915 research outputs found

    Multi-Agent Deployment for Visibility Coverage in Polygonal Environments with Holes

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    This article presents a distributed algorithm for a group of robotic agents with omnidirectional vision to deploy into nonconvex polygonal environments with holes. Agents begin deployment from a common point, possess no prior knowledge of the environment, and operate only under line-of-sight sensing and communication. The objective of the deployment is for the agents to achieve full visibility coverage of the environment while maintaining line-of-sight connectivity with each other. This is achieved by incrementally partitioning the environment into distinct regions, each completely visible from some agent. Proofs are given of (i) convergence, (ii) upper bounds on the time and number of agents required, and (iii) bounds on the memory and communication complexity. Simulation results and description of robust extensions are also included

    Decentralized Sensor Fusion for Ubiquitous Networking Robotics in Urban Areas

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    In this article we explain the architecture for the environment and sensors that has been built for the European project URUS (Ubiquitous Networking Robotics in Urban Sites), a project whose objective is to develop an adaptable network robot architecture for cooperation between network robots and human beings and/or the environment in urban areas. The project goal is to deploy a team of robots in an urban area to give a set of services to a user community. This paper addresses the sensor architecture devised for URUS and the type of robots and sensors used, including environment sensors and sensors onboard the robots. Furthermore, we also explain how sensor fusion takes place to achieve urban outdoor execution of robotic services. Finally some results of the project related to the sensor network are highlighted

    Communication for Teams of Networked Robots

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    There are a large class of problems, from search and rescue to environmental monitoring, that can benefit from teams of mobile robots in environments where there is no existing infrastructure for inter-agent communication. We seek to address the problems necessary for a team of small, low-power, low-cost robots to deploy in such a way that they can dynamically provide their own multi-hop communication network. To do so, we formulate a situational awareness problem statement that specifies both the physical task and end-to-end communication rates that must be maintained. In pursuit of a solution to this problem, we address topics ranging from the modeling of point-to-point wireless communication to mobility control for connectivity maintenance. Since our focus is on developing solutions to these problems that can be experimentally verified, we also detail the design and implantation of a decentralized testbed for multi-robot research. Experiments on this testbed allow us to determine data-driven models for point-to-point wireless channel prediction, test relative signal-strength-based localization methods, and to verify that our algorithms for mobility control maintain the desired instantaneous rates when routing through the wireless network. The tools we develop are integral to the fielding of teams of robots with robust wireless network capabilities

    Implementation of distributed partitioning algorithms using mobile Wheelphones

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    This thesis presents the implementation process of partitioning algorithms from the theorical ideas to sperimental result


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    Since the eighties localization and mapping problems have attracted the efforts of robotics researchers. However in the last decade, thanks to the increasing capabilities of the new electronic devices, many new related challenges have been posed, such as swarm robotics, aerial vehicles, autonomous cars and robotics networks. Efficiency, robustness and scalability play a key role in these scenarios. Efficiency is intended as an ability for an application to minimize the resources usage, in particular CPU time and memory space. In the aforementioned applications an underlying communication network is required so, for robustness we mean asynchronous algorithms resilient to delays and packet-losses. Finally scalability is the ability of an application to continue functioning without any dramatic performance degradation even if the number of devices involved keep increasing. In this thesis the interest is focused on parametric and non-parametric estimation algorithms ap- plied to localization and mapping in robotics. The main contribution can be summarized in the following four arguments: (i) Consensus-based localization We address the problem of optimal estimating the position of each agent in a network from relative noisy vectorial distances with its neighbors by means of only local communication and bounded complexity, independent of network size and topology. In particular we propose a consensus-based algorithm with the use of local memory variables which allows asynchronous implementation, has guaranteed exponential convergence to the optimal solution under simple deterministic and randomized communication protocols, and requires minimal packet transmission. In the randomized scenario, we then study the rate of convergence in expectation of the estimation error and we argue that it can be used to obtain upper and lower bound for the rate of converge in mean square. In particular, we show that for regular graphs, such as Cayley, Ramanujan, and complete graphs, the convergence rate in expectation has the same asymptotic degradation of memoryless asynchronous consensus algorithms in terms of network size. In addition, we show that the asynchronous implementation is also robust to delays and communication failures. We finally complement the analytical results with some numerical simulations, comparing the proposed strategy with other algorithms which have been recently proposed in the literature. (ii) Aerial Vehicles distributed localization: We study the problem of distributed multi- agent localization in presence of heterogeneous measurements and wireless communication. The proposed algorithm integrates low precision global sensors, like GPS and compasses, with more precise relative position (i.e., range plus bearing) sensors. Global sensors are used to reconstruct the absolute position and orientation, while relative sensors are used to retrieve the shape of the formation. A fast distributed and asynchronous linear least-squares algorithm is proposed to solve an approximated version of the non-linear Maximum Likelihood problem. The algorithm is provably shown to be robust to communication losses and random delays. The use of ACK-less broadcast-based communication protocols ensures an efficient and easy implementation in real world scenarios. If the relative measurement errors are sufficiently small, we show that the algorithm attains a solution which is very close to the maximum likelihood solution. The theoretical findings and the algorithm performances are extensively tested by means of Monte-Carlo simulations. (iii) Estimation and Coverage: We address the problem of optimal coverage of a region via multiple robots when the sensory field used to approximate the density of event appearance is not known in advance. We address this problem in the context of a client-server architecture in which the mobile robots can communicate with a base station via a possibly unreliable wireless network subject to packet losses. Based on Gaussian regression which allows to estimate the true sensory field with any arbitrary accuracy, we propose a randomised strategy in which the robots and the base station simultaneously estimate the true sensory distribution by collecting measurements and compute the corresponding optimal Voronoi partitions. This strategy is designed to promote exploration at the beginning and then smoothly transition to station the robots at the centroid of the estimated optimal Voronoi partitions. Under mild assumptions on the transmission failure probability, we prove that the proposed strategy guarantees the convergence of the estimated sensory field to the true field and that the corresponding Voronoi partitions asymptotically becomes arbitrarily close to an optimal Voronoi partition. Additionally, we also provide numerically efficient approximation that trade-off accuracy of the estimated map for reduced memory and CPU complexity. Finally, we provide a set of extensive simulations which confirm the effectiveness of the proposed approach. (iv) Non-parametric estimation of spatio-temporal fields: We address the problem of efficiently and optimally estimating an unknown time-varying function through the collection of noisy measurements. We cast our problem in the framework of non-parametric estimation and we assume that the unknown function is generated by a Gaussian process with a known covariance. Under mild assumptions on the kernel function, we propose a solution which links the standard Gaussian regression to the Kalman filtering thanks to the exploitation of a grid where measurements collection and estimation take place. This work show an efficient in time and space method to estimate time-varying function, which combine the advantages of the Gaussian regression, e.g. model-less, and of the Kalman filter, e.g. efficiency