597 research outputs found

    Multi-Source Data Fusion for Cyberattack Detection in Power Systems

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    Cyberattacks can cause a severe impact on power systems unless detected early. However, accurate and timely detection in critical infrastructure systems presents challenges, e.g., due to zero-day vulnerability exploitations and the cyber-physical nature of the system coupled with the need for high reliability and resilience of the physical system. Conventional rule-based and anomaly-based intrusion detection system (IDS) tools are insufficient for detecting zero-day cyber intrusions in the industrial control system (ICS) networks. Hence, in this work, we show that fusing information from multiple data sources can help identify cyber-induced incidents and reduce false positives. Specifically, we present how to recognize and address the barriers that can prevent the accurate use of multiple data sources for fusion-based detection. We perform multi-source data fusion for training IDS in a cyber-physical power system testbed where we collect cyber and physical side data from multiple sensors emulating real-world data sources that would be found in a utility and synthesizes these into features for algorithms to detect intrusions. Results are presented using the proposed data fusion application to infer False Data and Command injection-based Man-in- The-Middle (MiTM) attacks. Post collection, the data fusion application uses time-synchronized merge and extracts features followed by pre-processing such as imputation and encoding before training supervised, semi-supervised, and unsupervised learning models to evaluate the performance of the IDS. A major finding is the improvement of detection accuracy by fusion of features from cyber, security, and physical domains. Additionally, we observed the co-training technique performs at par with supervised learning methods when fed with our features

    Distributed Event-Triggered Nonlinear Fusion Estimation under Resource Constraints

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    This paper studies the event-triggered distributed fusion estimation problems for a class of nonlinear networked multisensor fusion systems without noise statistical characteristics. When considering the limited resource problems of two kinds of communication channels (i.e., sensor-to-remote estimator channel and smart sensor-to-fusion center channel), an event-triggered strategy and a dimensionality reduction strategy are introduced in a unified networked framework to lighten the communication burden. Then, two kinds of compensation strategies in terms of a unified model are designed to restructure the untransmitted information, and the local/fusion estimators are proposed based on the compensation information. Furthermore, the linearization errors caused by the Taylor expansion are modeled by the state-dependent matrices with uncertain parameters when establishing estimation error systems, and then different robust recursive optimization problems are constructed to determine the estimator gains and the fusion criteria. Meanwhile, the stability conditions are also proposed such that the square errors of the designed nonlinear estimators are bounded. Finally, a vehicle localization system is employed to demonstrate the effectiveness and advantages of the proposed methods.Comment: 15 pages,9 figures. The first draft was completed in June 2021, and this is the revised versio

    Intrusion Detection System for Platooning Connected Autonomous Vehicles

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    The deployment of Connected Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs) in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs) requires secure wireless communication in order to ensure reliable connectivity and safety. However, this wireless communication is vulnerable to a variety of cyber atacks such as spoofing or jamming attacks. In this paper, we describe an Intrusion Detection System (IDS) based on Machine Learning (ML) techniques designed to detect both spoofing and jamming attacks in a CAV environment. The IDS would reduce the risk of traffic disruption and accident caused as a result of cyber-attacks. The detection engine of the presented IDS is based on the ML algorithms Random Forest (RF), k-Nearest Neighbour (k-NN) and One-Class Support Vector Machine (OCSVM), as well as data fusion techniques in a cross-layer approach. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, the proposed IDS is the first in literature that uses a cross-layer approach to detect both spoofing and jamming attacks against the communication of connected vehicles platooning. The evaluation results of the implemented IDS present a high accuracy of over 90% using training datasets containing both known and unknown attacks

