22,286 research outputs found

    An Overview on Functional Integration of Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems in Multi-Energy Buildings

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    Buildings are responsible for over 30% of global final energy consumption and nearly 40% of total CO2 emissions. Thus, rapid penetration of renewable energy technologies (RETs) in this sector is required. Integration of renewable energy sources (RESs) into residential buildings should not only guarantee an overall neutral energy balance over long term horizon (nZEB concept), but also provide a higher flexibility, a real-time monitoring and a real time interaction with end-users (smart-building concept). Thus, increasing interest is being given to the concepts of Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems (HRES) and Multi-Energy Buildings, in which several renewable and nonrenewable energy systems, the energy networks and the energy demand optimally interact with each other at various levels, exploring all possible interactions between systems and vectors (electricity, heat, cooling, fuels, transport) without them being treated separately. In this context, the present paper gives an overview of functional integration of HRES in Multi-Energy Buildings evidencing the numerous problems and potentialities related to the application of HRESs in the residential building sector. Buildingintegrated HRESs with at least two RESs (i.e., wind–solar, solar–geothermal and solar–biomass) are considered. The most applied HRES solutions in the residential sector are presented, and integration of HRES with thermal and electrical loads in residential buildings connected to external multiple energy grids is investigated. Attention is focused on the potentialities that functional integration can offer in terms of flexibility services to the energy grids. New holistic approaches to the management problems and more complex architectures for the optimal control are described

    Approaches for coupled numerical simulation of high frequency tube welding process

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    Welding processes and installations used nowadays are mainly developed on practical experience and analytical calculations. Nevertheless, high frequency induction tube welding is a very complex three-dimensional dynamic process, where the electromagnetic and thermal characteristics are distributed not only in space but in time as well. A more profound detailed investigation of the induction tube welding process can be only done by numerical modelling. Full and local three-dimensional transient numerical models of induction tube welding process with continuous movement of the welded tube have been developed and tested. Coupled electromagnetic and thermal analyses are carried out at each time step of simulation for correction of temperature dependent material properties. Voltage or current of the induction coil can be individually input into electromagnetic analysis at each time step. This approach allows simulating “quasi” steady-state and transient operation modes

    Data-Driven Aggregation Control for Thermoelectric Loads in Demand Response

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    Within the concept of a smart grid, aggregators have the task of coordinating the behavior of large sets of Distributed Energy Resources, each of them offering small power/energy capacities, which help to balance the power grid and can serve as providers of services. Adequate coordination strategies are required to optimally exploit these resources in the ancillary services market. However, deriving model-based control policies for them is complex due to the heterogeneity and uncertainty related to the large set of associated agents. Then, a data-driven model is an adequate solution for this sort of situation. This paper presents the application of the Youla-Kucera Data-Driven Control strategy for the development of an aggregator to regulate the power consumption of a set of thermoelectric refrigerators, avoiding the modeling process and directly designing a controller from data. A detailed simulation framework was executed to verify the validity of the proposed methodology. It is shown that the derived aggregator is able to offer frequency containment reserves service, achieving the required settling time of 30 seconds and with a tracking error below 4.7%. Copyright (c) 2022 The Authors. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/

    Ubiquitous energy storage

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    This paper presents a vision of a future power system with "ubiquitous energy storage", where storage would be utilized at all levels of the electricity system. The growing requirement for storage is reviewed, driven by the expansion of distributed generation. The capabilities and existing applications of various storage technologies are presented, providing a useful review of the state of the art. Energy storage will have to be integrated with the power system and there are various ways in which this may be achieved. Some of these options are discussed, as are commercial and regulatory issues. In two case studies, the costs and benefits of some storage options are assessed. It is concluded that electrical storage is not cost effective but that thermal storage offers attractive opportunities
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