532 research outputs found

    A randomized primal distributed algorithm for partitioned and big-data non-convex optimization

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    In this paper we consider a distributed optimization scenario in which the aggregate objective function to minimize is partitioned, big-data and possibly non-convex. Specifically, we focus on a set-up in which the dimension of the decision variable depends on the network size as well as the number of local functions, but each local function handled by a node depends only on a (small) portion of the entire optimization variable. This problem set-up has been shown to appear in many interesting network application scenarios. As main paper contribution, we develop a simple, primal distributed algorithm to solve the optimization problem, based on a randomized descent approach, which works under asynchronous gossip communication. We prove that the proposed asynchronous algorithm is a proper, ad-hoc version of a coordinate descent method and thus converges to a stationary point. To show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm, we also present numerical simulations on a non-convex quadratic program, which confirm the theoretical results

    Distributed convex optimization via continuous-time coordination algorithms with discrete-time communication

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    This paper proposes a novel class of distributed continuous-time coordination algorithms to solve network optimization problems whose cost function is a sum of local cost functions associated to the individual agents. We establish the exponential convergence of the proposed algorithm under (i) strongly connected and weight-balanced digraph topologies when the local costs are strongly convex with globally Lipschitz gradients, and (ii) connected graph topologies when the local costs are strongly convex with locally Lipschitz gradients. When the local cost functions are convex and the global cost function is strictly convex, we establish asymptotic convergence under connected graph topologies. We also characterize the algorithm's correctness under time-varying interaction topologies and study its privacy preservation properties. Motivated by practical considerations, we analyze the algorithm implementation with discrete-time communication. We provide an upper bound on the stepsize that guarantees exponential convergence over connected graphs for implementations with periodic communication. Building on this result, we design a provably-correct centralized event-triggered communication scheme that is free of Zeno behavior. Finally, we develop a distributed, asynchronous event-triggered communication scheme that is also free of Zeno with asymptotic convergence guarantees. Several simulations illustrate our results.Comment: 12 page

    A randomized primal distributed algorithm for partitioned and big-data non-convex optimization

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    In this paper we consider a distributed opti- mization scenario in which the aggregate objective function to minimize is partitioned, big-data and possibly non-convex. Specifically, we focus on a set-up in which the dimension of the decision variable depends on the network size as well as the number of local functions, but each local function handled by a node depends only on a (small) portion of the entire optimiza- tion variable. This problem set-up has been shown to appear in many interesting network application scenarios. As main paper contribution, we develop a simple, primal distributed algorithm to solve the optimization problem, based on a randomized descent approach, which works under asynchronous gossip communication. We prove that the proposed asynchronous algorithm is a proper, ad-hoc version of a coordinate descent method and thus converges to a stationary point. To show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm, we also present numerical simulations on a non-convex quadratic program, which confirm the theoretical results

    Randomized dual proximal gradient for large-scale distributed optimization

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    In this paper we consider distributed optimization problems in which the cost function is separable (i.e., a sum of possibly non-smooth functions all sharing a common variable) and can be split into a strongly convex term and a convex one. The second term is typically used to encode constraints or to regularize the solution. We propose an asynchronous, distributed optimization algorithm over an undirected topology, based on a proximal gradient update on the dual problem. We show that by means of a proper choice of primal variables, the dual problem is separable and the dual variables can be stacked into separate blocks. This allows us to show that a distributed gossip update can be obtained by means of a randomized block-coordinate proximal gradient on the dual function

    Asynchronous Distributed Optimization Via Randomized Dual Proximal Gradient

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    In this paper we consider distributed optimization problems in which the cost function is separable, i.e., a sum of possibly non-smooth functions all sharing a common variable, and can be split into a strongly convex term and a convex one. The second term is typically used to encode constraints or to regularize the solution. We propose a class of distributed optimization algorithms based on proximal gradient methods applied to the dual problem. We show that, by choosing suitable primal variable copies, the dual problem is itself separable when written in terms of conjugate functions, and the dual variables can be stacked into non-overlapping blocks associated to the computing nodes. We first show that a weighted proximal gradient on the dual function leads to a synchronous distributed algorithm with local dual proximal gradient updates at each node. Then, as main paper contribution, we develop asynchronous versions of the algorithm in which the node updates are triggered by local timers without any global iteration counter. The algorithms are shown to be proper randomized block-coordinate proximal gradient updates on the dual function

    A Novel Dynamic Event-triggered Mechanism for Dynamic Average Consensus

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    This paper studies a challenging issue introduced in a recent survey, namely designing a distributed event-based scheme to solve the dynamic average consensus (DAC) problem. First, a robust adaptive distributed event-based DAC algorithm is designed without imposing specific initialization criteria to perform estimation task under intermittent communication. Second, a novel adaptive distributed dynamic event-triggered mechanism is proposed to determine the triggering time when neighboring agents broadcast information to each other. Compared to the existing event-triggered mechanisms, the novelty of the proposed dynamic event-triggered mechanism lies in that it guarantees the existence of a positive and uniform minimum inter-event interval without sacrificing any accuracy of the estimation, which is much more practical than only ensuring the exclusion of the Zeno behavior or the boundedness of the estimation error. Third, a composite adaptive law is developed to update the adaptive gain employed in the distributed event-based DAC algorithm and dynamic event-triggered mechanism. Using the composite adaptive update law, the distributed event-based solution proposed in our work is implemented without requiring any global information. Finally, numerical simulations are provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the theoretical results.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    A Survey of Resilient Coordination for Cyber-Physical Systems Against Malicious Attacks

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    Cyber-physical systems (CPSs) facilitate the integration of physical entities and cyber infrastructures through the utilization of pervasive computational resources and communication units, leading to improved efficiency, automation, and practical viability in both academia and industry. Due to its openness and distributed characteristics, a critical issue prevalent in CPSs is to guarantee resilience in presence of malicious attacks. This paper conducts a comprehensive survey of recent advances on resilient coordination for CPSs. Different from existing survey papers, we focus on the node injection attack and propose a novel taxonomy according to the multi-layered framework of CPS. Furthermore, miscellaneous resilient coordination problems are discussed in this survey. Specifically, some preliminaries and the fundamental problem settings are given at the beginning. Subsequently, based on a multi-layered framework of CPSs, promising results of resilient consensus are classified and reviewed from three perspectives: physical structure, communication mechanism, and network topology. Next, two typical application scenarios, i.e., multi-robot systems and smart grids are exemplified to extend resilient consensus to other coordination tasks. Particularly, we examine resilient containment and resilient distributed optimization problems, both of which demonstrate the applicability of resilient coordination approaches. Finally, potential avenues are highlighted for future research.Comment: 35 pages, 7 figures, 5 table
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