    AI-enabled modeling and monitoring of data-rich advanced manufacturing systems

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    The infrastructure of cyber-physical systems (CPS) is based on a meta-concept of cybermanufacturing systems (CMS) that synchronizes the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoTs), Cloud Computing, Industrial Control Systems (ICSs), and Big Data analytics in manufacturing operations. Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be incorporated to make intelligent decisions in the day-to-day operations of CMS. Cyberattack spaces in AI-based cybermanufacturing operations pose significant challenges, including unauthorized modification of systems, loss of historical data, destructive malware, software malfunctioning, etc. However, a cybersecurity framework can be implemented to prevent unauthorized access, theft, damage, or other harmful attacks on electronic equipment, networks, and sensitive data. The five main cybersecurity framework steps are divided into procedures and countermeasure efforts, including identifying, protecting, detecting, responding, and recovering. Given the major challenges in AI-enabled cybermanufacturing systems, three research objectives are proposed in this dissertation by incorporating cybersecurity frameworks. The first research aims to detect the in-situ additive manufacturing (AM) process authentication problem using high-volume video streaming data. A side-channel monitoring approach based on an in-situ optical imaging system is established, and a tensor-based layer-wise texture descriptor is constructed to describe the observed printing path. Subsequently, multilinear principal component analysis (MPCA) is leveraged to reduce the dimension of the tensor-based texture descriptor, and low-dimensional features can be extracted for detecting attack-induced alterations. The second research work seeks to address the high-volume data stream problems in multi-channel sensor fusion for diverse bearing fault diagnosis. This second approach proposes a new multi-channel sensor fusion method by integrating acoustics and vibration signals with different sampling rates and limited training data. The frequency-domain tensor is decomposed by MPCA, resulting in low-dimensional process features for diverse bearing fault diagnosis by incorporating a Neural Network classifier. By linking the second proposed method, the third research endeavor is aligned to recovery systems of multi-channel sensing signals when a substantial amount of missing data exists due to sensor malfunction or transmission issues. This study has leveraged a fully Bayesian CANDECOMP/PARAFAC (FBCP) factorization method that enables to capture of multi-linear interaction (channels × signals) among latent factors of sensor signals and imputes missing entries based on observed signals

    A Review on Application of Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Microgrids

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    A microgrid can be formed by the integration of different components such as loads, renewable/conventional units, and energy storage systems in a local area. Microgrids with the advantages of being flexible, environmentally friendly, and self-sufficient can improve the power system performance metrics such as resiliency and reliability. However, design and implementation of microgrids are always faced with different challenges considering the uncertainties associated with loads and renewable energy resources (RERs), sudden load variations, energy management of several energy resources, etc. Therefore, it is required to employ such rapid and accurate methods, as artificial intelligence (AI) techniques, to address these challenges and improve the MG's efficiency, stability, security, and reliability. Utilization of AI helps to develop systems as intelligent as humans to learn, decide, and solve problems. This paper presents a review on different applications of AI-based techniques in microgrids such as energy management, load and generation forecasting, protection, power electronics control, and cyber security. Different AI tasks such as regression and classification in microgrids are discussed using methods including machine learning, artificial neural networks, fuzzy logic, support vector machines, etc. The advantages, limitation, and future trends of AI applications in microgrids are discussed.©2022 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed


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    In 2019, the Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) deployed the Navy smart grid across multiple bases in the United States. The smart grid can improve the reliability, availability, and efficiency of electricity supply. While this brings about immense benefit, placing the grid on a network connected to the internet increases the threat of cyberattacks aimed at intelligence collection, disruption, and destruction. In this thesis, we propose an Intrusion Detection System (IDS) for the NAVFAC smart grid. This IDS comprises a feature extractor, classifier, anomaly detector, and response manager. We use the K-Nearest Neighbors machine learning algorithm to show that various attacks (web attacks, FTP/SSH attacks, DOS, DDOS and port scanning) can be grouped into broader attack classes of Active, Denial, and Probe for appropriate response management. We also show that in order to reduce the load on the security operations center (SOC), the accuracy of the classifier can be maximized by optimizing the value of k, which is the number of data points nearest to the sample under consideration that decides the class assigned.http://archive.org/details/usingaknearestne1094566054Outstanding ThesisCommander, Republic of Singapore NavyApproved for public release. distribution is unlimite
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