4,849 research outputs found

    Technic and Collaboration Breakdown Structures: Drivers of collaborative problem solving approaches in a supply chain context

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    Problem Solving Methodologies have been par excellence a cornerstone element of the firms’ strategy on achieving effective continuous improvement. But the enterprise evolution towards an extended environment characterized by network-based organization has radically changed the problem solving paradigms. This paper aims to propose a generic and collaborative methodology addressing more complex and distributed problems, dealing with Supply Chain issues and having a key role as a driver for building global competitive advantages and create superior performances at a Supply Chain level

    Strategic Inventory and Supply Chain Behavior

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    Based on a serial supply chain model with 2-periods and price-sensitive demand, we present the first experimental test of the effect of strategic inventories on supply chain performance. In theory, if holding costs are low enough, the buyer builds up a strategic inventory (even if no operational reasons for stock-holding exist) to limit the supplier\u27s market power, to increase the own profit share, and to enhance the overall supply chain performance. The supplier anticipates the effect of the strategic inventory and differentiates prices to capture a part of the increased supply chain profits. Our results show that the positive effects of strategic inventories are even more pronounced than theoretically predicted, because strategic inventories empower buyers to reduce payoff inequalities and suppliers exhibit a willingness to reduce inequalities as long as their payoff remains above a certain threshold. Overall, strategic inventories have a double positive effect, a strategic and a behavioral, both reducing the average wholesale prices and damping the double marginalization effect and the latter leading to more equitable payoffs

    Identification and Root Cause Mapping of Supply Chain Collaboration Resistors

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    This paper aims to investigate different resistors of supply chain collaboration and gives insights into how these resistors can be overcome. Specific focus is set in behavioral resistors which have been neglected in the past. Behavioral resistors are still not as prominently examined as they should be. This paper follows the call of previous research to examine behavioral resistors. In order to do so an extensive previously missing overview and framework for current collaboration resistors is developed. In a root cause analysis the interrelation of resistors is shown

    Investigation of the Effect of e-Platform Information Security Breaches: A Small and Medium Enterprise Supply Chain Perspective

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    Many small and medium enterprises (SMEs) engage in dyadic information integration partnerships or partial integration with their direct suppliers and customers. They often utilise e-commerce or cloud computing technology platforms hosted by third-party providers to leverage such partnerships. However, information security breaches and disruptions caused by cyber-attacks are commonplace in the IT industry. The effects of said disruptions and breaches on e-commerce businesses under varied disruption conditions are still uncertain. Furthermore, the effect of security breaches on non-participating members of the supply chain is poorly understood, especially under various disruption profiles. Using discrete event modelling, this study explores the impact of disruption caused by information security breaches on supply chain performance and the externality effect of partial integration on non-participants. We also examine the impact of breach disruption frequency and remediation length on supply chain performance with varying levels of information sharing. These impacts were studied under two typical inventory replenishment policies for SMEs. It was determined that remediation length should be a prioritised factor in impact management and that flexibility in the inventory replenishment policy can help mitigate the impact of information disruption on the inventory performance of businesses, especially that of non-participants, in information-sharing partnerships

    OVAP: A strategy to implement partial information sharing among supply chain retailers

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    This paper analyses the impact on supply chain performance of adopting different strategies to implement partial information sharing among heterogeneous retailers. Supply chains are modelled using a multi-agent systems approach. We find that the strategy adopted to construct the partial information sharing structure (i.e., the retailers who share information) has a significant impact on supply chain performance. We propose a practical strategy, named Order VAriance Prioritization (OVAP), which gives priority to the retailers with higher order variance. OVAP outperforms the worst (i.e. naive) implementation method by 27.2% and 7.8% with respect to the levels of bullwhip and average inventory.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación DPI201680750P

