24,332 research outputs found

    Distance Preserving Graph Simplification

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    Large graphs are difficult to represent, visualize, and understand. In this paper, we introduce "gate graph" - a new approach to perform graph simplification. A gate graph provides a simplified topological view of the original graph. Specifically, we construct a gate graph from a large graph so that for any "non-local" vertex pair (distance higher than some threshold) in the original graph, their shortest-path distance can be recovered by consecutive "local" walks through the gate vertices in the gate graph. We perform a theoretical investigation on the gate-vertex set discovery problem. We characterize its computational complexity and reveal the upper bound of minimum gate-vertex set using VC-dimension theory. We propose an efficient mining algorithm to discover a gate-vertex set with guaranteed logarithmic bound. We further present a fast technique for pruning redundant edges in a gate graph. The detailed experimental results using both real and synthetic graphs demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of our approach.Comment: A short version of this paper will be published for ICDM'11, December 201

    Progressive Simplification of Polygonal Curves

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    Simplifying polygonal curves at different levels of detail is an important problem with many applications. Existing geometric optimization algorithms are only capable of minimizing the complexity of a simplified curve for a single level of detail. We present an O(n3m)O(n^3m)-time algorithm that takes a polygonal curve of n vertices and produces a set of consistent simplifications for m scales while minimizing the cumulative simplification complexity. This algorithm is compatible with distance measures such as the Hausdorff, the Fr\'echet and area-based distances, and enables simplification for continuous scaling in O(n5)O(n^5) time. To speed up this algorithm in practice, we present new techniques for constructing and representing so-called shortcut graphs. Experimental evaluation of these techniques on trajectory data reveals a significant improvement of using shortcut graphs for progressive and non-progressive curve simplification, both in terms of running time and memory usage.Comment: 20 pages, 20 figure

    Subdivision surface fitting to a dense mesh using ridges and umbilics

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    Fitting a sparse surface to approximate vast dense data is of interest for many applications: reverse engineering, recognition and compression, etc. The present work provides an approach to fit a Loop subdivision surface to a dense triangular mesh of arbitrary topology, whilst preserving and aligning the original features. The natural ridge-joined connectivity of umbilics and ridge-crossings is used as the connectivity of the control mesh for subdivision, so that the edges follow salient features on the surface. Furthermore, the chosen features and connectivity characterise the overall shape of the original mesh, since ridges capture extreme principal curvatures and ridges start and end at umbilics. A metric of Hausdorff distance including curvature vectors is proposed and implemented in a distance transform algorithm to construct the connectivity. Ridge-colour matching is introduced as a criterion for edge flipping to improve feature alignment. Several examples are provided to demonstrate the feature-preserving capability of the proposed approach

    Error-Bounded and Feature Preserving Surface Remeshing with Minimal Angle Improvement

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    The typical goal of surface remeshing consists in finding a mesh that is (1) geometrically faithful to the original geometry, (2) as coarse as possible to obtain a low-complexity representation and (3) free of bad elements that would hamper the desired application. In this paper, we design an algorithm to address all three optimization goals simultaneously. The user specifies desired bounds on approximation error {\delta}, minimal interior angle {\theta} and maximum mesh complexity N (number of vertices). Since such a desired mesh might not even exist, our optimization framework treats only the approximation error bound {\delta} as a hard constraint and the other two criteria as optimization goals. More specifically, we iteratively perform carefully prioritized local operators, whenever they do not violate the approximation error bound and improve the mesh otherwise. In this way our optimization framework greedily searches for the coarsest mesh with minimal interior angle above {\theta} and approximation error bounded by {\delta}. Fast runtime is enabled by a local approximation error estimation, while implicit feature preservation is obtained by specifically designed vertex relocation operators. Experiments show that our approach delivers high-quality meshes with implicitly preserved features and better balances between geometric fidelity, mesh complexity and element quality than the state-of-the-art.Comment: 14 pages, 20 figures. Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphic
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