5 research outputs found

    HDMM: deploying client and network-based distributed mobility management

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    Mobile operators are now facing the challenges posed by a huge data demand from users, mainly due to the introduction of modern portable devices and the success of mobile applications. Moreover, users are now capable to connect from different access networks and establish several active sessions simultaneously, while being mobile. This triggered the introduction of a new paradigm: the distributed mobility management (DMM) which aims at flattening the network and distributing the entities in charge of managing users' mobility. In this article, we review existing DMM proposals and describe a hybrid solution which benefits from combining a network-based and a client-based approach. We analyze the signaling cost and the handover latency of our proposal, comparing them with their centralized alternatives. We also include validation and performance results from experiments conducted with a Linux-based prototype, which show that achievable enhancements depend on the underlying network topology. We argue that the proposed hybrid DMM solution provides additional flexibility to the mobile network operators, which can decide when and how to combine these two approaches.The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7-ICT-2009-5) under Grant agreement n. 258053 (MEDIEVAL project) and from the Spanish Government, MICINN, under research grant TIN2010-20136-C0

    Movilidad IP en redes heterogéneas: optimización de flujos de tráfico con QoS

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    El despliegue de los servicios de banda ancha en redes convergentes no está exento de desafíos. Redes que surgen como consecuencia del nuevo paradigma surgido dentro de un contexto de arquitectura de red centrada en el usuario, arquitecturas capaces de alojar servicios caracterizados por sus altas tasas de bit rate y pequeños retardos. De este modo, la gestión del estado “seamless”, esto es, la continuidad de la sesión IP en distintas redes de acceso, y la provisión de calidad de servicio (Quality of Service, QoS) en el flujo binario de tráfico que forma el servicio, se posicionan como factores relevantes. La continuidad de la sesión IP significa conseguir pequeñas latencias, y un número reducido de retransmisiones de paquetes durante el movimiento del MN entre las distintas redes de acceso. Con esa visión se están diseñando los nuevos protocolos de movilidad, en especial Proxy Mobile IPv6 (PMIPv6), capaces de asegurar una gestión transparente de la movilidad en la capa de red y de maximizar en la medida de lo posible la QoS durante el movimiento del terminal. Los esfuerzos actuales de los organismos de estandarización, como el 3GPP, se focalizan en ese sentido; cómo estructurar ese enorme volumen de tráfico dentro del Evolved Packet System (EPS). . Las propuestas actuales pasan por la optimización de tráficos poco eficientes y voluminosos, y por diseñar tecnologías capaces de conmutar rápidamente los paquetes en los switches del "backhaul", mejorando así los valores de latencia y ancho de banda. La búsqueda de estas nuevas propuestas está despertando un gran interés en la comunidad científica. Estudiar el problema planteado alrededor de la movilidad IP y buscar nuevos mecanismos para optimizar el tráfico es el principal objetivo de este trabajo. Para ello, se buscarán y propondrán arquitecturas y soluciones donde la posibilidad de separar el tráfico de señalización de la infraestructura subyacente de red se convierta en una realidad y donde la provisión de recursos con una visión global del sistema permita el despliegue de servicios de banda ancha con la QoE (Quality of Experience) esperada por el usuario

    Gestion de la mobilité dans les réseaux denses de cinquième génération (5G)