    Holism versus reductionism in supply chain management: An economic analysis

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    Since supply chains are increasingly built on complex interdependences, concerns to adopt new managerial approaches based on collaboration have surged. Nonetheless, implementing an efficient collaborative solution is a wide process where several obstacles must be faced. This work explores the key role of experimentation as a model-driven decision support system for managers in the convoluted decision-making process required to evolve from a reductionist approach (where the overall strategy is the sum of individual strategies) to a holistic approach (where global optimization is sought through collaboration). We simulate a four-echelon supply chain within a large noise scenario, while a fractional factorial design of experiments (DoE) with eleven factors was used to explore cause-effect relationships. By providing evidence in a wide range of conditions of the superiority of the holistic approach, supply chain participants can be certain to move away from their natural reductionist behavior. Thereupon, practitioners focus on implementing the solution. The theory of constraints (TOC) defines an appropriate framework, where the Drum–Buffer–Rope (DBR) method integrates supply chain processes and synchronizes decisions. In addition, this work provides evidence of the need for aligning incentives in order to eliminate the risk to deviate. Modeling and simulation, especially agent-based techniques, allows practitioners to develop awareness of complex organizational problems. Hence, these prototypes can be interpreted as forceful laboratories for decision making and business transformation

    Preemptive Thread Block Scheduling with Online Structural Runtime Prediction for Concurrent GPGPU Kernels

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    Recent NVIDIA Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) can execute multiple kernels concurrently. On these GPUs, the thread block scheduler (TBS) uses the FIFO policy to schedule their thread blocks. We show that FIFO leaves performance to chance, resulting in significant loss of performance and fairness. To improve performance and fairness, we propose use of the preemptive Shortest Remaining Time First (SRTF) policy instead. Although SRTF requires an estimate of runtime of GPU kernels, we show that such an estimate of the runtime can be easily obtained using online profiling and exploiting a simple observation on GPU kernels' grid structure. Specifically, we propose a novel Structural Runtime Predictor. Using a simple Staircase model of GPU kernel execution, we show that the runtime of a kernel can be predicted by profiling only the first few thread blocks. We evaluate an online predictor based on this model on benchmarks from ERCBench, and find that it can estimate the actual runtime reasonably well after the execution of only a single thread block. Next, we design a thread block scheduler that is both concurrent kernel-aware and uses this predictor. We implement the SRTF policy and evaluate it on two-program workloads from ERCBench. SRTF improves STP by 1.18x and ANTT by 2.25x over FIFO. When compared to MPMax, a state-of-the-art resource allocation policy for concurrent kernels, SRTF improves STP by 1.16x and ANTT by 1.3x. To improve fairness, we also propose SRTF/Adaptive which controls resource usage of concurrently executing kernels to maximize fairness. SRTF/Adaptive improves STP by 1.12x, ANTT by 2.23x and Fairness by 2.95x compared to FIFO. Overall, our implementation of SRTF achieves system throughput to within 12.64% of Shortest Job First (SJF, an oracle optimal scheduling policy), bridging 49% of the gap between FIFO and SJF.Comment: 14 pages, full pre-review version of PACT 2014 poste

    Multinational enterprises, industry 4.0 and sustainability:A multidisciplinary review and research agenda

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    Humanity is facing important challenges in the area of sustainability, for which all parties and means need to be brought together. Multinational enterprises (MNEs) are considered key actors for helping realise a successful transition towards a greener and more equitable future, in a time and age where much hope is set on novel digital technologies (often termed Industry 4.0) to expedite change ‘for good’. Despite this attention, however, there is limited insight into the actual state of the art regarding MNEs, Industry 4.0 and the implications for sustainability. As a result, academic knowledge of how MNEs develop and employ digital technologies, and what significance this has in relation to sustainability, is fragmented along disciplinary boundaries. We therefore conduct a systemic multidisciplinary review of the literature, examining the different types of digital technologies, the geographical scope of the studies, and the sustainability dimensions covered. Based on this critical evaluation, which considers both (potential) positive and negative implications, we present a promising research agenda for scholars on themes that are also highly relevant for organizations, individuals, societies and the planet
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