for each salesman to promote fairness among them. Also, the districts should be geographically compact since they are more likely to reduce unnecessary travel time, which is desirable for economic reasons. Moreover, each customer can require recurring services with different visiting frequencies such as every week or two weeks during a planning horizon. This problem is called the `Multi-Period Sales Districting Problem (MPSDP)' and can be found typically in regular engineering maintenance and sales promotion. In addition to determining the sales districts, we also want to get valid weekly visiting schedules for the salesmen corresponding to the customers' visiting requirements. The schedules should result in weekly districts with the following desirable characteristics: each weekly district should be balanced in weekly workload and geographically compact. The compactness in the schedules provides benefits when a salesman has to deal with short-term requests from customers or change a visiting plan during the week. Namely, the salesman can postpone a visit to another day if necessary, without increasing the travel time too much compared to the original schedule. This is beneficial when the salesman has to deal with unexpected situations, for example, road maintenance, traffic jams, or short notice of time windows from customers. Although the problem is very practical, it has been studied only recently. Since most of the previous literature on general scheduling problems did not consider compactness, a few recent studies have begun to focus on solving the scheduling part of the problem. The purpose of this research is to develop a more sophisticated exact solution approach as well as an efficient high-quality heuristic to solve the scheduling part. Eventually, with an effective elaborate method to solve the scheduling part, we aim for a robust algorithm to solve the districting and scheduling part of the problem simultaneously. This thesis contains three main parts. The first part introduces the problem and provides a mixed-integer linear programming formulation for only the scheduling part and formulation for the whole problem. The second part presents solution approaches, including an exact method and a heuristic, for only the scheduling part. The last part is dedicated to further development of a successful approach from the second part to solve the districting and scheduling part of the problem simultaneously. For solving the scheduling part, Benders' decomposition is developed as a new exact solution method. The linear relaxation of the problem is strengthened by adding several Benders' cuts derived from fractional solutions at the beginning of the algorithm. Moreover, a good-quality integer solution derived from a location-allocation heuristic is used to generate cuts beforehand, which significantly improves the upper bound of the objective function value. Nondominated optimality cuts are implemented to guarantee the strongest Benders' cuts in each iteration. Also, instead of generating a Benders' cut per iteration, we exploit the decomposable structure of the problem formulation to generate multiple cuts per iteration, resulting in a noticeable improvement in the lower bound of the objective function value. In the classical Benders' decomposition, one of the main factors that slow down the algorithm is that one has to solve the integer programmes from scratch in each iteration. To alleviate this problem, a modern implementation creates only one branch-and-bound tree and adds Benders' cuts derived from a solution in each node in a solution cut pool. This method is called branch-and-Benders' cut. To assess the suitability of the algorithm, we compare its performance on small data instances that contain 30−-50 customers to the Benders' algorithm in CPLEX and show that our algorithm is highly competitive. Since an exact solution method usually struggles to solve realistic large data instances, a meta-heuristic called tabu search is proposed. A high-quality initial solution to start the algorithm is derived from the location-allocation heuristic. Three different neighbourhoods based on information about week centres or customers' week patterns are created within which we search for the best solution. An infeasible solution is allowed in the search to expand the search space. During the search, the size of a whole neighbourhood can be excessively large, so we limit the search to promising areas of the solution space to save computational time. Also, a surrogate objective value is used to save on computational time in cases when computing the real objective value is too time-consuming. Although the tabu search defines a list of forbidden moves to avoid the cycle of solutions, the algorithm can still struggle to avoid being trapped around a local optimum. Therefore, a diversification scheme is proposed for such cases. The algorithm is also accelerated by combining all neighbourhoods and selecting the appropriate neighbourhood for each iteration by a roulette wheel selection. It shows impressive results in small data instances that contain 30−-50 customers. The comparison with built-in heuristics in CPLEX confirms the robustness of the tabu search algorithm. Finally, we combine the tabu search algorithm with our developed Benders' decomposition. Numerical results show that the tabu search method improves the upper bound of the Benders' decomposition algorithm. However, the overall performance is not satisfying so the combination of these two techniques still requires more proper development. As the tabu search algorithm performs well on the scheduling part, it is extended to solve the whole problem, i.e., the districting and scheduling part at the same time. Computational results on large data instances, which contain between 100 and 300 customers, demonstrate its capacity to derive a high-quality solution within a reasonable amount of time, i.e., less than 17 minutes. At the same time, the Benders' decomposition algorithm in CPLEX, which is a benchmark in this case, and the built-in heuristics in CPLEX cannot even find any feasible integer solution for most of the instances within an hour. Importantly, there is a conflict between the districting part and the scheduling part so we recommend solving both parts simultaneously for tackling the MPSDP. The multi-period sales districting problem is highly practical and challenging to solve. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to propose a single integrated solution approach to solve the whole problem. Further studies including adding more realistic planning requirements into consideration and effective solution approaches to solve the problem are still required