1,808 research outputs found

    Asymmetric Distributed Trust

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    Quorum systems are a key abstraction in distributed fault-tolerant computing for capturing trust assumptions. They can be found at the core of many algorithms for implementing reliable broadcasts, shared memory, consensus and other problems. This paper introduces asymmetric Byzantine quorum systems that model subjective trust. Every process is free to choose which combinations of other processes it trusts and which ones it considers faulty. Asymmetric quorum systems strictly generalize standard Byzantine quorum systems, which have only one global trust assumption for all processes. This work also presents protocols that implement abstractions of shared memory and broadcast primitives with processes prone to Byzantine faults and asymmetric trust. The model and protocols pave the way for realizing more elaborate algorithms with asymmetric trust

    Brief Announcement: Asymmetric Distributed Trust

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    Quorum systems are a key abstraction in distributed fault-tolerant computing for capturing trust assumptions. They can be found at the core of many algorithms for implementing reliable broadcasts, shared memory, consensus and other problems. This paper introduces asymmetric Byzantine quorum systems that model subjective trust. Every process is free to choose which combinations of other processes it trusts and which ones it considers faulty. Asymmetric quorum systems strictly generalize standard Byzantine quorum systems, which have only one global trust assumption for all processes. This work also presents protocols that implement abstractions of shared memory and broadcast primitives with processes prone to Byzantine faults and asymmetric trust. The model and protocols pave the way for realizing more elaborate algorithms with asymmetric trust

    Smart Grid Privacy through Distributed Trust

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    Though the smart electrical grid promises many advantages in efficiency and reliability, the risks to consumer privacy have impeded its deployment. Researchers have proposed protecting privacy by aggregating user data before it reaches the utility, using techniques of homomorphic encryption to prevent exposure of unaggregated values. However, such schemes generally require users to trust in the correct operation of a single aggregation server. We propose two alternative systems based on secret sharing techniques that distribute this trust among multiple service providers, protecting user privacy against a misbehaving server. We also provide an extensive evaluation of the systems considered, comparing their robustness to privacy compromise, error handling, computational performance, and data transmission costs. We conclude that while all the systems should be computationally feasible on smart meters, the two methods based on secret sharing require much less computation while also providing better protection against corrupted aggregators. Building systems using these techniques could help defend the privacy of electricity customers, as well as customers of other utilities as they move to a more data-driven architecture

    A Distributed Method for Trust-Aware Recommendation in Social Networks

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    This paper contains the details of a distributed trust-aware recommendation system. Trust-base recommenders have received a lot of attention recently. The main aim of trust-based recommendation is to deal the problems in traditional Collaborative Filtering recommenders. These problems include cold start users, vulnerability to attacks, etc.. Our proposed method is a distributed approach and can be easily deployed on social networks or real life networks such as sensor networks or peer to peer networks

    Mobile distributed authentication protocol

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    Networks access control is a crucial topic and authentication is a pre-requisite of that process. Most existing authentication protocols (for example that used in the GSM mobile network) are centralised. Depending on a single entity is undesirable as it has security, trust and availability issues. This paper proposes a new protocol, GSM-secure network access protocol (G-SNAP). In G-SNAP, the authentication procedure and network access control is handled by a quorum of authentication centres. The advantages of the novel protocol include increased security, availability and distributed trust

    Distributed Trust Empowerment for Secure Offline Communications

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    Most of today’s digital communications over the Internet rely on central entities, such as certificate authority servers, to provide secure and authenticated communication. In situations when the Internet is unavailable due to lack of reception in remote areas, natural disasters destroying network infrastructure, or congestion due to large amounts of traffic, these central entities may not be available. This causes secure communication, even among users in the vicinity of each other, to become a challenge. This paper contributes with a solution that enables peers within the vicinity to communicate securely without a connection to the Internet backbone. The solution operates on the Wi-Fi infrastructure mode and exploits a private distributed ledger to ensure a trusted authorization among users without a third party. Moreover, the solution enables users to set up secure communication channels using mutual authentication for exchanging data securely. Finally, the solution is validated through a proof of concept application and an extensive experimental study aiming at optimizing system parameters and investigating the performance of the application is conducted. The results from these measurements indicate that the solution performs well on small to medium-scale networks
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