7,045 research outputs found

    The emerging communication architecture in electrical energy supply and its implications

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    In the course of liberalisation of the electrical energy market, the pressure on the utilities to reduce their investment and maintenance costs is increasing. In order to lower these expenses and to be able to offer a more efficient supply with electrical energy, the utilities are increasingly using modern communication techniques. Control mechanisms that have been realized with a huge amount of hardware so far are more and more replaced by softwarebased solutions. Major points of concern in the near future are the standardisation of communication interfaces and protocols, as well as the implementation of autonomously acting entities performing vitally important actions like controlling protective systems

    Decision-making for unmanned aerial vehicle operation in icing conditions

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    With the increased use of unmanned aerial systems (UAS) for civil and commercial applications, there is a strong demand for new regulations and technology that will eventually permit for the integration of UAS in unsegregated airspace. This requires new technology to ensure sufficient safety and a smooth integration process. The absence of a pilot on board a vehicle introduces new problems that do not arise in manned flight. One challenging and safety-critical issue is flight in known icing conditions. Whereas in manned flight, dealing with icing is left to the pilot and his appraisal of the situation at hand; in unmanned flight, this is no longer an option and new solutions are required. To address this, an icing-related decision-making system (IRDMS) is proposed. The system quantifies in-flight icing based on changes in aircraft performance and measurements of environmental properties, and evaluates what the effects on the aircraft are. Based on this, it determines whether the aircraft can proceed, and whether and which available icing protection systems should be activated. In this way, advice on an appropriate response is given to the operator on the ground, to ensure safe continuation of the flight and avoid possible accidents

    Standardization Needs for Effective Interoperability

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    The Electronic Health Record (EHR) has brought unique challenges in the effort to share information. How data is captured varies from institution to institution. In order for data to be well understood, data should have a definition that is consistent and comprehensively understood by all users of the data. Standardization of how data is captured is critical to allow the production and export of data needed to support quality assessment, decision support, exchange of data for patients with multiple health care providers and public health surveillance. Patient safety and quality improvement are dependent upon embedded clinical guidelines that promote standardized, evidence-based practices. Unless we can achieve standardization with terminology, technologies, apps and devices, the goals of EHR implementation won’t be realized

    An Interactive Music Synthesizer for Gait Training in Neurorehabilitation

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    (Abstract to follow

    Identification of Consumer Adverse Drug Reaction Messages on Social Media

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    The prevalence of social media has resulted in spikes of data on the Internet which can have potential use to assist in many aspects of human life. One prospective use of the data is in the development of an early warning system to monitor consumer Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs). The direct reporting of ADRs by consumers is playing an increasingly important role in the world of pharmacovigilance. Social media provides patients a platform to exchange their experiences regarding the use of certain drugs. However, the messages posted on those social media networks contain both ADR related messages (positive examples) and non-ADR related messages (negative examples). In this paper, we integrate text mining and partially supervised learning methods to automatically extract and classify messages posted on social media networks into positive and negative examples. Our findings can provide managerial insights into how social media analytics can improve not only postmarketing surveillance, but also other problem domains where large quantity of user-generated content is available

    Some Contribution of Statistical Techniques in Big Data: A Review

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    Big Data is a popular topic in research work. Everyone is talking about big data, and it is believed that science, business, industry, government, society etc. will undergo a through change with the impact of big data.Big data is used to refer to very huge data set having large, more complex, hidden pattern, structured and unstructured nature of data with the difficulties to collect, storage, analysing for process or result. So proper advanced techniques to use to gain knowledge about big data. In big data research big challenge is created in storage, process, search, sharing, transfer, analysis and visualizing. To deeply discuss on introduction of big data, issue, management and all used big data techniques. Also in this paper present a review of various advanced statistical techniques to handling the key application of big data have large data set. These advanced techniques handle the structure as well as unstructured big data in different area

    ‘‘Don’t Take on the Responsibilty of Somebody Else’s Fu**ed Up Behavior”: Responding to Online Abuse in the Context of Barriers to Support

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    Responsibilization, in a true circular fashion, is not only born of but also benefits institutional (e.g., social media companies and law enforcement) and cultural power structures (e.g., misogyny and patriarchy). When targets of online abuse take responsibility for the abuse launched against them, that assumption of responsibility requires energy, and that energy is taken away from efforts to hold institutions and perpetrators accountable. Responsibilization tries to tranquilize change in the service of power. The tricky thing about interrupting this process is that it requires more than just offering better support. It also requires exposing, challenging, and dismantling harmful ideologies, belief systems, and values that underpin the responsibility-taking that equality- seeking groups have long undergone as a way to deal with multiple forms of oppression and discrimination. Eliminating the problem may not be possible. The immediate focus instead should be on reducing harm in the here and now by offering stronger and more varied and effective support from all stakeholders, especially social media platforms

    Strategic principles and capacity building for a whole-of-systems approaches to physical activity

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