141 research outputs found

    Processing Rank-Aware Queries in Schema-Based P2P Systems

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    Effiziente Anfragebearbeitung in Datenintegrationssystemen sowie in P2P-Systemen ist bereits seit einigen Jahren ein Aspekt aktueller Forschung. Konventionelle Datenintegrationssysteme bestehen aus mehreren Datenquellen mit ggf. unterschiedlichen Schemata, sind hierarchisch aufgebaut und besitzen eine zentrale Komponente: den Mediator, der ein globales Schema verwaltet. Anfragen an das System werden auf diesem globalen Schema formuliert und vom Mediator bearbeitet, indem relevante Daten von den Datenquellen transparent für den Benutzer angefragt werden. Aufbauend auf diesen Systemen entstanden schließlich Peer-Daten-Management-Systeme (PDMSs) bzw. schemabasierte P2P-Systeme. An einem PDMS teilnehmende Knoten (Peers) können einerseits als Mediatoren agieren andererseits jedoch ebenso als Datenquellen. Darüber hinaus sind diese Peers autonom und können das Netzwerk jederzeit verlassen bzw. betreten. Die potentiell riesige Datenmenge, die in einem derartigen Netzwerk verfügbar ist, führt zudem in der Regel zu sehr großen Anfrageergebnissen, die nur schwer zu bewältigen sind. Daher ist das Bestimmen einer vollständigen Ergebnismenge in vielen Fällen äußerst aufwändig oder sogar unmöglich. In diesen Fällen bietet sich die Anwendung von Top-N- und Skyline-Operatoren, ggf. in Verbindung mit Approximationstechniken, an, da diese Operatoren lediglich diejenigen Datensätze als Ergebnis ausgeben, die aufgrund nutzerdefinierter Ranking-Funktionen am relevantesten für den Benutzer sind. Da durch die Anwendung dieser Operatoren zumeist nur ein kleiner Teil des Ergebnisses tatsächlich dem Benutzer ausgegeben wird, muss nicht zwangsläufig die vollständige Ergebnismenge berechnet werden sondern nur der Teil, der tatsächlich relevant für das Endergebnis ist. Die Frage ist nun, wie man derartige Anfragen durch die Ausnutzung dieser Erkenntnis effizient in PDMSs bearbeiten kann. Die Beantwortung dieser Frage ist das Hauptanliegen dieser Dissertation. Zur Lösung dieser Problemstellung stellen wir effiziente Anfragebearbeitungsstrategien in PDMSs vor, die die charakteristischen Eigenschaften ranking-basierter Operatoren sowie Approximationstechniken ausnutzen. Peers werden dabei sowohl auf Schema- als auch auf Datenebene hinsichtlich der Relevanz ihrer Daten geprüft und dementsprechend in die Anfragebearbeitung einbezogen oder ausgeschlossen. Durch die Heterogenität der Peers werden Techniken zum Umschreiben einer Anfrage von einem Schema in ein anderes nötig. Da existierende Techniken zum Umschreiben von Anfragen zumeist nur konjunktive Anfragen betrachten, stellen wir eine Erweiterung dieser Techniken vor, die Anfragen mit ranking-basierten Anfrageoperatoren berücksichtigt. Da PDMSs dynamische Systeme sind und teilnehmende Peers jederzeit ihre Daten ändern können, betrachten wir in dieser Dissertation nicht nur wie Routing-Indexe verwendet werden, um die Relevanz eines Peers auf Datenebene zu bestimmen, sondern auch wie sie gepflegt werden können. Schließlich stellen wir SmurfPDMS (SiMUlating enviRonment For Peer Data Management Systems) vor, ein System, welches im Rahmen dieser Dissertation entwickelt wurde und alle vorgestellten Techniken implementiert.In recent years, there has been considerable research with respect to query processing in data integration and P2P systems. Conventional data integration systems consist of multiple sources with possibly different schemas, adhere to a hierarchical structure, and have a central component (mediator) that manages a global schema. Queries are formulated against this global schema and the mediator processes them by retrieving relevant data from the sources transparently to the user. Arising from these systems, eventually Peer Data Management Systems (PDMSs), or schema-based P2P systems respectively, have attracted attention. Peers participating in a PDMS can act both as a mediator and as a data source, are autonomous, and might leave or join the network at will. Due to these reasons peers often hold incomplete or erroneous data sets and mappings. The possibly huge amount of data available in such a network often results in large query result sets that are hard to manage. Due to these reasons, retrieving the complete result set is in most cases difficult or even impossible. Applying rank-aware query operators such as top-N and skyline, possibly in conjunction with approximation techniques, is a remedy to these problems as these operators select only those result records that are most relevant to the user. Being aware that in most cases only a small fraction of the complete result set is actually output to the user, retrieving the complete set before evaluating such operators is obviously inefficient. Therefore, the questions we want to answer in this dissertation are how to compute such queries in PDMSs and how to do that efficiently. We propose strategies for efficient query processing in PDMSs that exploit the characteristics of rank-aware queries and optionally apply approximation techniques. A peer's relevance is determined on two levels: on schema-level and on data-level. According to its relevance a peer is either considered for query processing or not. Because of heterogeneity queries need to be rewritten, enabling cooperation between peers that use different schemas. As existing query rewriting techniques mostly consider conjunctive queries only, we present an extension that allows for rewriting queries involving rank-aware query operators. As PDMSs are dynamic systems and peers might update their local data, this dissertation addresses not only the problem of considering such structures within a query processing strategy but also the problem of keeping them up-to-date. Finally, we provide a system-level evaluation by presenting SmurfPDMS (SiMUlating enviRonment For Peer Data Management Systems) -- a system created in the context of this dissertation implementing all presented techniques

