100,403 research outputs found

    Distance-uniform graphs with large diameter

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    An ϵ-distance-uniform graph is one with a critical distance d such that from every vertex, all but at most an ϵ-fraction of the remaining vertices are at distance exactly d. Motivated by the theory of network creation games, Alon, Demaine, Hajiaghayi, and Leighton made the follow- ing conjecture of independent interest: that every ϵ-distance-uniform graph (and, in fact, a broader class of ϵ-distance-almost-uniform graphs) has critical distance at most logarithmic in the number of vertices n. We disprove this conjecture and characterize the asymptotics of this extremal prob- lem. Speci-cally, for 1/n ≤ ϵ ≤ 1 /log n , we construct ϵ-distance-uniform graphs with critical distance 2ω(log n/log ϵ-1). We also prove an upper bound on the critical distance of the form 2O(log n/log ϵ-1) for all ϵ and n. Our lower bound construction introduces a novel method inspired by the Tower of Hanoi puzzle and may itself be of independent interest.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Decompositions into subgraphs of small diameter

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    We investigate decompositions of a graph into a small number of low diameter subgraphs. Let P(n,\epsilon,d) be the smallest k such that every graph G=(V,E) on n vertices has an edge partition E=E_0 \cup E_1 \cup ... \cup E_k such that |E_0| \leq \epsilon n^2 and for all 1 \leq i \leq k the diameter of the subgraph spanned by E_i is at most d. Using Szemer\'edi's regularity lemma, Polcyn and Ruci\'nski showed that P(n,\epsilon,4) is bounded above by a constant depending only \epsilon. This shows that every dense graph can be partitioned into a small number of ``small worlds'' provided that few edges can be ignored. Improving on their result, we determine P(n,\epsilon,d) within an absolute constant factor, showing that P(n,\epsilon,2) = \Theta(n) is unbounded for \epsilon n^{-1/2} and P(n,\epsilon,4) = \Theta(1/\epsilon) for \epsilon > n^{-1}. We also prove that if G has large minimum degree, all the edges of G can be covered by a small number of low diameter subgraphs. Finally, we extend some of these results to hypergraphs, improving earlier work of Polcyn, R\"odl, Ruci\'nski, and Szemer\'edi.Comment: 18 page

    Moving in temporal graphs with very sparse random availability of edges

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    In this work we consider temporal graphs, i.e. graphs, each edge of which is assigned a set of discrete time-labels drawn from a set of integers. The labels of an edge indicate the discrete moments in time at which the edge is available. We also consider temporal paths in a temporal graph, i.e. paths whose edges are assigned a strictly increasing sequence of labels. Furthermore, we assume the uniform case (UNI-CASE), in which every edge of a graph is assigned exactly one time label from a set of integers and the time labels assigned to the edges of the graph are chosen randomly and independently, with the selection following the uniform distribution. We call uniform random temporal graphs the graphs that satisfy the UNI-CASE. We begin by deriving the expected number of temporal paths of a given length in the uniform random temporal clique. We define the term temporal distance of two vertices, which is the arrival time, i.e. the time-label of the last edge, of the temporal path that connects those vertices, which has the smallest arrival time amongst all temporal paths that connect those vertices. We then propose and study two statistical properties of temporal graphs. One is the maximum expected temporal distance which is, as the term indicates, the maximum of all expected temporal distances in the graph. The other one is the temporal diameter which, loosely speaking, is the expectation of the maximum temporal distance in the graph. We derive the maximum expected temporal distance of a uniform random temporal star graph as well as an upper bound on both the maximum expected temporal distance and the temporal diameter of the normalized version of the uniform random temporal clique, in which the largest time-label available equals the number of vertices. Finally, we provide an algorithm that solves an optimization problem on a specific type of temporal (multi)graphs of two vertices.Comment: 30 page