24 research outputs found

    Distributed bundle adjustment with block-based sparse matrix compression for super large scale datasets

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    We propose a distributed bundle adjustment (DBA) method using the exact Levenberg-Marquardt (LM) algorithm for super large-scale datasets. Most of the existing methods partition the global map to small ones and conduct bundle adjustment in the submaps. In order to fit the parallel framework, they use approximate solutions instead of the LM algorithm. However, those methods often give sub-optimal results. Different from them, we utilize the exact LM algorithm to conduct global bundle adjustment where the formation of the reduced camera system (RCS) is actually parallelized and executed in a distributed way. To store the large RCS, we compress it with a block-based sparse matrix compression format (BSMC), which fully exploits its block feature. The BSMC format also enables the distributed storage and updating of the global RCS. The proposed method is extensively evaluated and compared with the state-of-the-art pipelines using both synthetic and real datasets. Preliminary results demonstrate the efficient memory usage and vast scalability of the proposed method compared with the baselines. For the first time, we conducted parallel bundle adjustment using LM algorithm on a real datasets with 1.18 million images and a synthetic dataset with 10 million images (about 500 times that of the state-of-the-art LM-based BA) on a distributed computing system.Comment: camera ready version for ICCV202

    PI-BA Bundle Adjustment Acceleration on Embedded FPGAs with Co-observation Optimization

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    Bundle adjustment (BA) is a fundamental optimization technique used in many crucial applications, including 3D scene reconstruction, robotic localization, camera calibration, autonomous driving, space exploration, street view map generation etc. Essentially, BA is a joint non-linear optimization problem, and one which can consume a significant amount of time and power, especially for large optimization problems. Previous approaches of optimizing BA performance heavily rely on parallel processing or distributed computing, which trade higher power consumption for higher performance. In this paper we propose {\pi}-BA, the first hardware-software co-designed BA engine on an embedded FPGA-SoC that exploits custom hardware for higher performance and power efficiency. Specifically, based on our key observation that not all points appear on all images in a BA problem, we designed and implemented a Co-Observation Optimization technique to accelerate BA operations with optimized usage of memory and computation resources. Experimental results confirm that {\pi}-BA outperforms the existing software implementations in terms of performance and power consumption.Comment: in Proceedings of IEEE FCCM 201

    Stochastic Bundle Adjustment for Efficient and Scalable 3D Reconstruction

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    Current bundle adjustment solvers such as the Levenberg-Marquardt (LM) algorithm are limited by the bottleneck in solving the Reduced Camera System (RCS) whose dimension is proportional to the camera number. When the problem is scaled up, this step is neither efficient in computation nor manageable for a single compute node. In this work, we propose a stochastic bundle adjustment algorithm which seeks to decompose the RCS approximately inside the LM iterations to improve the efficiency and scalability. It first reformulates the quadratic programming problem of an LM iteration based on the clustering of the visibility graph by introducing the equality constraints across clusters. Then, we propose to relax it into a chance constrained problem and solve it through sampled convex program. The relaxation is intended to eliminate the interdependence between clusters embodied by the constraints, so that a large RCS can be decomposed into independent linear sub-problems. Numerical experiments on unordered Internet image sets and sequential SLAM image sets, as well as distributed experiments on large-scale datasets, have demonstrated the high efficiency and scalability of the proposed approach. Codes are released at https://github.com/zlthinker/STBA.Comment: Accepted by ECCV 202

    D2D^2SLAM: Decentralized and Distributed Collaborative Visual-inertial SLAM System for Aerial Swarm

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    In recent years, aerial swarm technology has developed rapidly. In order to accomplish a fully autonomous aerial swarm, a key technology is decentralized and distributed collaborative SLAM (CSLAM) for aerial swarms, which estimates the relative pose and the consistent global trajectories. In this paper, we propose D2D^2SLAM: a decentralized and distributed (D2D^2) collaborative SLAM algorithm. This algorithm has high local accuracy and global consistency, and the distributed architecture allows it to scale up. D2D^2SLAM covers swarm state estimation in two scenarios: near-field state estimation for high real-time accuracy at close range and far-field state estimation for globally consistent trajectories estimation at the long-range between UAVs. Distributed optimization algorithms are adopted as the backend to achieve the D2D^2 goal. D2D^2SLAM is robust to transient loss of communication, network delays, and other factors. Thanks to the flexible architecture, D2D^2SLAM has the potential of applying in various scenarios

    Photometric LiDAR and RGB-D Bundle Adjustment

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    The joint optimization of the sensor trajectory and 3D map is a crucial characteristic of Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) systems. To achieve this, the gold standard is Bundle Adjustment (BA). Modern 3D LiDARs now retain higher resolutions that enable the creation of point cloud images resembling those taken by conventional cameras. Nevertheless, the typical effective global refinement techniques employed for RGB-D sensors are not widely applied to LiDARs. This paper presents a novel BA photometric strategy that accounts for both RGB-D and LiDAR in the same way. Our work can be used on top of any SLAM/GNSS estimate to improve and refine the initial trajectory. We conducted different experiments using these two depth sensors on public benchmarks. Our results show that our system performs on par or better compared to other state-of-the-art ad-hoc SLAM/BA strategies, free from data association and without making assumptions about the environment. In addition, we present the benefit of jointly using RGB-D and LiDAR within our unified method. We finally release an open-source CUDA/C++ implementation.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure

    Distributed Multi-agent Video Fast-forwarding

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    In many intelligent systems, a network of agents collaboratively perceives the environment for better and more efficient situation awareness. As these agents often have limited resources, it could be greatly beneficial to identify the content overlapping among camera views from different agents and leverage it for reducing the processing, transmission and storage of redundant/unimportant video frames. This paper presents a consensus-based distributed multi-agent video fast-forwarding framework, named DMVF, that fast-forwards multi-view video streams collaboratively and adaptively. In our framework, each camera view is addressed by a reinforcement learning based fast-forwarding agent, which periodically chooses from multiple strategies to selectively process video frames and transmits the selected frames at adjustable paces. During every adaptation period, each agent communicates with a number of neighboring agents, evaluates the importance of the selected frames from itself and those from its neighbors, refines such evaluation together with other agents via a system-wide consensus algorithm, and uses such evaluation to decide their strategy for the next period. Compared with approaches in the literature on a real-world surveillance video dataset VideoWeb, our method significantly improves the coverage of important frames and also reduces the number of frames processed in the system.Comment: To appear at ACM Multimedia 202

    3D city scale reconstruction using wide area motion imagery

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    3D reconstruction is one of the most challenging but also most necessary part of computer vision. It is generally applied everywhere, from remote sensing to medical imaging and multimedia. Wide Area Motion Imagery is a field that has gained traction over the recent years. It consists in using an airborne large field of view sensor to cover a typically over a square kilometer area for each captured image. This is particularly valuable data for analysis but the amount of information is overwhelming for any human analyst. Algorithms to efficiently and automatically extract information are therefore needed and 3D reconstruction plays a critical part in it, along with detection and tracking. This dissertation work presents novel reconstruction algorithms to compute a 3D probabilistic space, a set of experiments to efficiently extract photo realistic 3D point clouds and a range of transformations for possible applications of the generated 3D data to filtering, data compression and mapping. The algorithms have been successfully tested on our own datasets provided by Transparent Sky and this thesis work also proposes methods to evaluate accuracy, completeness and photo-consistency. The generated data has been successfully used to improve detection and tracking performances, and allows data compression and extrapolation by generating synthetic images from new point of view, and data augmentation with the inferred occlusion areas.Includes bibliographical reference