    Semantic Query Reformulation in Social PDMS

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    We consider social peer-to-peer data management systems (PDMS), where each peer maintains both semantic mappings between its schema and some acquaintances, and social links with peer friends. In this context, reformulating a query from a peer's schema into other peer's schemas is a hard problem, as it may generate as many rewritings as the set of mappings from that peer to the outside and transitively on, by eventually traversing the entire network. However, not all the obtained rewritings are relevant to a given query. In this paper, we address this problem by inspecting semantic mappings and social links to find only relevant rewritings. We propose a new notion of 'relevance' of a query with respect to a mapping, and, based on this notion, a new semantic query reformulation approach for social PDMS, which achieves great accuracy and flexibility. To find rapidly the most interesting mappings, we combine several techniques: (i) social links are expressed as FOAF (Friend of a Friend) links to characterize peer's friendship and compact mapping summaries are used to obtain mapping descriptions; (ii) local semantic views are special views that contain information about external mappings; and (iii) gossiping techniques improve the search of relevant mappings. Our experimental evaluation, based on a prototype on top of PeerSim and a simulated network demonstrate that our solution yields greater recall, compared to traditional query translation approaches proposed in the literature.Comment: 29 pages, 8 figures, query rewriting in PDM

    Data Sharing in P2P Systems

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    To appear in Springer's "Handbook of P2P Networking"In this chapter, we survey P2P data sharing systems. All along, we focus on the evolution from simple file-sharing systems, with limited functionalities, to Peer Data Management Systems (PDMS) that support advanced applications with more sophisticated data management techniques. Advanced P2P applications are dealing with semantically rich data (e.g. XML documents, relational tables), using a high-level SQL-like query language. We start our survey with an overview over the existing P2P network architectures, and the associated routing protocols. Then, we discuss data indexing techniques based on their distribution degree and the semantics they can capture from the underlying data. We also discuss schema management techniques which allow integrating heterogeneous data. We conclude by discussing the techniques proposed for processing complex queries (e.g. range and join queries). Complex query facilities are necessary for advanced applications which require a high level of search expressiveness. This last part shows the lack of querying techniques that allow for an approximate query answering

    VerdictDB: Universalizing Approximate Query Processing

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    Despite 25 years of research in academia, approximate query processing (AQP) has had little industrial adoption. One of the major causes of this slow adoption is the reluctance of traditional vendors to make radical changes to their legacy codebases, and the preoccupation of newer vendors (e.g., SQL-on-Hadoop products) with implementing standard features. Additionally, the few AQP engines that are available are each tied to a specific platform and require users to completely abandon their existing databases---an unrealistic expectation given the infancy of the AQP technology. Therefore, we argue that a universal solution is needed: a database-agnostic approximation engine that will widen the reach of this emerging technology across various platforms. Our proposal, called VerdictDB, uses a middleware architecture that requires no changes to the backend database, and thus, can work with all off-the-shelf engines. Operating at the driver-level, VerdictDB intercepts analytical queries issued to the database and rewrites them into another query that, if executed by any standard relational engine, will yield sufficient information for computing an approximate answer. VerdictDB uses the returned result set to compute an approximate answer and error estimates, which are then passed on to the user or application. However, lack of access to the query execution layer introduces significant challenges in terms of generality, correctness, and efficiency. This paper shows how VerdictDB overcomes these challenges and delivers up to 171Ă—\times speedup (18.45Ă—\times on average) for a variety of existing engines, such as Impala, Spark SQL, and Amazon Redshift, while incurring less than 2.6% relative error. VerdictDB is open-sourced under Apache License.Comment: Extended technical report of the paper that appeared in Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Management of Data, pp. 1461-1476. ACM, 201

