306 research outputs found

    Coarse-to-fine Knowledge Graph Domain Adaptation based on Distantly-supervised Iterative Training

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    Modern supervised learning neural network models require a large amount of manually labeled data, which makes the construction of domain-specific knowledge graphs time-consuming and labor-intensive. In parallel, although there has been much research on named entity recognition and relation extraction based on distantly supervised learning, constructing a domain-specific knowledge graph from large collections of textual data without manual annotations is still an urgent problem to be solved. In response, we propose an integrated framework for adapting and re-learning knowledge graphs from one coarse domain (biomedical) to a finer-define domain (oncology). In this framework, we apply distant-supervision on cross-domain knowledge graph adaptation. Consequently, no manual data annotation is required to train the model. We introduce a novel iterative training strategy to facilitate the discovery of domain-specific named entities and triples. Experimental results indicate that the proposed framework can perform domain adaptation and construction of knowledge graph efficiently

    Visually Grounded Commonsense Knowledge Acquisition

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    Large-scale commonsense knowledge bases empower a broad range of AI applications, where the automatic extraction of commonsense knowledge (CKE) is a fundamental and challenging problem. CKE from text is known for suffering from the inherent sparsity and reporting bias of commonsense in text. Visual perception, on the other hand, contains rich commonsense knowledge about real-world entities, e.g., (person, can_hold, bottle), which can serve as promising sources for acquiring grounded commonsense knowledge. In this work, we present CLEVER, which formulates CKE as a distantly supervised multi-instance learning problem, where models learn to summarize commonsense relations from a bag of images about an entity pair without any human annotation on image instances. To address the problem, CLEVER leverages vision-language pre-training models for deep understanding of each image in the bag, and selects informative instances from the bag to summarize commonsense entity relations via a novel contrastive attention mechanism. Comprehensive experimental results in held-out and human evaluation show that CLEVER can extract commonsense knowledge in promising quality, outperforming pre-trained language model-based methods by 3.9 AUC and 6.4 mAUC points. The predicted commonsense scores show strong correlation with human judgment with a 0.78 Spearman coefficient. Moreover, the extracted commonsense can also be grounded into images with reasonable interpretability. The data and codes can be obtained at https://github.com/thunlp/CLEVER.Comment: Accepted by AAAI 202

    Text Mining for Pathway Curation

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    Biolog:innen untersuchen häufig Pathways, Netzwerke von Interaktionen zwischen Proteinen und Genen mit einer spezifischen Funktion. Neue Erkenntnisse über Pathways werden in der Regel zunächst in Publikationen veröffentlicht und dann in strukturierter Form in Lehrbüchern, Datenbanken oder mathematischen Modellen weitergegeben. Deren Kuratierung kann jedoch aufgrund der hohen Anzahl von Publikationen sehr aufwendig sein. In dieser Arbeit untersuchen wir wie Text Mining Methoden die Kuratierung unterstützen können. Wir stellen PEDL vor, ein Machine-Learning-Modell zur Extraktion von Protein-Protein-Assoziationen (PPAs) aus biomedizinischen Texten. PEDL verwendet Distant Supervision und vortrainierte Sprachmodelle, um eine höhere Genauigkeit als vergleichbare Methoden zu erreichen. Eine Evaluation durch Expert:innen bestätigt die Nützlichkeit von PEDLs für Pathway-Kurator:innen. Außerdem stellen wir PEDL+ vor, ein Kommandozeilen-Tool, mit dem auch Nicht-Expert:innen PPAs effizient extrahieren können. Drei Kurator:innen bewerten 55,6 % bis 79,6 % der von PEDL+ gefundenen PPAs als nützlich für ihre Arbeit. Die große Anzahl von PPAs, die durch Text Mining identifiziert werden, kann für Forscher:innen überwältigend sein. Um hier Abhilfe zu schaffen, stellen wir PathComplete vor, ein Modell, das nützliche Erweiterungen eines Pathways vorschlägt. Es ist die erste Pathway-Extension-Methode, die auf überwachtem maschinellen Lernen basiert. Unsere Experimente zeigen, dass PathComplete wesentlich genauer ist als existierende Methoden. Schließlich schlagen wir eine Methode vor, um Pathways mit komplexen Ereignisstrukturen zu erweitern. Hier übertrifft unsere neue Methode zur konditionalen Graphenmodifikation die derzeit beste Methode um 13-24% Genauigkeit in drei Benchmarks. Insgesamt zeigen unsere Ergebnisse, dass Deep Learning basierte Informationsextraktion eine vielversprechende Grundlage für die Unterstützung von Pathway-Kurator:innen ist.Biological knowledge often involves understanding the interactions between molecules, such as proteins and genes, that form functional networks called pathways. New knowledge about pathways is typically communicated through publications and later condensed into structured formats such as textbooks, pathway databases or mathematical models. However, curating updated pathway models can be labour-intensive due to the growing volume of publications. This thesis investigates text mining methods to support pathway curation. We present PEDL (Protein-Protein-Association Extraction with Deep Language Models), a machine learning model designed to extract protein-protein associations (PPAs) from biomedical text. PEDL uses distant supervision and pre-trained language models to achieve higher accuracy than the state of the art. An expert evaluation confirms its usefulness for pathway curators. We also present PEDL+, a command-line tool that allows non-expert users to efficiently extract PPAs. When applied to pathway curation tasks, 55.6% to 79.6% of PEDL+ extractions were found useful by curators. The large number of PPAs identified by text mining can be overwhelming for researchers. To help, we present PathComplete, a model that suggests potential extensions to a pathway. It is the first method based on supervised machine learning for this task, using transfer learning from pathway databases. Our evaluations show that PathComplete significantly outperforms existing methods. Finally, we generalise pathway extension from PPAs to more realistic complex events. Here, our novel method for conditional graph modification outperforms the current best by 13-24% accuracy on three benchmarks. We also present a new dataset for event-based pathway extension. Overall, our results show that deep learning-based information extraction is a promising basis for supporting pathway curators