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    Les réseaux de communications mobiles ont connu de profondes avancées technologiques au cours des deux dernières décénnies. La croissance du nombre d’abonnés mobiles ainsi que l’accès à des forfaits de données illimitées, souvent à des tarifs préférentiels, ont engendré une demande de bande passante, de vidéo et de données en forte croissance. Ces progrès significatifs ont favorisé le déploiement de nouveaux services et de nouveaux cas d’utilisation tels que l’Internet-des-objets (IoT), la réalité augmentée et virtuelle, les réseaux de villes intelligentes, les véhicules autonomes et l’automatisation industrielle. Aux technologies existantes, s’ajouteront de nouveaux modes de communication dans le but de répondre à plusieurs cas d’utilisation des réseaux mobiles qui sont encore difficiles à satisfaire à ce jour. Le résultat à long terme de cette nouvelle tournure dans le monde de la réseautique mobile est désigné sous le vocable de réseaux de cinquième génération (5G). Au-delà du déploiement d’applications avancées, les réseaux 5G offriront de nouvelles opportunités de revenus aux fournisseurs de services lorsqu’ils seront combinés aux fonctionnalités avancées telles que l’analyse de données, l’apprentissage automatique et à l’intelligence artificielle. Dans ce contexte, un large consensus est aujourd’hui établit sur la nécessité d’accroître la capacité du réseau par un déploiement massif de cellules de petite taille (Small Cell, SCs), d’un rayon de couverture réduit et à faible puissance. On parle alors d’une ultra-densification du réseau dont le but essentiel est de favoriser la proximité des points d’accès des utilisateurs finaux. Cependant, la densification du réseau implique des relèves fréquentes des usagers mobiles (MNs) entre les SCs et les zones de service. En effet, le rayon de couverture réduit des SCs rend plus complèxe la phase de sélection des relèves en plus d’accroître la fréquence de celles-ci. Ces relèves entraînent des dégradations, des perturbations et des déconnexions qui peuvent entraver l’objectif d’un accès transparent aux services du réseau. En outre, la fréquence des relèves engendre une latence et une charge de signalisation élevées dans le reseau. De plus, l’omniprésence d’applications temps réel exige une latence faible du réseau. Dans ce contexte, la gestion de la mobilité demeure encore un enjeux et il s’avère donc indispensable de concevoir de nouveaux protocoles de gestion de la mobilité capables répondre aux exigences de performances strictes des réseaux 5G.----------ABSTRACT : Mobile communications networks have experienced tremendous technological advances in the last two decades. The growth of the number of mobile subscribers and access to unlimited data plans, often at very affordable prices, have led to an increased demand for bandwidth, video and high-growth data. These significant advances have facilitated the deployment of new services and use cases such as Internet-of-things (IoT), augmented and virtual reality, smart city networks, autonomous vehicles, and industrial automation. On top of the existing technologies, new communication modes will arise to respond to several uses cases of mobile systems that are still difficult to meet today. The long-term result of this new trend in the world of mobile networking gives birth to a new paradigm called the fifth generation networks (5G). Beyond deploying advanced applications, 5G networks will offer new revenue opportunities to service providers, when combined with advanced features such as data analytics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. In this context, a broad consensus is now established on the need to increase the network capacity through a massive deployment of small cells (Small Cell, SCs), with reduced coverage and low power. This requirement led to the ultra-densification of the network whose primary purpose is to promote the proximity of access points to the end-users. However, the densification of the cellular networks involves many mobile nodes (MNs) going through several handovers between the SCs and the service areas. The shorter SC’s radius makes the handover selection phase more complex while increasing its frequency. These handovers lead to service disruptions and disconnections that may hinder the provision of seamless mobility of network services. Moreover, the frequency of the handovers generates a high latency and signaling load in the network. Besides, the ubiquity of real-time applications requires low network latency. In this context, mobility management is still an issue, and it is, therefore, essential to design new mobility management protocols that can meet the stringent performance requirements of 5G networks

