2,342 research outputs found

    Intra-Camera Supervised Person Re-Identification

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    Existing person re-identification (re-id) methods mostly exploit a large set of cross-camera identity labelled training data. This requires a tedious data collection and annotation process, leading to poor scalability in practical re-id applications. On the other hand unsupervised re-id methods do not need identity label information, but they usually suffer from much inferior and insufficient model performance. To overcome these fundamental limitations, we propose a novel person re-identification paradigm based on an idea of independent per-camera identity annotation. This eliminates the most time-consuming and tedious inter-camera identity labelling process, significantly reducing the amount of human annotation efforts. Consequently, it gives rise to a more scalable and more feasible setting, which we call Intra-Camera Supervised (ICS) person re-id, for which we formulate a Multi-tAsk mulTi-labEl (MATE) deep learning method. Specifically, MATE is designed for self-discovering the cross-camera identity correspondence in a per-camera multi-task inference framework. Extensive experiments demonstrate the cost-effectiveness superiority of our method over the alternative approaches on three large person re-id datasets. For example, MATE yields 88.7% rank-1 score on Market-1501 in the proposed ICS person re-id setting, significantly outperforming unsupervised learning models and closely approaching conventional fully supervised learning competitors

    Learning Discriminative Features for Person Re-Identification

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    For fulfilling the requirements of public safety in modern cities, more and more large-scale surveillance camera systems are deployed, resulting in an enormous amount of visual data. Automatically processing and interpreting these data promote the development and application of visual data analytic technologies. As one of the important research topics in surveillance systems, person re-identification (re-id) aims at retrieving the target person across non-overlapping camera-views that are implemented in a number of distributed space-time locations. It is a fundamental problem for many practical surveillance applications, eg, person search, cross-camera tracking, multi-camera human behavior analysis and prediction, and it received considerable attentions nowadays from both academic and industrial domains. Learning discriminative feature representation is an essential task in person re-id. Although many methodologies have been proposed, discriminative re-id feature extraction is still a challenging problem due to: (1) Intra- and inter-personal variations. The intrinsic properties of the camera deployment in surveillance system lead to various changes in person poses, view-points, illumination conditions etc. This may result in the large intra-personal variations and/or small inter-personal variations, thus incurring problems in matching person images. (2) Domain variations. The domain variations between different datasets give rise to the problem of generalization capability of re-id model. Directly applying a re-id model trained on one dataset to another one usually causes a large performance degradation. (3) Difficulties in data creation and annotation. Existing person re-id methods, especially deep re-id methods, rely mostly on a large set of inter-camera identity labelled training data, requiring a tedious data collection and annotation process. This leads to poor scalability in practical person re-id applications. Corresponding to the challenges in learning discriminative re-id features, this thesis contributes to the re-id domain by proposing three related methodologies and one new re-id setting: (1) Gaussian mixture importance estimation. Handcrafted features are usually not discriminative enough for person re-id because of noisy information, such as background clutters. To precisely evaluate the similarities between person images, the main task of distance metric learning is to filter out the noisy information. Keep It Simple and Straightforward MEtric (KISSME) is an effective method in person re-id. However, it is sensitive to the feature dimensionality and cannot capture the multi-modes in dataset. To this end, a Gaussian Mixture Importance Estimation re-id approach is proposed, which exploits the Gaussian Mixture Models for estimating the observed commonalities of similar and dissimilar person pairs in the feature space. (2) Unsupervised domain-adaptive person re-id based on pedestrian attributes. In person re-id, person identities are usually not overlapped among different domains (or datasets) and this raises the difficulties in generalizing re-id models. Different from person identity, pedestrian attributes, eg., hair length, clothes type and color, are consistent across different domains (or datasets). However, most of re-id datasets lack attribute annotations. On the other hand, in the field of pedestrian attribute recognition, there is a number of datasets labeled with attributes. Exploiting such data for re-id purpose can alleviate the shortage of attribute annotations in re-id domain and improve the generalization capability of re-id model. To this end, an unsupervised domain-adaptive re-id feature learning framework is proposed to make full use of attribute annotations. Specifically, an existing unsupervised domain adaptation method has been extended to transfer attribute-based features from attribute recognition domain to the re-id domain. With the proposed re-id feature learning framework, the domain invariant feature representations can be effectively extracted. (3) Intra-camera supervised person re-id. Annotating the large-scale re-id datasets requires a tedious data collection and annotation process and therefore leads to poor scalability in practical person re-id applications. To overcome this fundamental limitation, a new person re-id setting is considered without inter-camera identity association but only with identity labels independently annotated within each camera-view. This eliminates the most time-consuming and tedious inter-camera identity association annotating process and thus significantly reduces the amount of human efforts required during annotation. It hence gives rise to a more scalable and more feasible learning scenario, which is named as Intra-Camera Supervised (ICS) person re-id. Under this ICS setting, a new re-id method, i.e., Multi-task Mulit-label (MATE) learning method, is formulated. Given no inter-camera association, MATE is specially designed for self-discovering the inter-camera identity correspondence. This is achieved by inter-camera multi-label learning under a joint multi-task inference framework. In addition, MATE can also efficiently learn the discriminative re-id feature representations using the available identity labels within each camera-view

