1,978 research outputs found

    Logic programming in the context of multiparadigm programming: the Oz experience

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    Oz is a multiparadigm language that supports logic programming as one of its major paradigms. A multiparadigm language is designed to support different programming paradigms (logic, functional, constraint, object-oriented, sequential, concurrent, etc.) with equal ease. This article has two goals: to give a tutorial of logic programming in Oz and to show how logic programming fits naturally into the wider context of multiparadigm programming. Our experience shows that there are two classes of problems, which we call algorithmic and search problems, for which logic programming can help formulate practical solutions. Algorithmic problems have known efficient algorithms. Search problems do not have known efficient algorithms but can be solved with search. The Oz support for logic programming targets these two problem classes specifically, using the concepts needed for each. This is in contrast to the Prolog approach, which targets both classes with one set of concepts, which results in less than optimal support for each class. To explain the essential difference between algorithmic and search programs, we define the Oz execution model. This model subsumes both concurrent logic programming (committed-choice-style) and search-based logic programming (Prolog-style). Instead of Horn clause syntax, Oz has a simple, fully compositional, higher-order syntax that accommodates the abilities of the language. We conclude with lessons learned from this work, a brief history of Oz, and many entry points into the Oz literature.Comment: 48 pages, to appear in the journal "Theory and Practice of Logic Programming

    An Integrated Development Environment for Declarative Multi-Paradigm Programming

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    In this paper we present CIDER (Curry Integrated Development EnviRonment), an analysis and programming environment for the declarative multi-paradigm language Curry. CIDER is a graphical environment to support the development of Curry programs by providing integrated tools for the analysis and visualization of programs. CIDER is completely implemented in Curry using libraries for GUI programming (based on Tcl/Tk) and meta-programming. An important aspect of our environment is the possible adaptation of the development environment to other declarative source languages (e.g., Prolog or Haskell) and the extensibility w.r.t. new analysis methods. To support the latter feature, the lazy evaluation strategy of the underlying implementation language Curry becomes quite useful.Comment: In A. Kusalik (ed), proceedings of the Eleventh International Workshop on Logic Programming Environments (WLPE'01), December 1, 2001, Paphos, Cyprus. cs.PL/011104

    Overview of Hydra: a concurrent language for synchronous digital circuit design

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    Hydra is a computer hardware description language that integrates several kinds of software tool (simulation, netlist generation and timing analysis) within a single circuit specification. The design language is inherently concurrent, and it offers black box abstraction and general design patterns that simplify the design of circuits with regular structure. Hydra specifications are concise, allowing the complete design of a computer system as a digital circuit within a few pages. This paper discusses the motivations behind Hydra, and illustrates the system with a significant portion of the design of a basic RISC processor

    Guppy: Process-Oriented Programming on Embedded Devices

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    Guppy is a new and experimental process-oriented programming language, taking much inspiration (and some code-base) from the existing occam-pi language. This paper reports on a variety of aspects related to this, specifically language, compiler and run-time system development, enabling Guppy programs to run on desktop and embedded systems. A native code-generation approach is taken, using C as the intermediate language, and with stack-space requirements determined at compile-time

    Process-Oriented Collective Operations

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    Distributing process-oriented programs across a cluster of machines requires careful attention to the effects of network latency. The MPI standard, widely used for cluster computation, defines a number of collective operations: efficient, reusable algorithms for performing operations among a group of machines in the cluster. In this paper, we describe our techniques for implementing MPI communication patterns in process-oriented languages, and how we have used them to implement collective operations in PyCSP and occam-pi on top of an asynchronous messaging framework. We show how to make use of collective operations in distributed processoriented applications. We also show how the process-oriented model can be used to increase concurrency in existing collective operation algorithms

    Multi-level Visualization of Concurrent and Distributed Computation in Erlang

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    This paper describes a prototype visualization system for concurrent and distributed applications programmed using Erlang, providing two levels of granularity of view. Both visualizations are animated to show the dynamics of aspects of the computation. At the low level, we show the concurrent behaviour of the Erlang schedulers on a single instance of the Erlang virtual machine, which we call an Erlang node. Typically there will be one scheduler per core on a multicore system. Each scheduler maintains a run queue of processes to execute, and we visualize the migration of Erlang concurrent processes from one run queue to another as work is redistributed to fully exploit the hardware. The schedulers are shown as a graph with a circular layout. Next to each scheduler we draw a variable length bar indicating the current size of the run queue for the scheduler. At the high level, we visualize the distributed aspects of the system, showing interactions between Erlang nodes as a dynamic graph drawn with a force model. Speci?cally we show message passing between nodes as edges and lay out nodes according to their current connections. In addition, we also show the grouping of nodes into “s_groups” using an Euler diagram drawn with circles