    An Efficient Architecture for Information Retrieval in P2P Context Using Hypergraph

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    Peer-to-peer (P2P) Data-sharing systems now generate a significant portion of Internet traffic. P2P systems have emerged as an accepted way to share enormous volumes of data. Needs for widely distributed information systems supporting virtual organizations have given rise to a new category of P2P systems called schema-based. In such systems each peer is a database management system in itself, ex-posing its own schema. In such a setting, the main objective is the efficient search across peer databases by processing each incoming query without overly consuming bandwidth. The usability of these systems depends on successful techniques to find and retrieve data; however, efficient and effective routing of content-based queries is an emerging problem in P2P networks. This work was attended as an attempt to motivate the use of mining algorithms in the P2P context may improve the significantly the efficiency of such methods. Our proposed method based respectively on combination of clustering with hypergraphs. We use ECCLAT to build approximate clustering and discovering meaningful clusters with slight overlapping. We use an algorithm MTMINER to extract all minimal transversals of a hypergraph (clusters) for query routing. The set of clusters improves the robustness in queries routing mechanism and scalability in P2P Network. We compare the performance of our method with the baseline one considering the queries routing problem. Our experimental results prove that our proposed methods generate impressive levels of performance and scalability with with respect to important criteria such as response time, precision and recall.Comment: 2o pages, 8 figure

    Database Learning: Toward a Database that Becomes Smarter Every Time

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    In today's databases, previous query answers rarely benefit answering future queries. For the first time, to the best of our knowledge, we change this paradigm in an approximate query processing (AQP) context. We make the following observation: the answer to each query reveals some degree of knowledge about the answer to another query because their answers stem from the same underlying distribution that has produced the entire dataset. Exploiting and refining this knowledge should allow us to answer queries more analytically, rather than by reading enormous amounts of raw data. Also, processing more queries should continuously enhance our knowledge of the underlying distribution, and hence lead to increasingly faster response times for future queries. We call this novel idea---learning from past query answers---Database Learning. We exploit the principle of maximum entropy to produce answers, which are in expectation guaranteed to be more accurate than existing sample-based approximations. Empowered by this idea, we build a query engine on top of Spark SQL, called Verdict. We conduct extensive experiments on real-world query traces from a large customer of a major database vendor. Our results demonstrate that Verdict supports 73.7% of these queries, speeding them up by up to 23.0x for the same accuracy level compared to existing AQP systems.Comment: This manuscript is an extended report of the work published in ACM SIGMOD conference 201

    Probabilistic Message Passing in Peer Data Management Systems

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    Until recently, most data integration techniques involved central components, e.g., global schemas, to enable transparent access to heterogeneous databases. Today, however, with the democratization of tools facilitating knowledge elicitation in machine-processable formats, one cannot rely on global, centralized schemas anymore as knowledge creation and consumption are getting more and more dynamic and decentralized. Peer Data Management Systems (PDMS) provide an answer to this problem by eliminating the central semantic component and considering instead compositions of local, pair-wise mappings to propagate queries from one database to the others. PDMS approaches proposed so far make the implicit assumption that all mappings used in this way are correct. This obviously cannot be taken as granted in typical PDMS settings where mappings can be created (semi) automatically by independent parties. In this work, we propose a totally decentralized, efficient message passing scheme to automatically detect erroneous mappings in PDMS. Our scheme is based on a probabilistic model where we take advantage of transitive closures of mapping operations to confront local belief on the correctness of a mapping against evidences gathered around the network. We show that our scheme can be efficiently embedded in any PDMS and provide a preliminary evaluation of our techniques on sets of both automatically-generated and real-world schemas

    RDF graph summarization: principles, techniques and applications (tutorial)

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    International audienceThe explosion in the amount of the RDF on the Web has lead to the need to explore, query and understand such data sources. The task is challenging due to the complex and heterogeneous structure of RDF graphs which, unlike relational databases, do not come with a structure-dictating schema. Summarization has been applied to RDF data to facilitate these tasks. Its purpose is to extract concise and meaningful information from RDF knowledge bases, representing their content as faithfully as possible. There is no single concept of RDF summary, and not a single but many approaches to build such summaries; the summarization goal, and the main computational tools employed for summarizing graphs, are the main factors behind this diversity. This tutorial presents a structured analysis and comparison existing works in the area of RDF summarization; it is based upon a recent survey which we co-authored with colleagues [3]. We present the concepts at the core of each approach, outline their main technical aspects and implementation. We conclude by identifying the most pertinent summarization method for different usage scenarios, and discussing areas where future effort is needed
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