    Pose Uncertainty Aware Movement Synchrony Estimation via Spatial-Temporal Graph Transformer

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    Movement synchrony reflects the coordination of body movements between interacting dyads. The estimation of movement synchrony has been automated by powerful deep learning models such as transformer networks. However, instead of designing a specialized network for movement synchrony estimation, previous transformer-based works broadly adopted architectures from other tasks such as human activity recognition. Therefore, this paper proposed a skeleton-based graph transformer for movement synchrony estimation. The proposed model applied ST-GCN, a spatial-temporal graph convolutional neural network for skeleton feature extraction, followed by a spatial transformer for spatial feature generation. The spatial transformer is guided by a uniquely designed joint position embedding shared between the same joints of interacting individuals. Besides, we incorporated a temporal similarity matrix in temporal attention computation considering the periodic intrinsic of body movements. In addition, the confidence score associated with each joint reflects the uncertainty of a pose, while previous works on movement synchrony estimation have not sufficiently emphasized this point. Since transformer networks demand a significant amount of data to train, we constructed a dataset for movement synchrony estimation using Human3.6M, a benchmark dataset for human activity recognition, and pretrained our model on it using contrastive learning. We further applied knowledge distillation to alleviate information loss introduced by pose detector failure in a privacy-preserving way. We compared our method with representative approaches on PT13, a dataset collected from autism therapy interventions. Our method achieved an overall accuracy of 88.98% and surpassed its counterparts by a wide margin while maintaining data privacy.Comment: Accepted by 24th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI'22). 17 pages, 2 figure

