8,494 research outputs found

    Resilient Digital Image Watermarking for Document Authentication

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    Abstract—We consider the applications of the Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) and then a Chirp coding method for producing a highly robust system for watermarking images using a block partitioning approach subject to a self-alignment strategy and bit error correction. The applications for the algorithms presented and the system developed include the copyright protection of images and Digital Right Management for image libraries, for example. However, the principal focus of the research reported in this paper is on the use of printscan and e-display-scan image authentication for use in e-tickets where QR code, for example, are embedded in a full colour image of the ticket holder. This requires that an embedding procedure is developed that is highly robust to blur, noise, geometric distortions such as rotation, shift and barrel and the partial removal of image segments, all of which are considered in regard to the resilience of the method proposed and its practical realisation in a real operating environment

    Application of Stochastic Diffusion for Hiding High Fidelity Encrypted Images

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    Cryptography coupled with information hiding has received increased attention in recent years and has become a major research theme because of the importance of protecting encrypted information in any Electronic Data Interchange system in a way that is both discrete and covert. One of the essential limitations in any cryptography system is that the encrypted data provides an indication on its importance which arouses suspicion and makes it vulnerable to attack. Information hiding of Steganography provides a potential solution to this issue by making the data imperceptible, the security of the hidden information being a threat only if its existence is detected through Steganalysis. This paper focuses on a study methods for hiding encrypted information, specifically, methods that encrypt data before embedding in host data where the ‘data’ is in the form of a full colour digital image. Such methods provide a greater level of data security especially when the information is to be submitted over the Internet, for example, since a potential attacker needs to first detect, then extract and then decrypt the embedded data in order to recover the original information. After providing an extensive survey of the current methods available, we present a new method of encrypting and then hiding full colour images in three full colour host images with out loss of fidelity following data extraction and decryption. The application of this technique, which is based on a technique called ‘Stochastic Diffusion’ are wide ranging and include covert image information interchange, digital image authentication, video authentication, copyright protection and digital rights management of image data in general

    Resilient Digital Image Watermarking Using a DCT- Component Perturbation Model

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    The applications of the Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) for Computer Generated Imagery, image processingand, in particular, image compression are well known and the DCT also forms the central kernel for a number ofdigital image watermarking methods. In this paper we consider the application of the DCT for producing a highlyrobust method of watermarking images using a block partitioning approach subject to a self-alignment strategyand bit error correction. The applications for the algorithms presented include the copyright protection of imagesand Digital Right Management for image libraries, for example. However, the principal focus of the researchreported in this paper is on the use of print-scan and e-display-scan image authentication for use in e-ticketswhere QR code, for example, are embedded in an full colour image of the ticket holder. This requires that a DCTembedding procedure is developed that is highly robust to blur, noise, geometric distortions such as rotation, shift and barrel and the partial removal of image segments, all of which are consider ed in regard to the resilience of the method proposed and its practical realisation in a real operating environment

    NSSDC Conference on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies for Space and Earth Science Applications, volume 1

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    Papers and viewgraphs from the conference are presented. This conference served as a broad forum for the discussion of a number of important issues in the field of mass storage systems. Topics include magnetic disk and tape technologies, optical disks and tape, software storage and file management systems, and experiences with the use of a large, distributed storage system. The technical presentations describe, among other things, integrated mass storage systems that are expected to be available commercially. Also included is a series of presentations from Federal Government organizations and research institutions covering their mass storage requirements for the 1990's

    Digital Image Access & Retrieval

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    The 33th Annual Clinic on Library Applications of Data Processing, held at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in March of 1996, addressed the theme of "Digital Image Access & Retrieval." The papers from this conference cover a wide range of topics concerning digital imaging technology for visual resource collections. Papers covered three general areas: (1) systems, planning, and implementation; (2) automatic and semi-automatic indexing; and (3) preservation with the bulk of the conference focusing on indexing and retrieval.published or submitted for publicatio

    Studies on image compression and image reconstruction

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    During this six month period our works concentrated on three, somewhat different areas. We looked at and developed a number of error concealment schemes for use in a variety of video coding environments. This work is described in an accompanying (draft) Masters thesis. In the thesis we describe application of this techniques to the MPEG video coding scheme. We felt that the unique frame ordering approach used in the MPEG scheme would be a challenge to any error concealment/error recovery technique. We continued with our work in the vector quantization area. We have also developed a new type of vector quantizer, which we call a scan predictive vector quantization. The scan predictive VQ was tested on data processed at Goddard to approximate Landsat 7 HRMSI resolution and compared favorably with existing VQ techniques. A paper describing this work is included. The third area is concerned more with reconstruction than compression. While there is a variety of efficient lossless image compression schemes, they all have a common property that they use past data to encode future data. This is done either via taking differences, context modeling, or by building dictionaries. When encoding large images, this common property becomes a common flaw. When the user wishes to decode just a portion of the image, the requirement that the past history be available forces the decoding of a significantly larger portion of the image than desired by the user. Even with intelligent partitioning of the image dataset, the number of pixels decoded may be four times the number of pixels requested. We have developed an adaptive scanning strategy which can be used with any lossless compression scheme and which lowers the additional number of pixels to be decoded to about 7 percent of the number of pixels requested! A paper describing these results is included

