5 research outputs found

    Interference Mitigation for Cyber-Physical Wireless Body Area Network System Using Social Networks

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    Wireless body area networks (WBANs) are cyber-physical systems that emerged as a key technology to provide real-time health monitoring and ubiquitous healthcare services. WBANs could operate in dense environments such as in a hospital and lead to a high mutual communication interference in many application scenarios. The excessive interferences will significantly degrade the network performance, including depleting the energy of WBAN nodes more quickly and even eventually jeopardize people\u27s lives because of unreliable (caused by the interference) healthcare data collections. Therefore, it is critical to mitigate the interference among WBANs to increase the reliability of the WBAN system while minimizing the system power consumption. Many existing approaches can deal with communication interference mitigation in general wireless networks but are not suitable for WBANs because of ignoring the social nature of WBANs by them. Unlike the previous research, we for the first time propose a power game based approach to mitigate the communication interferences for WBANs based on the people\u27s social interaction information. Our major contributions include: 1) modeling the inter-WBANs interference and determine the distance distribution of the interference through both theoretical analysis and Monte Carlo simulations; 2) developing social interaction detection and prediction algorithms for people carrying WBANs; and 3) developing a power control game based on the social interaction information to maximize the system\u27s utility while minimize the energy consumption of WBANs system. The extensive simulation results show the effectiveness of the power control game for inter-WBAN interference mitigation using social interaction information. Our research opens a new research vista of WBANs using social networks

    A two-stage game theoretical approach for interference mitigation in Body-to-Body Networks

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    International audienceIn this paper, we identify and exploit opportunities for cooperation between a group of mobile Wireless Body Area Networks (WBANs), forming a Body-to-Body Network (BBN), through inter-body interference detection and subsequent mitigation. Thus, we consider a dynamic system composed of several BBNs and we analyze the joint mutual and cross-technology interference problem due to the utilization of a limited number of channels by different transmission technologies (i.e., ZigBee and WiFi) sharing the same radio spectrum. To this end, we propose a game theoretical approach to address the problem of Socially-aware Interference Mitigation (SIM) in BBNs, where WBANs are " social " and interact with each other. Our approach considers a two-stage channel allocation scheme: a BBN-stage for inter-WBANs' communications and a WBAN-stage for intra-WBAN communications. We demonstrate that the proposed BBN-stage and WBAN-stage games admit exact potential functions, and we develop a Best-Response (BR-SIM) algorithm that converges to Nash equilibrium points. A second algorithm, named Sub-Optimal Randomized Trials (SORT-SIM), is then proposed and compared to BR-SIM in terms of efficiency and computation time. We further compare the BR-SIM and SORT-SIM algorithms to two power control algorithms in terms of signal-to-interference ratio and aggregate interference, and show that they outperform the power control schemes in several cases. Numerical results, obtained in several realistic mobile scenarios, show that the proposed schemes are indeed efficient in optimizing the channel allocation in medium-to-large-scale BBNs

    Fast and reliable detection of incumbent users in cognitive radios

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    Fast and reliable Spectrum Sensing (SS) plays a crucial role in the cognitive radio (CR) technology in order to prevent unwanted interference to the primary users (PU) and to reliably and quickly detect the white spaces in the spectrum for opportunistic access by the secondary users (SU). Spectrum Sensing must often be performed in the absence of information such as PU signaling scheme, noise level and channel fading coefficients. While these parameters can be estimated in the SU, estimation errors significantly deteriorates the performance of SS techniques. In this thesis, we introduce and evaluate the performance of two novel blind spectrum sensing algorithms which do not rely on knowledge of these parameters. The first is a SS technique for signaling schemes which introduce controlled intersymbol interference in the transmitter. The second is for cases when the receiver of the SU is equipped with a multiantenna system. This approach exploits the path correlation among the signals received at different antennas. Next we analyze the performance of Spectrum Monitoring (SM), an new technique which allows the SU to detect the presence of the PU using its own receiver statistics. In contrast to SS, with SM, the SU does not need to interrupt its own transmission in order to detect the presence of the PU. We carefully construct the decision statistics for SM and evaluate its performance. The performance of a hybrid SM/SS system shows a significant improvement over SS alone

    Distributed Inter-Network Interference Coordination for Wireless Body Area Networks

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    The Internet of Humans: Optimal Resource Allocation and Wireless Channel Prediction

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    Recent advances in information and communications technologies (ICT) have accelerated the realization of the Internet of Humans (IoH). Among the many IoH applications, Wireless Body Area Networks (BANs) are a remarkable solution that are revolutionising the health care industry. However, many challenges must be addressed, including: a) unavoidable inter-BAN interference severely degrading system performance. b) The non-stationarity and atypical dynamics of BAN channels make it extremely challenging to apply predictive transmit power control that improves the energy efficiency of the network. In this context, this thesis investigates the use of intelligent and adaptive resource allocation algorithms and effective channel prediction to achieve reliable, energy-efficient communications in BAN-enabled IoH. Firstly, we investigate the problem of co-channel interference amongst coexisting BANs by proposing a socially optimal finite repeated non-cooperative transmit power control game. The proposed method improves throughput, reduces overall power consumption and suppress interference. The game is shown to have a unique Nash equilibrium. We also prove that the aggregate outcome of the game is socially efficient across all players at the unique Nash equilibrium, given reasonable constraints for both static and slowly time-varying channels. Secondly, we address the problem of overlapping transmissions among non-coordinated BANs with multiple access schemes through intelligent link resource allocation methods. We present two non-cooperative games, employed with a time-division multiple access (TDMA) based MAC layer scheme that has a novel back-off mechanism. The Link Adaptation game jointly adjusts the sensor node's transmit power and data rate, which provides robust transmission under strong inter-BAN interference. Moreover, by adaptively tuning contention windows size an alternative game, namely a Contention Window game is developed, which significantly reduces latency. The uniqueness and existence of the games' Nash Equilibrium (NE) over the action space are proved using discrete concavity. The NE solution is further analysed and shown to be socially efficient. Motivated by the emergence of deep learning technology, we address the challenge of long-term channel predictions in BANs by using neural networks. Specifically, we propose Long Short-term Memory (LSTM)-based neural network (NN) prediction methods that provide long-term accurate channel gain prediction of up to 2s over non-stationary BAN on-body channels. An incremental learning scheme, which provides continuous and robust predictions, is also developed. We also propose a lightweight NN predictor, namely 'LiteLSTM', that has a compact structure and higher computational efficiency. When implemented on hand-held devices, 'LiteLSTM' remains functional with comparable performance. Finally, we explore the theoretical connections between BAN on-body channels' characteristics and the performance of NN-based power control. To analyse wide-sense stationarity (WSS) characteristics, different stationarity tests are performed for a range of window lengths for on-body channels. Following from this, we develop test benches for NN-based methods at corresponding window lengths using empirical channel measurements. It is observed that WSS characteristics of the BAN on-body channels have a significant impact on the performance of NN-based methods