    Distributed IP mobility management for hosts and networks

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    Includes bibliographical references.The Internet was originally designed for stationary nodes. With the advancement of mobile nodes (such as smartphones and tablets) that have wireless Internet access capability, the original design of the Internet is no longer sufficient. These mobile nodes are capable of communicating while moving and changing their point of attachment in the Internet. To maintain communication session(s) continuity for these mobile nodes, the Internet needs mobility management mechanisms. The main mobility management protocols standardised by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) are mobile IP (MIPv6 and MIPv4) and their numerous extensions and variants, including proxy MIP (PMIPv6 and PMIPv4). The architectural structures of these protocols employ a centralized mobility anchor to manage the mobility of the mobile nodes in the control and data planes. The mobility anchor manages the mobility binding information and the forwarding of data packets for all mobile nodes registered in the network. However, in the context of the rapid growth in the number of mobile users and the data traffic volume, as well as the trend towards a flat architecture in mobile networks, the centralized mobility management approach provides insufficient mobility support to the mobile nodes. For example, to manage the demand for increased mobile users, a huge amount of data traffic will be pushed to the centralized mobility anchor. Yet, routing huge volumes of traffic via the centralized mobility anchor can be non-optimal in terms of routing efficiency. Thus, the centralised mobility anchor can be a potential bottleneck, and a single point of failure. Consequently, failure of the mobility anchor may lead to a service outage for a large number of mobile nodes. Ultimately, the centralized mobility management approach does not scale well with the increase in number of mobile users and the data traffic volume. These problems are also costly to resolve within the centralized mobility management approach and its related centralized network architecture. Distributed mobility management (DMM) is one recent approach that can efficiently address the shortcomings of centralized mobility management. It provides an alternative paradigm for developing IP mobility management – without employing centralized mobility anchors. In this paradigm, either the mobility anchors, or their mobility management functions, are distributed to different networks/elements. The mobility anchors, or the mobility management functions, are brought to the edge of the networks, which is closer to the mobile nodes. Distributed mobility management also offers dynamic mobility features that allow a mobile node to anchor traffic at different mobility anchors. However, to date, mobility management schemes that have been developed based on the DMM approach are still in the preliminary stages, and there is no current standard in place. These developed DMM schemes are still experiencing problems, such as long routing paths, especially for long-lasting data traffic, a lack of route optimization for ongoing communication, and a lack of synchronization of the mobile nodes‟ location in different networks. Moreover, the majority of these proposed schemes still need to be analysed, in order to quantify their feasibility. The thesis proposes three novel network-based distributed mobility management schemes, which are based on the DMM approach. The schemes enhance PMIPv6 to work in a distributed manner, in order to address the problems of centralized mobility management. Furthermore, the schemes address the following issues: (1) the lack of route optimization for ongoing communication; (2) the lack of synchronization of the mobile nodes‟ location in different networks; and (3) the long end-to-end packet delivery delay problems in recently proposed DMM schemes. The first scheme, called the network-based distributed mobility management scheme with routing management function at the gateways (DM-RMG), decomposes the logical mobility management functions of the Local Mobility Anchor (LMA) in PMIPv6 into internetwork location management (LM), routing management (RM), and home network prefix allocation (HNP) functions. After the decomposition, the RM function is collocated at the gateways of different networks. In this way, the data-plane routing function of the respective mobile nodes is served by the corresponding local RM function at the network gateway. The DM-RMG scheme offers distributed mobility management for individual mobile nodes (i.e., mobile hosts) during mobility events. DM-RMG also implements a mechanism to optimize the handover delay. The results obtained from analytical modelling and simulation show that the DM-RMG scheme outperforms the centralized mobility management schemes, as well as currently proposed distributed mobility management schemes in terms of the end-to-end packet delivery delay under different network load conditions. The optimized handover performance of the DM-RMG scheme, investigated under different traffic patterns and mobile node speeds, shows that the scheme also mitigates the internetwork handover delay and packet loss. The second proposed scheme, called network-based distributed mobility management for the network mobility (NDM-RMG), uses a similar approach to DM-RMG. However, it proposes a network-based DMM scheme for Network Mobility (NEMO). The main goal of the NDMRMG scheme is to address the problems of centralized mobility management protocols for NEMO, including the pinball routing problem in nested NEMO. NDM-RMG is compared with centralized mobility management schemes for NEMO, and recently proposed distributed IP mobility management schemes for NEMO by means of analytical modelling and simulation evaluations. NDM-RMG shows better performance in terms of reducing the packet delivery latency, the size of the packet header, and the packet overhead experienced over the wireless link. The third proposed scheme, called network-based distributed mobility management scheme with RM and HNP allocation functions distributed to the access routers (DM-RMA), distributes the RM and the HNP allocation functions at the access routers with the mobility client function. This brings the mobility-related functions closer to the mobile nodes, that is, to the edge of the network. An analytical model is developed to investigate the mobility cost performance of the scheme, due to signalling, packet delivery, and tunnelling. The analytical results indicate that DM-RMA performs better than the previous DMM schemes in terms of packet delivery, tunnelling and total costs. Network simulator-2 (ns-2) is used to model the DM-RMA scheme. The simulated scenarios confirm that DM-RMA performs better than other proposed DMM schemes in terms of reducing the location update latency at the location managers, end-to-end packet delivery delay, handover delay, and packet loss. In addition to the three proposed DMM schemes, this thesis proposes a routing optimization scheme for PMIPv6. The main goal of this scheme is to enable PMIPv6 to offer route optimization to mobile nodes in a PMIPv6 domain. The scheme reduces the route optimization-establishment latency, the packet delivery latency, and the packet loss. Using ns-2 simulations and considering different simulated scenarios, the results show that the scheme reduces route optimization-establishment latency and delayed packets during the route optimization operation, as compared to previously proposed PMIPv6 route optimization schemes. The results also show that the scheme reduces packet loss when a mobile node undergoes handover in the PMIPv6 domain

