1,338 research outputs found

    Analytical Bit Error Rate Performance of DS-CDMA Ad Hoc Networks using Large Area Synchronous Spreading Sequences

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    The performance of large area synchronous (LAS) direct sequence code division multiple access (DS-CDMA) assisted ad hoc networks is investigated in the context of a single-hop infinite mesh of rectilinearly located ad hoc nodes. It is shown that LAS DS-CDMA exhibits a significantly better performance than the family of traditional spreading sequences used in a quasisynchronous DS-CDMA scenario having a low number of resolvable multipath components and a sufficiently high number of RAKE receiver branches. The benefits of LAS codes in ad hoc networks are multifold: (i) Their performance is noise-limited, rather than interference-limited, provided that the multipath and multi-user interference arrives within their interference free window. (ii) Under the same conditions LAS codes are robust against the ‘near–far’ effects imposed by ad hoc networks operating without base-station-aided power control, without accurate synchronisation and without implementationally complex interference cancellers

    CDMA-based MAC protocol for wireless ad hoc networks

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    IST-2000-30148 I-METRA: D6.2 Implications in re-configurable systems beyond 3G (Part 2)

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    This activity evaluates the extension of the bandwidth of the UTRA MIMO HSDPA concept to 20 MHz, which is precisely the bandwidth of HIPERLAN/2. This would allow a fair comparison between the performance of UTRA MIMO HSDPA and the enhanced HIPERLAN/2. The bandwidth expansion would be the consequence of multiplying the chip rate of the W-CDMA spreading by four, i.e., 3.84 x 4 = 15.36 Mcps. A higher bandwidth MIMO channel model is necessary and this will be developed based on the channel model already developed in WP2. High data rates are required to satisfy the ever-increasing application requirements in future wireless communication systems. Recent investigations have indicated that a peak data rate of up to 20Mbps per user in the DL may be required for satisfactory reception of bursty traffic. As the transmission powers (of both mobile terminals and base stations) are limited, higher data rates lead to the reduction of the effective coverage area of a cell. That is, only users that are close to the base station will be able to communicate with high data rates, while users far away from the base station will only be able to use low data rates.Preprin

    Performance and energy efficiency in wireless self-organized networks

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    QoS constrained cellular ad hoc augmented networks

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    In this dissertation, based on different design criteria, three novel quality of service (QoS) constrained cellular ad hoc augmented network (CAHAN) architectures are proposed for next generation wireless networks. The CAHAN architectures have a hybrid architecture, in which each MT of CDMA cellular networks has ad hoc communication capability. The CAHAN architectures are an evolutionary approach to conventional cellular networks. The proposed architectures have good system scalability and high system reliability. The first proposed architecture is the QoS constrained minimum-power cellular ad hoc augmented network architecture (QCMP CAHAN). The QCMP CAHAN can find the optimal minimum-power routes under the QoS constraints (bandwidth, packet-delay, or packet-error-rate constraint). The total energy consumed by the MTs is lower in the case of QCMP CAHAN than in the case of pure cellular networks. As the ad hoc communication range of each MT increases, the total transmitted power in QCMP CAHAN decreases. However, due to the increased number of hops involved in information delivery between the source and the destination, the end-to-end delay increases. The maximum end-to-end delay will be limited to a specified tolerable value for different services. An MT in QCMP CAHAN will not relay any messages when its ad hoc communication range is zero, and if this is the case for all MTs, then QCMP CAHAN reduces to the traditional cellular network. A QoS constrained network lifetime extension cellular ad hoc augmented network architecture (QCLE CAHAN) is proposed to achieve the maximum network lifetime under the QoS constraints. The network lifetime is higher in the case of QCLE CAHAN than in the case of pure cellular networks or QCMP CAHAN. In QCLE CAHAN, a novel QoS-constrained network lifetime extension routing algorithm will dynamically select suitable ad-hoc-switch-to-cellular points (ASCPs) according to the MT remaining battery energy such that the selection will balance all the MT battery energy and maximizes the network lifetime. As the number of ASCPs in an ad hoc subnet decreases, the network lifetime will be extended. Maximum network lifetime can be increased until the end-to-end QoS in QCLE CAHAN reaches its maximum tolerable value. Geocasting is the mechanism to multicast messages to the MTs whose locations lie within a given geographic area (target area). Geolocation-aware CAHAN (GA CAHAN) architecture is proposed to improve total transmitted power expended for geocast services in cellular networks. By using GA CAHAN for geocasting, saving in total transmitted energy can be achieved as compared to the case of pure cellular networks. When the size of geocast target area is large, GA CAHAN can save larger transmitted energy

    Self-stabilizing cluster routing in Manet using link-cluster architecture

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    We design a self-stabilizing cluster routing algorithm based on the link-cluster architecture of wireless ad hoc networks. The network is divided into clusters. Each cluster has a single special node, called a clusterhead that contains the routing information about inter and intra-cluster communication. A cluster is comprised of all nodes that choose the corresponding clusterhead as their leader. The algorithm consists of two main tasks. First, the set of special nodes (clusterheads) is elected such that it models the link-cluster architecture: any node belongs to a single cluster, it is within two hops of the clusterhead, it knows the direct neighbor on the shortest path towards the clusterhead, and there exist no two adjacent clusterheads. Second, the routing tables are maintained by the clusterheads to store information about nodes both within and outside the cluster. There are two advantages of maintaining routing tables only in the clusterheads. First, as no two neighboring nodes are clusterheads (as per the link-cluster architecture), there is no need to check the consistency of the routing tables. Second, since all other nodes have significantly less work (they only forward messages), they use much less power than the clusterheads. Therefore, if a clusterhead runs out of power, a neighboring node (that is not a clusterhead) can accept the role of a clusterhead. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)
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