5 research outputs found

    Distance Measures for Reduced Ordering Based Vector Filters

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    Reduced ordering based vector filters have proved successful in removing long-tailed noise from color images while preserving edges and fine image details. These filters commonly utilize variants of the Minkowski distance to order the color vectors with the aim of distinguishing between noisy and noise-free vectors. In this paper, we review various alternative distance measures and evaluate their performance on a large and diverse set of images using several effectiveness and efficiency criteria. The results demonstrate that there are in fact strong alternatives to the popular Minkowski metrics

    Median centred difference gradient operator and its application in watershed segmentation

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    Adaptive Marginal Median Filter for Colour Images

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    This paper describes a new filter for impulse noise reduction in colour images which is aimed at improving the noise reduction capability of the classical vector median filter. The filter is inspired by the application of a vector marginal median filtering process over a selected group of pixels in each filtering window. This selection, which is based on the vector median, along with the application of the marginal median operation constitutes an adaptive process that leads to a more robust filter design. Also, the proposed method is able to process colour images without introducing colour artifacts. Experimental results show that the images filtered with the proposed method contain less noisy pixels than those obtained through the vector median filter

    El concepto de métrica fuzzy a través del filtrado de imágenes digitales

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    [EN] Fuzzy logic has been recently successfully used in several Engineering applications. In particular, fuzzy metrics have been applied to color image filtering improving, in many cases, classical filters results. In this work we study the notion of fuzzy metric and present a simulation model which allows postgraduate students to understand this notion and study the fuzzy metrics properties through color image filtering.[ES] La lógica fuzzy ha sido utilizada recientemente en numerosas aplicaciones de la ingeniería con resultados exitosos. En particular, las métricas fuzzy han sido aplicadas al filtrado de imágenes en color mejorando, en muchos casos, los resultados de los filtros clásicos. En este trabajo abordamos la noción de métrica fuzzy y presentamos un modelo de simulación que permite a los alumnos de postgrado conocer esta noción y acceder a las propiedades de las métricas fuzzy a través del filtrado de imágenes en color.Valentín Gregori agradece la ayuda del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad MTM 2012-37894-C02-01, Samuel Morillas y Almanzor Sapena agradecen la ayuda del Ministerio de Educación MTM2009-12872-C02-01.Camarena, J.; Gregori, V.; Morillas, S.; Sapena, A. (2013). El concepto de métrica fuzzy a través del filtrado de imágenes digitales. Modelling in Science Education and Learning. 6(3):5-17. doi:10.4995/msel.2013.1976SWORD5176