    Information Hiding Method For Gray Images Using Motif Patterns

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    إخفاء المعلومات هي واحدة من مهام أمان الوسائط المتعددة التي تحتاج إلى تطويرها وتحديثها باستمرار. وبالتالي ، يعمل الباحثون في هذا المجال ويهتمون بتطوير وتحسين تقنيات إخفاء المعلومات. في هذا البحث ، يتم تقديم طريقة جديدة لتطوير طريقة البتات الاقل اهمية (LSB). تتضمن الطريقة مخططا لإخفاء بتين من النص السري في كل بكسل (البتات الأخيرة وقبل الأخيرة من البكسل) في صورة رمادية مع مراعاة أنماط الزخارف Z و U و N و C. يتم تنفيذ هذه الطريقة على صور قياسية مختلفة بحجم 512 * 512 وإخفاء أطوال نصية سرية مختلفة. تظهر التجربة والنتائج كفاءة الطريقة التي تخفي بتين في كل بكسل مقارنة مع طريقة LSB التقليدية التي تخفي بت واحد من البيانات في كل بكسل من الصورة. أظهرت النتائج أن الطريقة المقترحة تنتج دقة جيدة لصورة stego تقترب من طريقة LSB الأصلية من حيث مقياس دقة PSNR.Information hiding is one of multimedia security tasks need to develop and update in Continuously. Thus, the researchers work in this field and interest in developing and improving the information hiding techniques. In this paper, a new method for develop least significant bits (LSB) method is introduced. The method includes a schema for hiding two bits of secret text in each pixel (least and penultimate bits of pixel) in gray image considering motif Z, U, N, and C patterns. The method is implemented on different standard images with size 512*512 and hide different secret text lengths. The experimental and results show the efficiency of method that hide two bits in each pixel compare with the traditional LSB method that hide one bit of data in each pixel of image. The results show that the proposed method produces a good accuracy of stego image near to the original LSB method in terms of PSNR accuracy metric

    Detecting fish aggregations from reef habitats mapped with high resolution side scan sonar imagery

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    As part of a multibeam and side scan sonar (SSS) benthic survey of the Marine Conservation District (MCD) south of St. Thomas, USVI and the seasonal closed areas in St. Croix—Lang Bank (LB) for red hind (Epinephelus guttatus) and the Mutton Snapper (MS) (Lutjanus analis) area—we extracted signals from water column targets that represent individual and aggregated fish over various benthic habitats encountered in the SSS imagery. The survey covered a total of 18 km2 throughout the federal jurisdiction fishery management areas. The complementary set of 28 habitat classification digital maps covered a total of 5,462.3 ha; MCDW (West) accounted for 45% of that area, and MCDE (East) 26%, LB 17%, and MS the remaining 13%. With the exception of MS, corals and gorgonians on consolidated habitats were significantly more abundant than submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) on unconsolidated sediments or unconsolidated sediments. Continuous coral habitat was the most abundant consolidated habitat for both MCDW and MCDE (41% and 43% respectively). Consolidated habitats in LB and MS predominantly consisted of gorgonian plain habitat with 95% and 83% respectively. Coral limestone habitat was more abundant than coral patch habitat; it was found near the shelf break in MS, MCDW, and MCDE. Coral limestone and coral patch habitats only covered LB minimally. The high spatial resolution (0.15 m) of the acquired imagery allowed the detection of differing fish aggregation (FA) types. The largest FA densities were located at MCDW and MCDE over coral communities that occupy up to 70% of the bottom cover. Counts of unidentified swimming objects (USOs), likely representing individual fish, were similar among locations and occurred primarily over sand and shelf edge areas. Fish aggregation school sizes were significantly smaller at MS than the other three locations (MCDW, MCDE, and LB). This study shows the advantages of utilizing SSS in determining fish distributions and density

    Proceedings of the NSSDC Conference on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies for Space and Earth Science Applications

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    The proceedings of the National Space Science Data Center Conference on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies for Space and Earth Science Applications held July 23 through 25, 1991 at the NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center are presented. The program includes a keynote address, invited technical papers, and selected technical presentations to provide a broad forum for the discussion of a number of important issues in the field of mass storage systems. Topics include magnetic disk and tape technologies, optical disk and tape, software storage and file management systems, and experiences with the use of a large, distributed storage system. The technical presentations describe integrated mass storage systems that are expected to be available commercially. Also included is a series of presentations from Federal Government organizations and research institutions covering their mass storage requirements for the 1990's