    On discovering and learning structure under limited supervision

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    Les formes, les surfaces, les événements et les objets (vivants et non vivants) constituent le monde. L'intelligence des agents naturels, tels que les humains, va au-delà de la simple reconnaissance de formes. Nous excellons à construire des représentations et à distiller des connaissances pour comprendre et déduire la structure du monde. Spécifiquement, le développement de telles capacités de raisonnement peut se produire même avec une supervision limitée. D'autre part, malgré son développement phénoménal, les succès majeurs de l'apprentissage automatique, en particulier des modèles d'apprentissage profond, se situent principalement dans les tâches qui ont accès à de grands ensembles de données annotées. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons de nouvelles solutions pour aider à combler cette lacune en permettant aux modèles d'apprentissage automatique d'apprendre la structure et de permettre un raisonnement efficace en présence de tâches faiblement supervisés. Le thème récurrent de la thèse tente de s'articuler autour de la question « Comment un système perceptif peut-il apprendre à organiser des informations sensorielles en connaissances utiles sous une supervision limitée ? » Et il aborde les thèmes de la géométrie, de la composition et des associations dans quatre articles distincts avec des applications à la vision par ordinateur (CV) et à l'apprentissage par renforcement (RL). Notre première contribution ---Pix2Shape---présente une approche basée sur l'analyse par synthèse pour la perception. Pix2Shape exploite des modèles génératifs probabilistes pour apprendre des représentations 3D à partir d'images 2D uniques. Le formalisme qui en résulte nous offre une nouvelle façon de distiller l'information d'une scène ainsi qu'une représentation puissantes des images. Nous y parvenons en augmentant l'apprentissage profond non supervisé avec des biais inductifs basés sur la physique pour décomposer la structure causale des images en géométrie, orientation, pose, réflectance et éclairage. Notre deuxième contribution ---MILe--- aborde les problèmes d'ambiguïté dans les ensembles de données à label unique tels que ImageNet. Il est souvent inapproprié de décrire une image avec un seul label lorsqu'il est composé de plus d'un objet proéminent. Nous montrons que l'intégration d'idées issues de la littérature linguistique cognitive et l'imposition de biais inductifs appropriés aident à distiller de multiples descriptions possibles à l'aide d'ensembles de données aussi faiblement étiquetés. Ensuite, nous passons au paradigme d'apprentissage par renforcement, et considérons un agent interagissant avec son environnement sans signal de récompense. Notre troisième contribution ---HaC--- est une approche non supervisée basée sur la curiosité pour apprendre les associations entre les modalités visuelles et tactiles. Cela aide l'agent à explorer l'environnement de manière autonome et à utiliser davantage ses connaissances pour s'adapter aux tâches en aval. La supervision dense des récompenses n'est pas toujours disponible (ou n'est pas facile à concevoir), dans de tels cas, une exploration efficace est utile pour générer un comportement significatif de manière auto-supervisée. Pour notre contribution finale, nous abordons l'information limitée contenue dans les représentations obtenues par des agents RL non supervisés. Ceci peut avoir un effet néfaste sur la performance des agents lorsque leur perception est basée sur des images de haute dimension. Notre approche a base de modèles combine l'exploration et la planification sans récompense pour affiner efficacement les modèles pré-formés non supervisés, obtenant des résultats comparables à un agent entraîné spécifiquement sur ces tâches. Il s'agit d'une étape vers la création d'agents capables de généraliser rapidement à plusieurs tâches en utilisant uniquement des images comme perception.Shapes, surfaces, events, and objects (living and non-living) constitute the world. The intelligence of natural agents, such as humans is beyond pattern recognition. We excel at building representations and distilling knowledge to understand and infer the structure of the world. Critically, the development of such reasoning capabilities can occur even with limited supervision. On the other hand, despite its phenomenal development, the major successes of machine learning, in particular, deep learning models are primarily in tasks that have access to large annotated datasets. In this dissertation, we propose novel solutions to help address this gap by enabling machine learning models to learn the structure and enable effective reasoning in the presence of weakly supervised settings. The recurring theme of the thesis tries to revolve around the question of "How can a perceptual system learn to organize sensory information into useful knowledge under limited supervision?" And it discusses the themes of geometry, compositions, and associations in four separate articles with applications to computer vision (CV) and reinforcement learning (RL). Our first contribution ---Pix2Shape---presents an analysis-by-synthesis based approach(also referred to as inverse graphics) for perception. Pix2Shape leverages probabilistic generative models to learn 3D-aware representations from single 2D images. The resulting formalism allows us to perform a novel view synthesis of a scene and produce powerful representations of images. We achieve this by augmenting unsupervised learning with physically based inductive biases to decompose a scene structure into geometry, pose, reflectance and lighting. Our Second contribution ---MILe--- addresses the ambiguity issues in single-labeled datasets such as ImageNet. It is often inappropriate to describe an image with a single label when it is composed of more than one prominent object. We show that integrating ideas from Cognitive linguistic literature and imposing appropriate inductive biases helps in distilling multiple possible descriptions using such weakly labeled datasets. Next, moving into the RL setting, we consider an agent interacting with its environment without a reward signal. Our third Contribution ---HaC--- is a curiosity based unsupervised approach to learning associations between visual and tactile modalities. This aids the agent to explore the environment in an analogous self-guided fashion and further use this knowledge to adapt to downstream tasks. In the absence of reward supervision, intrinsic movitivation is useful to generate meaningful behavior in a self-supervised manner. In our final contribution, we address the representation learning bottleneck in unsupervised RL agents that has detrimental effect on the performance on high-dimensional pixel based inputs. Our model-based approach combines reward-free exploration and planning to efficiently fine-tune unsupervised pre-trained models, achieving comparable results to task-specific baselines. This is a step towards building agents that can generalize quickly on more than a single task using image inputs alone

    Vision-based Person Re-identification in a Queue

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    A Comprehensive Survey on Test-Time Adaptation under Distribution Shifts

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    Machine learning methods strive to acquire a robust model during training that can generalize well to test samples, even under distribution shifts. However, these methods often suffer from a performance drop due to unknown test distributions. Test-time adaptation (TTA), an emerging paradigm, has the potential to adapt a pre-trained model to unlabeled data during testing, before making predictions. Recent progress in this paradigm highlights the significant benefits of utilizing unlabeled data for training self-adapted models prior to inference. In this survey, we divide TTA into several distinct categories, namely, test-time (source-free) domain adaptation, test-time batch adaptation, online test-time adaptation, and test-time prior adaptation. For each category, we provide a comprehensive taxonomy of advanced algorithms, followed by a discussion of different learning scenarios. Furthermore, we analyze relevant applications of TTA and discuss open challenges and promising areas for future research. A comprehensive list of TTA methods can be found at \url{https://github.com/tim-learn/awesome-test-time-adaptation}.Comment: Discussions, comments, and questions are all welcomed in \url{https://github.com/tim-learn/awesome-test-time-adaptation
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