    Descentralização da gestão da mobilidade IP nas redes do futuro

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    Doutoramento em Engenharia ElectrotécnicaThe massive adoption of sophisticated mobile devices and applications led to the increase of mobile data in the last decade, which it is expected to continue. This increase of mobile data negatively impacts the network planning and dimension, since core networks are heavy centralized. Mobile operators are investigating atten network architectures that distribute the responsibility of providing connectivity and mobility, in order to improve the network scalability and performance. Moreover, service providers are moving the content servers closer to the user, in order to ensure high availability and performance of content delivery. Besides the e orts to overcome the explosion of mobile data, current mobility management models are heavy centralized to ensure reachability and session continuity to the users connected to the network. Nowadays, deployed architectures have a small number of centralized mobility anchors managing the mobile data and the mobility context of millions of users, which introduces issues related to performance and scalability that require costly network mechanisms. The mobility management needs to be rethought out-of-the box to cope with atten network architectures and distributed content servers closer to the user, which is the purpose of the work developed in this Thesis. The Thesis starts with a characterization of mobility management into well-de ned functional blocks, their interaction and potential grouping. The decentralized mobility management is studied through analytical models and simulations, in which di erent mobility approaches distinctly distribute the mobility management functionalities through the network. The outcome of this study showed that decentralized mobility management brings advantages. Hence, it was proposed a novel distributed and dynamic mobility management approach, which is exhaustively evaluated through analytical models, simulations and testbed experiments. The proposed approach is also integrated with seamless horizontal handover mechanisms, as well as evaluated in vehicular environments. The mobility mechanisms are also speci ed for multihomed scenarios, in order to provide data o oading with IP mobility from cellular to other access networks. In the pursuing of the optimized mobile routing path, a novel network-based strategy for localized mobility is addressed, in which a replication binding system is deployed in the mobility anchors distributed through the access routers and gateways. Finally, we go further in the mobility anchoring subject, presenting a context-aware adaptive IP mobility anchoring model that dynamically assigns the mobility anchors that provide the optimized routing path to a session, based on the user and network context. The integration of dynamic and distributed concepts in the mobility management, such as context-aware adaptive mobility anchoring and dynamic mobility support, allow the optimization of network resources and the improvement of user experience. The overall outcome demonstrates that decentralized mobility management is a promising direction, hence, its ideas should be taken into account by mobile operators in the deployment of future networks.Na última década verificou-se uma massificação dos dispositivos móveis e das suas aplicações, o que tem vindo a aumentar o consumo de dados móveis. Este aumento dificulta o planeamento e dimensionamento das redes devido principalmente aos modelos extremamente centralizados adoptados por estas. Os operadores móveis têm vindo a estudar modelos mais até para as redes, os quais distribuem a responsabilidade de fornecer conectividade e mobilidade, no sentido de melhorar a escalabilidade e desempenho da rede. Além disso, de forma a garantir um desempenho elevado na entrega dos conteúdos, os fornecedores de serviço têm vindo a mover os servidores de conteúdos para locais mais próximos do utilizador. Apesar do esforço na procura de soluções para o crescente consumo de dados móveis, os modelos atuais de gestão de mobilidade são demasiado centralizados para conseguir assegurar a continuidade de sessão aos utilizadores conectados à rede. As arquiteturas implementadas têm um número muito reduzido de âncoras móveis centralizadas que gerem todos os dados móveis e a informação de contexto da mobilidade, o que leva a uma diminuição de desempenho e escalabilidade, solucionadas através de mecanismos de rede dispendiosos. A gestão da mobilidade precisa de ser repensada de forma a poder lidar com arquiteturas de rede até com a distribuição dos servidores de conteúdos para nós mais próximos dos utilizadores, que é o objectivo principal da Tese apresentada. Primeiro, é apresentada a caracterização da gestão de mobilidade em blocos funcionais, a interação entre eles e potenciais agrupamentos dos mesmos. A gestão da mobilidade descentralizada é estudada através de modelos analíticos e simulações, em que diferentes abordagens distribuem as funcionalidades da mobilidade pela rede. Como resultado deste estudo verificou-se que a descentralização da mobilidade traz vantagens claras. Com base nestes resultados foi proposta uma nova abordagem de gestão de mobilidade distribuída e dinâmica, que é exaustivamente avaliada através de modelos analíticos, simulações e experiências numa bancada de testes. A abordagem proposta é também integrada com mecanismos de handovers horizontais transparentes, assim como é avaliada em ambientes veiculares. Os mecanismos de mobilidade da abordagem proposta são também especificados para cenários de multihoming, de forma a proporcionar o offloading de dados com suporte de mobilidade das redes celulares para outras redes de acesso. Com o objectivo de optimizar o encaminhamento de dados móveis, foi criada uma nova estratégia para o suporte da mobilidade localizada, em que um sistema de replicação de bindings é integrado nas âncoras de mobilidade distribuídas através dos routers de acesso e dos gateways. Finalmente apresenta-se um modelo de ancoramento adaptativo para a mobilidade com base em contexto, o qual dinamicamente determina as âncoras de mobilidade que oferecem a melhor rota para uma dada sessão, baseado na informação do utilizador e da rede. A integração de conceitos de dinamismo e de distribuição na gestão da mobilidade, como o ancoramento adaptativo e o suporte dinâmico da mobilidade, permitem a optimização dos recursos da rede e uma melhor experiência por parte do utilizador. Os resultados demonstram, de uma forma geral, que a gestão descentralizada da mobilidade é um caminho promissor, logo este deve ser tomado em consideração pelas operadoras móveis aquando do desenvolvimento das redes do futuro